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The LGBTIQ Rights and Discussion Thread Social

Discussion in 'Politics Forum' started by Melody Bot, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    The LGBTIQ Rights and Discussion Thread
  2. Nick Mar 8, 2016
    (Last edited: Mar 8, 2016)

    @fangclubb Prestigious

  3. PyramidPostcard

    avocado squirrel rides again Prestigious

    Public nonconsensual outings of trans people are acts of violence. Period. I'm so sick of this twisted form of visibility the last few years
  4. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    Agreed, it's a really disgusting practice. It's horrible to see.
  5. Malatesta

    i may get better but we won't ever get well Prestigious

    it's super cool that both siblings can be who they are now, although it seriously stinks that she couldn't do it on her terms.
    Nick likes this.
  6. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    Been thinking about this a lot lately, since I've been working in a research lab and have been making forms for questionnaires. I'm considering bringing up to my lab for us to make a change to our documents for the future that have to do with sex/gender. Generally it's listed as gender, and only having a male/female answer. I want to talk to the PIs in the lab and see what exactly they're looking for, whether it's biological sex or identified gender. It's a weird topic but I know that to some people it could be pretty triggering, so I think it's an important discussion to have. Curious what others think about this as well.
    Nick likes this.
  7. Malatesta

    i may get better but we won't ever get well Prestigious

    what kind of lab do you work in?
  8. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Supporter

    Not sure what type of lab you're in but it's biological sex for us.
  9. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    It's a psychology lab but has a lot of biological components. I'm sure it is biological sex but on questionnaires lots of things are listed as gender rather than sex, and I think that's something we should make a conscious effort to be aware of
  10. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Supporter

    I think I see what you're saying.One case we had, we treated a patient who was transgender and identified as a male. After testing, we could only come to the conclusion that prostate cancer was the diagnosis that made sense. We then learned he was biologically female so that told us he was pregnant since HCG is the common denominator. I would think in a psychological sense it should definitely be gender and how you identify. I could be totally misunderstanding you though.
  11. Malatesta

    i may get better but we won't ever get well Prestigious

    yeah i think it's worth bringing up with your PIs, especially in a field like psychology i think it's a good thing to be aware of how gender/sex diverge and try to work with that by being clear, specific, and as inclusive as possible. might differ depending on what function the questionnaires serve but worth at least throwing ideas around, i would think.
    AelNire likes this.
  12. nfdv2

    Trusted Prestigious

    what's the purpose of asking for it? is it for demographic purposes (e.g. x male, x female were recruited for this study) or are you actually looking for significant results based on gender/sex?

    in either case, i would say go with gender and include an 'other' option unless you're looking for significant results and have strong reason to believe that sex-related characteristics would impact them.
  13. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    I don't know what the PIs are actually looking for. I'm sure there's some gender/sex related analyses they're looking at
  14. morgantayler

    Human Typo Prestigious

  15. Malatesta

    i may get better but we won't ever get well Prestigious

    I'm not often surprised by how much our country shits on the LGBTQ community, but North Carolina has done it: you now cannot pass anti-lgbtq discrimination legislation in the state, a protection nobody knew they wanted and still are pretty sure they don't want because why would you not want to even protect the queer community against discrimination.
  16. North Carolina's anti-trans law is downright dangerous | Zach Stafford
    I’m not jumping to conclusions here. An analysis of data compiled by the National Transgender Discrimination Survey last month shows that when young people are denied access to a restroom that aligns with their gender identity, their rates of suicide go up.

    Translation: not allowing trans youth to use a bathroom only perpetuates feelings of isolation or depression that lead 41% of transgender people to attempt kill themselves at some point in their lives, compared to the 4.6% in the general population.
  17. PS: If there should be a separate thread for sharing articles that are depressing/annoying/shitty, please let me know and I'll move these elsewhere.
  18. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Supporter

    Dirty Sanchez and Jason Tate like this.
  19. morgantayler

    Human Typo Prestigious

    @Jason Tate I feel like it's fine to post that type of stuff in here, especially considering the article you shared specifically deals with the rights of trans individuals.

    Ugh, it's so depressing to see that get passed. I'm not super familiar with the law making process but is there anyway that could be repealed?

    On top of that I really hope Gov. Deal rejects the anti-gay bill for Georgia.
    carina, Jason Tate and AelNire like this.
  20. Malatesta

    i may get better but we won't ever get well Prestigious

    i think that's actually what this thread is for, iirc this is the "downer/realism for queer rights" thread to balance out the "positivity/community" queer thread that we have in General i think. so ur good afaik
    PyramidPostcard likes this.
  21. morgantayler

    Human Typo Prestigious

    Gov. Deal is going to veto the bill.
    AelNire likes this.
  22. BirdPerson

    fuck tammy! Prestigious

    No more PL forum? Am I missing it? I like posting with my people not in the context of political BS. If I have to make one in general I will but ehhhhh who likes change not me.
    KimmyGibbler likes this.
  23. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

  24. bliss_forever


  25. Malatesta

    i may get better but we won't ever get well Prestigious

    i don't remember your name but i feel like i remember your avatar from AP. hallo!