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The Chorus Music Club Society • Page 212

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by The Black Parade, Nov 20, 2017.

  1. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    They are just fun, happy records.
    teebs41 and anonimito like this.
  2. cshadows2887 Mar 20, 2018
    (Last edited: Mar 20, 2018)

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    Listened to Cafe Tacvba's Re thanks to @Kiana 's recommendation. It is...really something. Haha. I think the language barrier is too much for me here, mostly because he has such an odd voice. If I understood the lyrics, I would probably be into the quirky vocals (as I frequently am), but when it's just there as just sound, it doesn't work for me. I love that they leap from genre to genre. 90's sample-funk one one song, and then they rip thrash on "El Borrego" and then follow it with a traditional little shuffle like "Esa noche" (my favorite track). Also a pretty big fan of "Ixtepec" which has no idea what genre it wants to be in the best kind of way and "EL Metro", which is a jam and a half. This is clearly an absurdly talented band and I wish the culture barrier wasn't there.
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  3. highfidelity203

    Hailey, It Happens Prestigious

    The Naked and Famous - Passive Me, Aggressive You (Somewhat Damaged; 2010)

    This is the second record I received from @nickyeatworld

    The Naked and Famous are an indie electronic band from New Zealand and Passive Me, Aggressive You is their debut full length record released in 2010. Before hearing this record I was familiar with the name and general style of the band but that's about it.

    The album opens with "All of This" which ended up as one of my favorite tracks on the record. At times the song felt a bit like Hellogoodbye and I loved the light guitar flourishes mixed with the constant pounding drum beat. Once the song hit the down-played chorus I was hooked. "Punching the Dream" follows opening with an airy synth hook and fuzzed out bass line giving way to a side-chained vocal hook in the chorus. The male and female vocal dynamics stood out to me the most on this track. After the one two punch of "All of This" and "Punching the Dream" (inadvertent pun) the band moves into the third track "Frayed". Upon initial listen I assumed this track was a stylistic departure from the remainder of the record since it moves away from the indie/electro-pop sound into a slightly darker feel bringing heavy/fuzzed guitars into the fold. The band will revisit this style again on "Jilted Lovers" and "A Wolf in Geeks Clothing" both of which did nothing for me. "The Frayed" is followed by a short interlude called "The Source" which gives the listener the feeling that side one of the album is complete.

    "The Sun" opens what I have deemed a long side two of the record with a Fragile-era Nine Inch Nails vibe that mellows the mood only to be brought back up with the M83 inspired "Eyes". "Young Blood" is a return to the anthemic style of first two tracks and makes me wish the band spent less time with the guitar heavier tracks mentioned above and included more of their brand of electro-pop. "No Way" is a slower acoustic feeling track with killer harmonies and adds a nice dynamic following "Young Blood". "Spank" is a throwaway track and adds nothing to the record. "Jilted Lovers" and "A Wolf in Geek's Clothing" put a drag on the back half of the record along with the useless interlude "The Ends". The record closes with another favorite track "Girls Like You" which falls into the M83 vein with an epic feel throughout.

    Overall, I really enjoyed over half of this record. There seems to be two core versions of The Naked and Famous - one involves distorted guitars up front in the mix and less of a focus on vocal melodies and more on aggression and the other (my preference) has the band focusing on indie/electro-pop anthems. Occasionally the band pulls influence from other styles like M83/the 80's on "Eyes" and I can almost here "Girls Like You" performed by a pop-punk band with the right instrumentation. The debut full length is a bit of a mixed bag from a band that sounds like they are still trying to formulate their sound.


    Favorite Tracks:
    All of This
    Young Blood
    Girls Like You
  4. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    His voice is barely tolerable for me also lol. I think it only kinda works for me cause it can be a bit satirical/jokey at times haha
  5. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    Yeah I feel like if I spoke the language (enough to process the nuance) I'd be all over this. I'm still really glad I listened to it. The amount of styles they play on one album is bonkers.
    Nate_Johnson and Kiana like this.
  6. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    Finally listening to a rec from my first week by @Nate_Johnson:

    Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Wrong Creatures

    I totally get the appeal of this band generally. But they lost me somewhere in the middle. They have a well-developed sound and some nice sonic touches (the outro on "Question of Faith" in particular is hypnotic and cool) but it all started to blend after a few songs. The strongest part of the record are the guitar touches when they get murky and atmospheric and droll.
  7. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    No worries. I love how your reviews just get to the point.
    teebs41 and JediMasterKevo182 like this.
  8. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    Sometimes it's hard to get that in depth on a first or second listen. The Toy Cars album was a total win, btw.
  9. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    That’s a very good album.
  10. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

  11. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I think its time I make good on my words to @Spenny and do my two write ups for the albums he gave me tonight! Here we go.

    Marianas Trench- Fix Me
    First off, love the album cover. It kind of looks like something from an old playstation game, like Resident Evil or something. Anyway, this is Marianas Trench, a Canadian rock band that I had not heard of until @Spenny started running a bracket for them on Chorus. I listened to some of their songs in order to vote in some of the rounds of his bracket, but this recommendation was my first time listening to a whole album of theirs. So what exactly are they? A pop rock act of the sunny kind, they swim in the streams of bands like Boys Like Girls, We The Kings, and The Spill Canvas. If you are a fan of those guys, but want a little more (ok a LOT more) pop in the sound, this may be what you were looking for.

    Starting off the album with their lead single 'Say Anything', I hate to say I was actually turned off by this song and album initially on my first album listen. The some of the very first lines of this song is "That little bitch with her head held so high
    Talking shit when I cut myself so I could feel something I know is not a lie.", and the way its sung as well as referring to her as 'a little bitch' kind of made me cringe. Luckily, on repeat listens the song's other lyrics kind of grew on me, as well as the rest of their sound did. These guys are very poppy in places, such as in the intro of the fifth track 'Shake Tramp' which starts with boy band crooning of the stereotypical kind. The album has moments that are basically if Boys To Men learned to play rock music. There are moments on this album I actually really liked though on first listen, such as the acoustic starting rock ballad song of 'Alibis', which was actually a very heart felt song. Marianas Trench seems to be at their strongest when they tone down the poppier elements of the music and focus on earnest lyrics, which there are a few occasions of that on here. 'Low' is a pretty catchy song, and a bit more on the rock side with some pretty good lyrics that have a great flow to them and will get stuck in your head. Honestly, its one of the stronger moments on the album, in my opinion. 'Push' is the same, and is actually a song that I had heard before listening to this album. Its actually a bit of a heavier song in certain parts guitar wise, which was a sound from this band I actually kind of dug. One thing I did learn when researching the band is that this album was on Chad Kroeger (@Larry David @bachna84 )'s label, and his finger prints kind of show up in more places than I would like on these songs. In following Spenny's bracket, I have heard some of this band's later works, and I found those sounding much different and being much more enjoyable.

    This album has its moments, but sadly its not one that I see myself returning to very often. It has its moments, such as with 'Alibis' and 'Low', but I found myself preferring their later work than this 2006 release by a very large margin. I wanted to like this album a bit more since Spenny likes them so much, but I just really couldn't get into it. Their later stuff is much better, but this album gets a big OK in my book. I am sorry Spenny! There are some honorable mentions, such as their sound in Alibis, and the harder rock sound on the guitars in Push, but some parts of this album were just too much sometimes. Stand Out tracks: 'Alibis', 'Low', 'Push'. 5.5/10

    The Spill Canvas- One Fell Swoop
    These guys I was a bit more familiar with. I have certainly heard them being talked about before, and I know for a fact my fiancée listens to them quite a bit (I specifically have heard her play the song 'Not Over You' from one of their later releases quite a bit when shes getting her make up read to go out or something. But I digress). This album I found much more enjoyable than 'Fix You', and I ended up recognizing some of the songs on the album even though before this I would have sworn to you I hadn't heard any of their songs (I didn't know that's who my fiancée was listening to). At 13 songs running about 56 minutes, this album is a bit on the longer side than you would expect from a band of this genre; however I am happy to say that the album never feels that long and most of the songs flow very well. Falling more into the alternative/emo sound than Marianas did, Spenny knew what he was doing giving me this album as it was definitely within my wheel house. You can hear influences of Saves The Day, Copeland, and Maroon 5 through this album while still making their own sound.

    'Lust A Prime Vista' has a very cool beat and is a good intro to this album. It doesn't overstay its welcome, and is a catchy song with some simple lyrics to kind of get the ball rolling. There is a clapping beat that is used very interesting, and it has some memorable music moments. 'Staplegunned', the second song on the album, is where the album really gets going though. This one is a catchy banger, and it was one that instantly stuck out with me on even my first listen of this album. Its lyrics deal with a very routine topic, being in love and pursuing someone, but taking it into a bit of an angrier twist (lyrically, its not angry vocally). 'Polygraph, Right Now!' keeps the momentum going nicely, with this sick cool slow intro that leads into a very nice drum line. This one is even angrier lyrically, and is very bitter. I really liked the flat out anger this song demonstrates, and I will say this is probably my favorite song here; the chorus is something that will get caught in your head easily. A lot of these songs have to do with love; whether it be the pining and desire to be in love such as another cool song, 'Teleport A & B', or an angrier look at it such as 'Himerous and Eros', this is a topic that this album explores in spades. Musically, they are a bit on the softer side with low, strummed guitars for the most part and smooth bass lines. Drums are very standout on this album, and they sometimes take more of a foreground than the guitars do, which is not a bad thing; in fact its a cool thing to see. There are some big songs on here that I could have seen being on the radio, such as 'Valiant', which starts off with a cool acoustic guitar before kicking off into a strummed riff. These guys are niche, but they do it so well you cannot help but find something to like about it especially with their earnest and passionate lyrics.

    I found myself quite liking this album. Sure, there are songs that I wish were a bit heavier, and I wish we had more moments like my second favorite track on the album, Valiant, which was a bit more on the faster side than the rest of the album usually went, but they are skilled enough that the slow songs are still very good. I recommend it, especially if you are a fan of somber, laid back rock music with lyrics about the ups and downs of love and romance. I will return to this album most likely, and I will probably be checking out their later stuff. My stand out tracks on this one are: Staplegunned, Polygraph, Right Now!, Teleport A & B, Himerous and Eros, Valiant, Bound To Happen.

    Thanks for the recs, @Spenny !
  12. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    I appreciate you following the “tag @bachna84 and @Larry David when referencing Nickelback” rule
  13. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    this will always be funny to me

    JediMasterKevo182 likes this.
  14. Spenny


    Nice reviews! I think that Fix Me is Marianas Trench’s weakest album, so I definitely feel where you’re coming from on most things. No love for Skin & Bones though!? ;) Fix Me holds up for me today mostly due to nostalgia, as it was one of my fave albums in high school, but even though it isn’t my favourite of theirs anymore there are definitely gems on there. Happy that you enjoy Alibis as much as I do!

    And really happy you like One Fell Swoop! The Spill Canvas has been one of my faves for a long time, so I always get excited when other people discover them and find stuff to love as well. One of the most underrated bands of all time, calling it.
    JediMasterKevo182 likes this.
  15. disambigujason


    Alright so I have another batch of late reviews. But now life is back on track so forgive me. A couple weeks ago the best of Rochester were paired up and @Larry David first recommended me Third Eye Blind’s self-titled album.

    As a youngin’, I knew the singles and knew i liked them. But one day I heard one in particular I liked playing in a store and made sure to remember it. “I’ll keep you by my side with my superhuman might, kryptonite.” For years I thought it was “my superhuman, my kryptonite,” but I digress. I’m glad I finally got to hear this in full because when paired with “here without you,” I thought 3EB put out some of the best tunes from the nickelback/daughtry/etc scene.

    Lol jk. As good as kryptonite is, I am indeed glad I finally got to listen to this in full, as I only knew semi charmed life and jumper previously, the latter I didn’t even know was 3EB until like 2 years ago. To add insult to injury, I didn’t even have any connection to SCL aside from just thinking it was catchy until this summer, when I took a summer course with strangers and we went out for karaoke on the 3rd night and a couple people did that song. I soon developed a little crush on one of em and that is now my association for it and I do really love it even more now. It quickly became a new level of nostalgia for me. So all that said, I was pretty ready to go into this. The opener, losing a whole year, quickly became one of my favorites. In a similar vein to SCL, it’s got that same playful lyrical and singing style with plenty of awkward falsetto (I say that affectionately). On my first listen I made sure to go through with lyrics, which I don’t always do, since I know how much this record means to Adam and so I gave it a little extra tlc. It’s easily my favorite song lyrically here as it mirrors a similar experience of mine. Overall, its a somewhat surprisingly fun guitar album, featuring plenty of jangly chords and mixed in solos and licks. To be honest the middle of the album blended a bit for me, with the exception of “how’s it going to be,” which was also a highlight. I didn’t like London at all, and thanks a lot wasn’t much better. Fortunately the record closes with a great trio which I was also advised to pay close attention to. It was solid advice because the background also became a favorite, upping the emotion a bit and taking on a more somber tone. I’m all in on somber tones. God of Wine, with its badass name, closes the record on an elegant note, a fitting, reflective end of a nostalgic and enjoyable, albeit emotional ride. In 2018 I figure most people who will hear this record have already heard it, so I didn’t harp too much on the technicalities of the music itself here, but I’m glad I finally got to board that train as I see what all the hype was about. The beauty of a late review is more time to write and reflect, and with that I can say I’ve been coming back to it quite a bit, which I suppose is what any recommended wants to hear. Good work, band and CMCS member. One final note, idk if this is offensive or not, but the vocals all across this thing scream simple plan. Or rather, simple plan vocals scream 3EB.
    Recommended songs (aside from SCL): Losing a Whole Year, The Background, God of Wine (RIYL: Simple Plan’s Perfect )

    Next up was Dredg’s Catch Without Arms. Dredg’s name always made me think they were some weird grindcore band. Same perception I had of the menzingers’s name tbh. I was a disturbing amount of wrong, and I’m glad because I think I actually liked this one more than 3EB. It’s got a more alternative feel which, as much as I loved pop and radio rock in the 90s, is more likely to get an emotional connection out of me these days. Surprising or not, this one also felt less dated. Ironically, the first song gave me heavy incubus vibes in vocals and guitars, but after that the dated-ness receded a bit. It’s pretty easy to see how these guys influenced (and/or took influence from?) scene staples. The first 3 songs were my favorite 3 song stretch across the 2 records. Ode to the Sun has an epic, soaring chorus begging to be blasted from the car. Bug Eyes has a more dramatic feel, while Catch Without Arms, weird name aside, is a bit slower, but just as catchy, and a bit more musically dynamic. Not That Simple is more anthemic and gives way to the groovier Zebraskin. I guess I’d say the album is a bit front-loaded, but I feel weird saying that given how consistently good the whole thing is. It’s more a testament to the strength of the first 3. Planting Seeds mellows out a bit, but it carries the listener delicately through to the next song and I loved it for that. I have a hard time choosing a least favorite, maybe Tanbark? Not as catchy as the others, but I’m nitpicking. This is a really fun listen, and highly recommended to anyone who wants 12 better versions of Anna Molly (affectionately, of course).
    Recommended songs: Ode to the Sun, Bug Eyes, Planting Seeds

    Thanks for the recs, Larry! And sorry for making you wait
  16. disambigujason


    Also, this week I’m partnered with @Wall Of Arms

    He will be listening to:
    Black Foxxes - I’m Not Well

    And I will be listening to:
    Bearvsshark - Terrorhawk

    I promise I won’t take 3 weeks to review.
  17. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    @iCarly Rae Jepsen recommended Caroline Rose's Loner. I had never heard of Caroline Rose so it was awesome getting introduced to a new artist! I went in not rly knowing what to expect but I enjoyed it. I feel like the album explored a lot of different interesting sounds and genres within the pop realm. It was also a 2018 release which is awesome cause I suck at keeping up with new album releases. I'm like an old woman set in my ways so I need the push to branch out! Sorry it took me a lil while to post a review cause my sis kept kicking me off spotify while I was listening to it and this week ended up being unexpectedly ridiculous, but I'm glad I listened to it! If u like ambitious pop music I'd recommend it
  18. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

    Nice both of these rule!
    disambigujason likes this.
  19. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    I forgot to mention, @Micool1 and I are exchanging albums this week. I am trading the following:

    Deftones - White Pony
    Julien Baker - Sprained Ankle

    and I will be receiving:

    Story of the Year - The Black Swan
    Foo Fighters - Wasting Light

    And @Nate_Johnson I know I still owe you a review, it's coming soon!
  20. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Everyone, the album above is awesome and should be checked out ASAP.

    Also please support our fellow member @teebs41 and vote for his band to play this show!!

    Vote for your favorite local band to open the 11th Birthday Celebration | Radio 104.5
  21. highfidelity203

    Hailey, It Happens Prestigious

    @Micool1 I'm curious why you went with The Black Swan for Story of the Year over their other records? Also, how did you feel about their most recent record?
    theagentcoma likes this.
  22. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Because Swan is their best album.
  23. highfidelity203

    Hailey, It Happens Prestigious

    I can see why someone would think that - it blends Page and Determination together nicely. Believe or not but Wolves might be my favorite from them now but before that I was more partial to In the Wake of Determination.
    Davjs likes this.
  24. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I am very happy you said this, Wolves is my second favorite by them, and maybe even favorite on some days. What’s your favorite songs?
  25. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    I need to listen to it. I think I missed it in the brackets.
    JediMasterKevo182 likes this.