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Saosin Stream New Album • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, May 12, 2016.

  1. Eric Wilson

    Trusted Prestigious

    Will be listening to this tomorrow.
  2. mattylikesfilms


    Sore Distress/Illusion & Control are my stand out tracks.
    Chase Tremaine likes this.
  3. danskoldberg


    Those 3 were IMMEDIATELY my favorites upon first listen. Glad to see someone has a very similar ear.

    Overall I feel like too many of the tracks progressed in the same way; relying on choruses much too often.
    BUT Anthony's melodies are some of the best he's written since On Letting Go IMO.

    About 5-6 tracks really wooed me, so I'm quite pleased.
  4. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    beachdude42, Jason Tate and teebs41 like this.
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  6. Iamhollywood315


    really enjoying this so far but christ this stream is bad. Can't wait until i can listen under a proper audio format.
  7. If you heard Falling Up ten years ago, I don't blame you. If you haven't heard their latest and final album, it's a totally different beast. I promise you. I gave up on them for years, but they evolved unlike any other band I've ever seen.

    I had a feeling the Pandora stream might be the problem as well. I noticed it was giving me some weird feedback at times, haha. Freakin Pandora. I hate when albums premiere on here.
  8. Dave Dykstra


    Ya the quality isn't great.. but shit this is an amazing album.
  9. palebluedot


    I created an account just to say that I'm dying to listen to this, but Pandora isn't available in my country.
    teebs41 likes this.
  10. palebluedot


    About "The Stutter Says a Lot":
    "beauburchell Since people have been having problems with Pandora and people have been asking about this song, here is "the studded says a lot" this song used to be called "further seems forever" because when I first wrote the music, it sounded like it could easily be on "the moon is down" which is one of my all time favorite records. #saosinlp3#sotight#emo"

    teebs41 likes this.
  11. J12

    Trusted Supporter

    Are Pandora's streams still notoriously awful? If so, I may just wait for release.
    teebs41 likes this.
  12. PMD16


    Anyone else think parts of "Second Guesses" sounds very similar to Thrice's "Anthology"?
  13. Strikegently

    close cover, strike gently

    I don't understand how a company whose entire business model is playing music for people could have such low standards for quality.

    Edit: and Pandora kicked me off.
    I guess I'll just wait for an alternate source.
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  15. Truly would say there's not a band from Oregon I think are bigger tools. :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:
  16. You know them personally? I interviewed them recently and received nothing but kindness.
  17. Eric Wilson

    Trusted Prestigious

    Just got done listening to this and really enjoyed it. Honestly haven't kept up much with the band, but this makes me want to go check out some of their older material.
    teebs41 likes this.
  18. Had the misfortune of seeing them live a few times and I know people that have dealt with them. I'd rather listen to Creed.
  19. EEK.

    You might not wanna go see the Q&A thread then, hahaha.
  20. Still though, I'm pretty big about separating art from artist.
  21. Matt.


    My first impression is "I waited tweleve years for this... "
    Chase Tremaine likes this.
  22. Totally. I imagine I'll like this album more on repeated listens, or at least after getting to listen to a higher quality version than a Pandora stream, but ultimately it sounds like an album we could've/should've heard in 2009, not 2016,
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  24. But you didn't wait ... it's not like the album sat on a shelf and didn't come out. There was tons of other music released during that time, by almost everyone in the band, and then they decided to go in and write a new album. That's like listening to a new album for the first time and saying "it took them 25 years to write this!" just because they happen to be 25 years of age when they wrote it.
    SpyKi and Chase Tremaine like this.
  25. Why would it matter when you hear an album? That makes no sense to me. If I hear an album that's got a throwback 60's sound to it in 2016 and it's good, it's still good.
    Jake Z, SpyKi and teebs41 like this.
  26. That's not the point I'm making.

    (((((((Stop being so mean :verysad::verysad::verysad:))))))))

    I was trying to express that the styles and sounds I heard on this record wouldn't have surprised me if I'd heard them last decade. I don't NEED the albums I listen to to sound "new," whatever that might mean, but I would PREFER to see artists progressing over times, whether that means changing with the times, adapting to new musical fronts/sounds/genres, or simply not being content to make music too similar to what they'd done before.


    Ultimately, as you hinted at, the song is king. If these are great songs, the "sounds" used don't matter as much. At the moment, I'm not convinced this album is filled with great songs. But if these songs were clothed in something different than In Search of Solid Ground guitar parts and Descensus-like melodies and movements, I'd probably more intrigued to keep returning to this record. What's a good analogy...say, you should never marry someone for their looks, but their looks might be the thing that gets you to know that person in the first place.
  27. I can get behind this logic, though.
    teebs41 likes this.
  28. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    Taking on twelve years...
    teebs41 likes this.
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