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1971 in film.

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Morrissey, May 7, 2021.

  1. Morrissey


    Top ten box-office films of 1971:

    1. Fiddler on the Roof
    2. Billy Jack
    3. The French Connection
    4. Summer of '42
    5. Diamonds are Forever
    6. Dirty Harry
    7. A Clockwork Orange
    8. Carnal Knowledge
    9. The Last Picture Show
    10. Willard

    What are your top three films for 1971? We will keep a running tally and eventually have some sort of bracket. For me it would be:

    1. The Last Picture Show
    2. Harold and Maude
    3. A Clockwork Orange

    What are some of the forgotten gems from the year? What is overrated? What did you discover at a young age and what did you discover later?

  2. Morrissey


    I was surprised that 2001 was a high-grossing film when it came out, but I am shocked that something as violent and off-putting as A Clockwork Orange could crack the top ten.
    Victor Eremita likes this.
  3. phaynes12 Prestigious

    1. Harold and Maude
    2. The Last Picture Show
    3. Dirty Harry

    pretty easy top 3 for me but the order was challenging. i really wanted to give it to last picture show but H&M is such a winning film
    cshadows2887 likes this.
  4. George

    Trusted Prestigious

    Two Aussie new wave films in my top three this year.

    1. Walkabout
    2. Wake in Fright
    3. A Touch of Zen

    Walkabout is a beautiful Nicolas Roeg film about two children lost in the outback, who are saved by an aboriginal young man living off the land. Beautiful cinematography and a really tender and sympathetic dual coming of age story, from two very different cultures.

    Wake in Fright is the opposite, a grimy, dirty and sweaty film about a man trapped for what seems like forever in an onomatopoeic town called Yabba - with all the local pleasantries. It's pure nihilistic hedonism and destruction on film, everyone permanently pissed up, and treading the line between sanity and anarchy.

    A Touch of Zen is King Hu's three hour long, truly beautiful looking Wuxia film. It's paced and shot like a spaghetti western, though instead of building up to gunfights, we have martial arts fight in the fog of a bamboo forest. Would love to see this in a cinema one day. It also features very early roles for Sammo Hung and Jackie Chan.

    Other great stuff this year for me include A Clockwork Orange, The Last Picture Show, Bay of Blood and Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets.
    Victor Eremita and cshadows2887 like this.
  5. Morrissey


    Walkabout is one of those films I have seen but don't remember enough to comment on. The more I see the more often I encounter something that I have logged as seen but can barely remember.
  6. stars143


    1. A Clockwork Orange
    2. Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
    3. Duel

    Honorable mentions:

    Diamonds Are Forever
    Dirty Harry
    Fiddler on the Roof
    Harold and Maude
    Vanishing Point
    George and cshadows2887 like this.
  7. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    1. Last Picture Show
    2. A Clockwork Orange
    3. Harold and Maude

    Haven’t seen Two Lane Blacktop in years but I liked it a lot when I saw it. French Connection rules. Like was said it’s wild that A Clockwork Orange was a high grossing film the year it came out but can you imagine a movie like Last Picture Show being one of the 10 highest grossing films of the year now?
    George and cshadows2887 like this.
  8. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    The You Must Remember This season on Polly Platt was a fabulous listen, for fans of hers or Bogdanovich’s work
  9. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    1. Harold and Maude
    2. Two Lane Blacktop
    3. A Clockwork Orange
    George and cshadows2887 like this.
  10. secretsociety92

    Music, Gaming, Movies and Guys = Life

    Missed out on 1970 but not seen that much from that year anyway so no biggy which isn't the case for this year, easily one of my favorites that we have done so far.

    1. Duel
    2. The French Connection
    3. Duck, You Sucker

    Could have easily picked the following though; A Clockwork Orange, Dirty Harry, The Abominable Dr. Phibes, The Andromeda Strain, The Cat o’ Nine Tails, or Vanishing Point.
    George and stars143 like this.
  11. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    1. Bedknobs and Broomsticks
    2. Klute
    3. Fiddler on the Roof

    Movies I really like:
    Dirty Harry
    The Last Picture Show
    Carnal Knowledge
    Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
    Harold and Maude
    Nicholas and Alexandra

    Good ones:
    The French Connection
    The Go-Between
    A Clockwork Orange
    Murmur of the Heart
    The Abominable Dr. Phibes
    McCabe and Mrs. Miller
    The Hospital
    Sunday Bloody Sunday
    The Emigrants
    Straw Dogs

    Sometimes a Great Notion
    Sweet Sweetback's Baadassss Song
    And Now for Something Completely Different
    The Andromeda Strain

    Not a fan:
    Diamonds Are Forever
    W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism
    phaynes12, George and secretsociety92 like this.
  12. username

    hey you lil piss baby

    1. The Ceremony
    2. McCabe and Mrs. Miller
    3. A New Leaf

    additional shouts to: Mandara, A Touch of Zen, Wake in Fright, Dirty Harry, and Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets.

    After seeing it 3 times, WR still leaves me baffled, but I think I am coming around to it after initially disliking it strongly.

    This is probably the weakest overall year for me so far.
    George and cshadows2887 like this.
  13. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    Oh jeez I forgot Klute. That might slot in above Clockwork for me
    cshadows2887 likes this.
  14. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    That movie is just oozing atmosphere. Honestly scares me more than most horror movies somehow. Just a constant lurking threat
    Nathan likes this.
  15. phaynes12 Prestigious

    i know what i’ll be watching
    cshadows2887 likes this.
  16. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I’m overwhelmed by this year and don’t know where to even start. Klute is my number one, but there are at least a dozen perfect contenders for the other spots. Need to get some energy to write a ton down.
  17. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

    1. Wake in Fright
    2. A Clockwork Orange
    3. The Last Picture Show

    A lot of great choices this year. Wake in Fright is such a unique horror film, I have had the experience of feeling stuck in a small town and that movie made me feel all the terror that can have.
    George likes this.
  18. Matthewconte

    Trusted Supporter

    A tough year to choose

    1. Harold and Maude (maybe my #1 of the 70s?)
    2. A New Leaf
    3. The Last Picture Show
    George and EASheartsVinyl like this.
  19. George

    Trusted Prestigious

    There’s a bleak and terrifying documentary from a few years ago called Hotel Coolgardie about two backpackers in Australia who take a job in a middle of nowhere pub, and it feels like a real life Wake in Fright.

    Nothing horrendous happens to them exactly, but it’s an extremely uncomfortable watch that reminded me exactly of Wake in Fright, with that tumbling out of control fatalism that it captures so well.
    Victor Eremita likes this.
  20. Seen:

    Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
    Dirty Harry

    On My List:

    Two Lane Blacktop
    A Touch of Zen
    Wake in Fright
    Carnal Knowledge
    Harold and Maude
    The Last Picture Show
    The French Connection
    A Clockwork Orange
  21. phaynes12 Prestigious

    watch harold and maude
  22. George May 8, 2021
    (Last edited: May 8, 2021)

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'd barely even heard of Harold and Maude before this thread, so clearly a big blind-spot for me there, seeing as everyone else seems to love it! I don't think I've ever heard anyone mention this film in person, in conversation before.

    Will hopefully get around to it shortly.
  23. Morrissey


    Harold and Maude is such a big influence on "indie" comedies, but they almost never capture the heart.
    Victor Eremita and phaynes12 like this.
  24. username

    hey you lil piss baby

    Along with Cassavetes, it basically feels like the foundational text for Sundance-style American "indies" - although yes, much better than most of those films, in my opinion. It's been 7-8 years since I saw it, so I'm not sure how it would hold up for me, but I was a massive fan at the time.
    OhTheWater likes this.
  25. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    It’s incredible. Hal Ashby is a top three director for me, and that run he had from his debut all through the 70s is truly special. And the Cat Stevens/Yusuf soundtrack is so so perfect. The booklet in the Criterion release goes into some nice detail about how out of time and unique the whole movie always feels. It inspired generations of indie films but still nothing else feels like it.
    CarpetElf and Matthewconte like this.