This gives me newer AFI vibes
I really would like to hear Jason’s take on all of this. He was a huge fan of Anti-Flag and always repped their music and now that this is all...
Front to back of this EP is fantastic. Extremely well crafted and so happy to see one of my favorite TOP 5 bands can still crush it. Never thought...
Damn! That Thousand Below album fucks hard! Def adding some of these bad boys to my gym playlist too! RIYL: Silverstein, BMTH, Trash Boat, Story...
Giving me Infinity On High vibes. Loving it and a good return to form but still pushing their sound
Not one to ever really wanna speak up to you, but there is no way Sucker Punch is better than How To Let Go.
First two singles I already like way more than the ones they released for Hard Times. Also Hard Times, the song, for me, is unlistenable. That...
I would add Tame Beasts and I feel that would be a great mix of it.
Almost 6 years later and this album has grown on me tremendously. I think the only song I could consider a dud is “Call the Cops” and there are...
The mix is better on vinyl, then again, most albums sound better on vinyl haha
This review is positive the whole time but then you make the comment it isn’t pretty at times, but you never mention what the non pretty moments...
Double check if you are being charged for it though. They lie and say music is included with prime but it’s not. I was charged monthly for it and...
A lot of negativity in this thread, it sounds great and heavier and the guitars sound much better and you can hear the subtleties Alan and Dan...
It’s alright, Tom’s lyrics in the first verse were a bit cringey. It’s def catchy but I was expecting something more, I can’t place what exactly....
Futures is my favorite album of all time too. Also love that you put Recommit by them on this weeks playlist. The way that song builds is truly epic