Corey Long
Corey Long Chord & Quill // The Codex
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    Corey grew up loving to play outside. While his older brother Sean was inside playing with legos, he was outside crashing his bike into things. That didn’t mean he didn’t excitedly sit on the floor every afternoon to watch Power Rangers. Later, that appointment viewing applied to Pokemon and any Marvel shows he could find. He started getting into playing RPGs like The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy on his consoles. Though he shifted his love to music for many years, his love of all things nerdy never swayed. Soon, he became enamored with technology. Once a 2nd generation kind of guy, he is now an early adopter and loves to kickstart and indiegogo as much as his budget allows. If you make a smart device, he probably wants it.
    May 13, 1988 (Age: 36)
    Home Page:
    Portland, OR
    Digital Producer
    Real Name:
    Corey Long
    University of San Francisco
    Political Views:
    Don't be a racist, sexist, dick.
    Favorite Albums:
    "The Alchemy Index" - Thrice "If I Was" - The Staves
    Favorite TV Shows:
    Grimm, Portlandia, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Orphan Black, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
    Favorite Movies:
    Inception, The Dark Knight, Memento, The Prestige, Inside Llewyn Davis
    Favorite Books:
    Harry Potter
    Favorite Games:
    The Last of Us, The Wolf Among Us, Uncharted, Rocket League
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