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Yellowcard - Yellowcard (September 30, 2016) Album • Page 4

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by SmithBerryCrunch, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    Southern Air, Rivertown, or Sleep In The Snow
    Penguin and CoffeeEyes17 like this.
  2. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    Sleep In The Snow is a really good one that a lot of people overlook on SA I think.
    Penguin likes this.
  3. alexplaysbass


    According to my iTunes play count; Paper Walls, Southern Air & Dateline. Honourable mentions to Rocket & Keeper.
  4. that ending
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  5. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    oh yeah, that song is beautiful. great vocals, great melody
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  6. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    I need to hop on the Yellowcard b-side train since I've heard a lot of them are excellent
    supernovagirl likes this.
  7. NewSurrender

    Regular Prestigious

    Mine would be Fighting or Ocean Avenue, especially the acoustic version

    Love all their albums though
  8. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    Yeah that was so weird. I just recently learned that that album was pushed up to September though.
  9. Horrorca


    The Hotelier roll out was also horrible... v_v not to mention I pre-ordered my vinyl copy like almost three months from now (although that seems to be the standard now, jeez)
  10. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    How was I not subscribed to this thread? Wow.

    Favorite YC song is damn near impossible. gotta be between You and Me and One Spotlight, Afraid, Sleep in the Snow, and Southern Air. Maybe? Fuck, I don't know.
    CoffeeEyes17 and Jason Tate like this.
  11. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    Anyone know why Hopeless Records decided to announce album details before releasing any music? Don't get the point of it honestly.
  12. Brandon339

    Newbie Supporter

    I kind of passively enjoyed Southern Air (the song) when the album first came out, but it quickly became a favorite. It's one of the perfect songs to drive around in the summer with your windows down to.
  13. Smage

    lo mein connoisseur Supporter

    It used to be Only One then Awakening but now Southern Air is currently my favorite song. But someone mentioned Rocket and I absolutely adore that song.
  14. RoKKeR

    The Fly

    Keeper has and always will be my favorite Yellowcard song... lots to choose from, though.
  15. celluloid dreams


    Holly Wood Died and Keeper are my two absolute favorites.
  16. supernovagirl

    Poetic and noble land mermaid

    you do because they are.

    Since we are on the topic of favorite YC songs....mine is three flights down, followed by when we're old men. Both b-sides.
    earthlight and CoffeeEyes17 like this.
  17. morken

    Not everything means something, honey Supporter

    Mine are Gifts and Curses (that build-up during the bridge), Back Home, Be the Young and Southern Air.
    supernovagirl likes this.
  18. supernovagirl

    Poetic and noble land mermaid

    gifts and curses tho....thanks for bringing that up.
  19. morken

    Not everything means something, honey Supporter

    Didn't realize until now that those are actually the last song on three albums. heh.
  20. MatthewDuke


    Gifts and Curses, With You Around, and Southern Air. Top 3 right there for me personally. They are right behind Jimmy Eat World for me in terms of closing songs. I can't think of one I dislike.
  21. NewSurrender

    Regular Prestigious

    My favourite b sides are Firewater and Bombers
    earthlight likes this.
  22. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    I listened to the Spider-Man 2 soundtrack a month or so ago, and that thing is still fucking hilariously awesome. How'd they get Dashboard and Yellowcard to hand over some of their best songs as soundtrack exclusives?
  23. nfdv2

    Trusted Prestigious

    exc ited

    hope they don't regress
    earthlight likes this.
  24. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    Bombers is the sh1t.

    Have you guys heard this one? Wanna talk about a change of pace..

    supernovagirl likes this.
  25. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    The story about Keeper is pretty crazy. I've spoken to people in the band about it before. That was planned to be the next big marketed single from Paper Walls, and right as they were about to begin heavily marketing that song and the album again, there were some major changes at Capitol and Yellowcard and that record were pretty much buried and/or forgotten...and eventually dropped. The band is still really bummed about it.
    Scoob and smoke4thecaper like this.