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Writing • Page 12

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by WordsfromaSong, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Anyone have any success/tips on finding more betas/CPs for a novel manuscript?
  2. WordsfromaSong


    Writing is hard.
    ECV, Garrett L., LWS and 1 other person like this.
  3. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

  4. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

  5. TedSchmosby


    I wrote my first song freshman year of uni and wasn't able to do anything else for a year and a half so I figured it was a fluke then this summer I wrote four songs that I'm proud of and it feels good sir
    Kingjohn_654 and JRGComedy like this.
  6. scroopy.noopers

    : (

    I really wanna work on an article about Riot Fest and gentrification. I've got most of the research done, and a lot of notes, but its just a matter of finding time to put it all together. In the meantime, I'm writing an exegesis of the Nyaya Sutras for my epistemology class -_-
  7. lish

    Perpetually Cold Prestigious

    I'm thinking about NaNo again... I doubt I'll finish, but I'm starting to figure out what I might want to do. Maybe continue my previous plot (those 3k words though...)

    Thinking I might use OneNote to do it this time since I have that on my work laptop. I think this might help. Idk. I'm just ma;oijbausdfuasdiufb
  8. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Anybody do Morning Pages?
  9. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    JRGComedy likes this.
  10. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    There's a book called The Artists Way that has a bunch of exercises to unblock creativity and the Morning Pages are the most basic block.

    You essentially find 20 minutes in your morning to write stream of consciousness. I don't always find the time, but when I do, I enjoy it.
  11. The Lucky Moose

    I'm Emotional, I Hug the Block Prestigious

    I've started to write a "book", a semi-linear autobiography, mostly to clear my head. Any tips and tricks?
    nl5011 and JRGComedy like this.
  12. nl5011

    Trusted Supporter

    Write everyday, even if you don't feel like it!
    Word count goals help!
    The Lucky Moose likes this.
  13. The Lucky Moose

    I'm Emotional, I Hug the Block Prestigious

    Thanks! I'm mostly struggling with how to combine broad line and details
    nl5011 likes this.
  14. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    JRGComedy likes this.
  15. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    Did one today.
    JRGComedy likes this.
  16. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I should try submitting some new poetry? Submitting work has always been such a pain in the ass for me, partially because I'm lazy and impatient and I want it to be somewhere where people can actually read it (having it in a physical literary journal is great, but I have a hard time believing a lot of people actually pick those up and read everything. Just having a direct link I could put out on my socials would be nice.)
  17. Raku


    I use the website which is great for connecting with other people that do poetry. The great thing with that website is that they have a built in copyright protector that gives the author control/protection of their work.
    Mr. Serotonin and I Am Mick like this.
  18. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

  19. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    I'm putting out another poetry/art collection in a couple weeks. It's called Cave Body. I kind of approached it more like a zine that became a little too big but still selling it for $5. Comes out January 30th on Amazon. Anyway, here's one of the dumb poems from it.

    theagentcoma and CarpetElf like this.
  20. I Am Mick Jan 24, 2018
    (Last edited: Jan 25, 2018)
    I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    My new collection of poetry and artwork, Cave Body, is out now. You can pick it up on Amazon for only $5. LINK TO PURCHASE

    ALSO I'll send a free copy to the next TWO PEOPLE who post some of their own writing in this thread because I want to read some of your shit and it's kind of a bummer that this thread has died

    (Edit) sorry, I should have specified US only. I’m pretty broke and can’t afford to ship it outside the US :(
    theagentcoma and LWS like this.
  21. here’s something i wrote about a person i knew comitting suicide (i’m in australia so i’m not expecting that free copy!):

    you killed yourself
    the earth turns
    i’m alive myself
    collapsing core
    you turned aim
    from my face
    crosshairs redirected
    your throat in their frame
    you killed yourself
    gone now
    gone for good
    you killed yourself
    the earth turns
    but we’re in our rooms
    at bus stops to your funeral
    breaking routine
    breaking down
    you killed yourself
    gone forever
    the earth evermore turns
    but our hearts are still
    when we hear your whisper
    in the passing breeze
  22. Raku


    I haven't published a poem online in a while, but here is my last poem from here;
    Hotel Pyro by MySummerJob

    I wrote that because I have a difficulty sleeping when I travel, and the first two lines repeating in my head, and they sounded good so I started writing.
  23. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    Shittt. I did not think of that, sorry! I’d be happy to send you a digital copy though! Great work btw

    Awesome stuff! If you want a copy of my new book (and live in the US) just pm me an address to ship it to.
    Raku and theagentcoma like this.
  24. fastlife

    Regular Supporter

    Signed up for a writing workshop that starts this week. I write for work and haven’t been motivated at all to continue my own pieces on the side. Hoping this jump starts some stuff.
  25. HemisphereHybrid

    One Hit Wonder

    I have a bunch of short stories that I wrote for my high school creative writing class on Wattpad. My username is the same, if anybody wants to check them out. The only thing about writing for a class, though, is that you're pressed for time, so things don't always come out exactly how you'd like them to. There are definitely some things in those short stories that could do with some improvement, but for the sake of preservation I haven't changed them.
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.