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Wrestling Thread [ARCHIVED] • Page 434

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Melody Bot, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

  2. enlliac

    The Real Azor Ahai

    Matt vs Bray in Final Deletion 2
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  3. LuigiPeppercorn

    Trusted Prestigious

    Hulu Raw thoughts:

    - Battle Royal was kind of a disaster, so many missed spots and poor communication, but love the way D Young won. If the character is finding the most absurd ways to win and still calling himself great, I could see this turning out really well. Good for him.

    - I like what they're doing with the Roman situation. Its not going to work, but its the best thing they've tried with him.

    - "Brock is the greatest combat athlete in this country's history." - JBL. He represented Canada big guy

    - Wait I thought Rollins and Jon Stewart were buddies now after he helped him win at Summerslam last year. Oh man, the Rollins Report is so great. Oh my God the editing on this is hilarious.

    - Best Ambrose promo in a long time. This is the Ambrose we need. They've focused so much on the idea that he's this wacky dude that we've forgotten what makes him so great. He also happens to work really well with Seth as his villain. These two should be main eventing Summerslam, keep Roman away for a while and watch the magic happen.

    - Was fully expecting Owens to attack Zayn at commentary, but him complaining backstage for an unsafe work environment is good too. I will never ever get bored of Sami and Kevin punching the shit out of each other.

    - Sad that Cesaro has basically fallen back into the role he was in right before he got hurt. Great performer, but will never get the spot he should have. He isn't even in the IC title picture anymore, which is insane. Maybe with the split he'll be in a better spot, but I just can't see it happening. Like the finish without the Pop Up Bomb, need more of that. Getting swung would be a great weight loss exercise for Owens.

    - This is literally the final deletion just with worse editing. I actually didn't hate this as much as I thought I would, but it was very clearly a ripoff

    - Cass can talk, but they're obviously telling him to slow down when he speaks and his words are so poorly scripted. Enzo should be the one with the majority of the talking. The dude is the most natural speaker they've had in years and they don't want him to because he's tiny. I can't imagine Cass boding well when he's on his own and if given the right opportunity, I think Enzo forces their hand with him. Not great in the ring, but he's got the perfect scrappy underdog character and is literally everything Vince loves except for size. Fans will see him as the guy not getting the chance he deserves. He might not be WWE Champion material, but should absolutely be a big star in some way. "We want Cena, no we don't" chants. Cena gets massive pop, yeah you wanted Cena. AJ has been great in the heel role. I still think it was a little too early for the turn, but he's killed it. Maybe they do Cena/AJ as the main event of Summerslam for the Smackdown title.

    - Weekly "Dana Brooke should never had been called up so quickly" post. Sasha has been the most wanted women's performer over the past year, but the crowd reactions during her matches aren't good. They've been riding her NXT reputation since she was called up, but she's at the point now where she needs a big ppv performance to get people excited again. Maybe just do it at Battleground instead of waiting another month for it.

    - Final segment is weak, but good move. Bryan will probably be the GM of Smackdown and I'm on board with that.

    Overall good show, Hulu Raw continues to be the best. It seems like they write a two hour show and then realize after the fact that they need one more hour so they put nonsense in there.
  4. clucky

    Prestigious Supporter

    Isn't the difference that the old GMs who came out were played off as clueless jokes? Whereas that wouldn't work with Bischoff. Vickie shows up asking for the GM job and it kayfabe makes sense to go "lol no". Bischoff shows up and what are your reasoning for turning him down?
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  6. preppyak

    Elite Supporter

    While a lot of this is kind of nonsense from a wrestling perspective, god damn at a few of those combos

    The counter-counter of the standing moonsault into the 2nd rope Phoenix Splash might be the most impressive thing Ive ever seen
  7. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah... that might as well be a move set from street fighter or some shit.
    Whatjuliansaid likes this.
  8. tucah

    not champ Prestigious

    That whole thing is kind of silly but still really cool.
  9. SLADE775

    RiverCityScumbags Prestigious

    Only good parts of Raw were the end and the Ambrose rant.
  10. SLADE775

    RiverCityScumbags Prestigious

    Ambrose sounded like the former Shield badass he once was last night. Such a better fit for him.
    tucah, oldjersey and Jusscali like this.
  11. LuigiPeppercorn

    Trusted Prestigious

    DeviantRogue, Joe4th and Mick like this.
  12. enlliac

    The Real Azor Ahai

    The end was good but Cesaro/Owens wasn't? Ok
  13. joe727

    A DILAPIDATED BOAT! Prestigious

    Slade doesn't like KO for some reason.
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  15. enlliac

    The Real Azor Ahai

    I can't imagine why he wouldn't, but Cesaro running and giving an uppercut and doing a flying cross body all with JBL's hat on was one of the highlights of raw for me
  16. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    2009 Slade WAS Kevin Owens.
    Drew Beringer and bigmike like this.
  17. SLADE775

    RiverCityScumbags Prestigious

  18. SLADE775

    RiverCityScumbags Prestigious

  19. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

  20. Yeah Bryan as Smackdown GM makes sense. Also reminds me of HBK becoming commish back in the day after his (what we thought at the time) career ending injury.

    As for the Raw GM? Who knows. I don't think it's HHH. It'd be the same shit all over again.

    I am going to the Raw coming up here in Pittsburgh. Last few I've gone to have been awful, but this one has the highest chance of being decent and one to remember. First Raw after the draft and Battleground PPV. Should be a fun show. And maybe an Angle return? If only....
  21. SLADE775

    RiverCityScumbags Prestigious

    It has to be someone that Stephanie likes..... Uh so... *scratches head
  22. Montauk1222

    Trusted Prestigious

    She is gonna name herself as GM
    domotime2 likes this.
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  24. oldjersey

    Pro STREAMER ON TWITCH Supporter

    It's obvs gonna be Linda
    domotime2 likes this.
  25. preppyak

    Elite Supporter

    Would actually be a surprisingly legit heel move if it worked. But yeah, its gonna be HHH. Probably via interference at Battleground when he returns or some shit. And they're gonna fuck with Roman Reigns cause that storyline went well last time...

    Wont be Linda or Vince. Only other angle I can see is some other superstar that's retired and relevant like daniel bryan...but, not sure who that would be
  26. SLADE775

    RiverCityScumbags Prestigious

    Can't, Vince said he'd name one if they didn't.
  27. TedSchmosby


    That's still naming someone tho
  28. SLADE775

    RiverCityScumbags Prestigious

    I think he was implying that naming them self the GM is not an option. That's why he said it.
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