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Wrestling Thread 6: It's Poppy • Page 616

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Henry, Jan 23, 2020.

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  1. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    I thought bushiroad came out and said it's not happening.
  2. amorningofsleep

    No-rope barbed wire Jones

    Lol I don't know why I thought that Peacock only had the free tier. I was excited at first.
  3. PauLo

    43% Burnt

    Be interesting what happens with the Network overseas. There isn’t really any UK specific streaming services that it can integrated into, so surely it will continue over here. But then again, it will mean we’re still paying £9.99 (which is already 2 or 3 dollars more than you lot pay anyway), whereas the US will only pay $5 for it plus a crap load of stuff on peacock.

    I dunno. I only resubscribed over Christmas as I was bored and had about a month of NXT to catch up on. I’ll be cancelling it again after the Rumble too.
    bigmike likes this.
  4. LuigiPeppercorn

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah, as of now its staying the same in every other country, but I could definitely see some deals made over the next year or so so that they can get rid of the network entirely. This is such an overwhelmingly good deal for WWE that its hard to believe they won't try to do the same abroad.
  5. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    so wwe network will be $5 in the us? it'll probably still be 13 euro here
  6. blast0rama

    Internet human. Supporter

    I have to think this also means the end of a lot of the expansions to classic content (sorry, ECW completionists), and/or new original programming which isn't aired elsewhere (like, we'll probably still get the video versions of the New Day Podcast and new episodes of NXT UK, but no more WWE Chronicle.)
  7. Mick

    FKA tell that mick Prestigious

    Well, it'll be $5 on top of whatever you have to pay for Peacock, right? That was my understanding of how they've worded it.

    I wonder how much it was costing WWE to run the Network? I'm assuming this means they can now offload a bunch of jobs for people who were working on the Network exclusively? No clue how many jobs that would be or how much that was costing WWE, but seems evident that their strategy over the last two years is cut costs everywhere and anywhere they can that they could easily still support

    I believe the Variety article mentioned specifically Peakcock wanting WWE docs as part of the deal?
  8. LuigiPeppercorn

    Trusted Prestigious

    I feel like with NBC paying an astronomical amount for this, we'll still see a lot of the content we see today. I could be wrong, but I'd be surprised if they cut down.

    Basically yeah. WWE Network won't exist in the US, but all of the US subs will be signed up for Peacock and paying for their $5 tier. The big caveat is it isn't ad-free.
  9. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    I'll just watch on Taima still
    amorningofsleep likes this.
  10. blast0rama

    Internet human. Supporter

    Here's from the PR

    Reads to me like they're gonna burn off what they have produced, and then in 2022, one doc a year.
    LuigiPeppercorn likes this.
  11. LuigiPeppercorn

    Trusted Prestigious

    Instead of monthly PPVs, I want them to start doing NBC Themed Special events. Instead of Payback, give me "The Duel at Dunder-Mifflin" or Payback in Pawnee"
  12. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    I pay for NJPW World and don't watch it on NJPW World haha

    I do the same for AEW because the Fite app is fucking awful.
  13. MidDave

    "Draft Day" is a good film Supporter

    Seems like this gives AEW a strong advantage over NXT moving forward.
    Mick likes this.
  14. blast0rama

    Internet human. Supporter

    HBO Max pay AEW too much money challenge. Let's goooooooooo
    Contender, LuigiPeppercorn and Nick like this.
  15. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Well if NXT is on Peacock, I could see it being a different night to increase viewership. The experiment with Wednesdays is already kind of a failure.

    I’m super happy with this move to Peacock though. I already pay for WWE network so it’s like getting Peacock for free, which has a lot of stuff I’d check out.
  16. devenstonow


    The impression I get is the "signature documentary" is going to be something they want to market to a general audience
  17. devenstonow


    Also a new show announcement:

  18. amorningofsleep

    No-rope barbed wire Jones

    I'm still baffled that Bivens isn't on TV every single fucking week. He should be NXT's Eddie Kingston. Just have him there no matter what.
    blast0rama and Ruethless like this.
  19. Taketimeandfind


    So what happens to existing subscribers? You have to resubscribe?
    Mick likes this.
  20. Mick

    FKA tell that mick Prestigious

    Also very much interested in knowing how this all plays out.
    bigmike likes this.
  21. I think the PR said that those details will be revealed closer to the March 18th date
  22. blast0rama

    Internet human. Supporter

    Right, they're supposed to explain how you move from one to another. Personally, I don't really have anything "saved" in the WWE Network, no queue or anything, so I'm just gonna kill my Network account and start paying for Peacock.
  23. I haven’t had the network since SummerSlam haha
  24. blast0rama

    Internet human. Supporter

    Probably the smart move. Only real enjoyment I've gotten out of WWE since was the TakeOver O'Reilly/Balor match and the NXT UK Walter/Dragunov match, and both of those were in October.
  25. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah I’m gonna sign up for the Rumble so I’ll get Takeover and Elimination Chamber then cancel until it moves to Peacock. Rumor is NBC paid 1 Billion for it over five years which is insane to me.
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