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Wrestling Thread 3: Dan vs. Cam • Page 1124

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Henry, Oct 13, 2017.

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  1. shea

    RIP Supporter

    Fuck :concerned:
  2. Oddpac87

    Trusted Prestigious

    That sucks, Vader was always a favorite of mine. Wasn't even aware of the recent health issues.
  3. oldjersey

    Pro Podcaster Supporter

    He was posting on Twitter that he was given only months to live a few months ago. Bummer.
  4. Ruethless

    King of Europe

    Vader fucking ruled.

    Hanson and Rowe remind me of him with how agile they are given their size.
  5. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Oddpac87 and Ruethless like this.
  6. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'm incredibly bummed. Vader is one of my five favorites of all time. I loved every second of his feuds with Sting in the early/mid-90s with the terrible filmed segments in mountains and shit. Vader is my favorite big man of all time. Absolutely crushed he's gone.
    PeacefulOrca and Oddpac87 like this.
  7. Ruethless

    King of Europe

  8. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    fucking wwe knew he was having health issues and they couldn't give him that moment at the HoF in the past 10 years? Fucking shame. What a legend.
  9. preppyak

    Elite Supporter

    Had to make sure Jeff Jarrett was inducted instead....
  10. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    ive been away and just caught up on 9 hours of wwe.

    MitB; good, solid B. Loved Nak/Aj and the womens MitB (but am not pleased with the winner...although i liked rousey beating her down on raw...but now she's gone for a month so now we're BACK TO BLISS AS CHAMP ON RAW ahhhhhhhhhh). Becky should've won. But otherwise decent show.

    Raw; Hate that ziggler won. Elias/Rollins was something that could've been a solid multi-month program with Elias winning eventually. Otherwise normal boring Raw outside of Rousey.

    SD; Great gauntlet match. Rusev/Aj, im into it.

    big cass fired; hah
  11. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    mind you, i have no problems inducting jeff but, yeah.... you could induct him ANYTIME in the next 20 years.

    The longer you wait to put demolition in... same shit.
  12. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    That's such a bummer, Vader never got into the HOF right?
  13. preppyak

    Elite Supporter

    I think even the exact same booking Ziggler got, but with Elias, would have worked beautifully too. Elias learned from the night before, Seth still injured...gets caught going to the well one too many times. Rollins competes in a #1 contenders qualifier (and goes to the Extreme Rules match) instead of getting his rematch right away.
    domotime2 likes this.
  14. Shrek

    can't be made fun of Prestigious

    i want my final statement on this site to be one thing

    just one last thing

    fuck you @oldjersey
    preppyak, slowheart, Joe4th and 5 others like this.
  15. oldjersey

    Pro Podcaster Supporter

    angrycandy and Henry like this.
  16. enlliac

    The Real Azor Ahai

    You’re leaving??
  17. oldjersey

    Pro Podcaster Supporter



    (cam left the site, y'all can PM me and I can kinda point ya to the direction he went plus deets.)
    angrycandy likes this.
  18. ghostedaway

    bryan Prestigious

    Final statement?
  19. Ruethless

    King of Europe

    I miss you already
    Oddpac87 likes this.
  20. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    Ruethless and Oddpac87 like this.
  21. Oddpac87

    Trusted Prestigious


    You can't leave us with him.
    Ruethless likes this.
  22. oldjersey

    Pro Podcaster Supporter

  23. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Cam, nooooooo!!!!!
  24. Taketimeandfind


    Wait, what did I miss
  25. oldjersey

    Pro Podcaster Supporter

    I won
    slowheart likes this.
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