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Wonder Woman (Patty Jenkins, June 2, 2017) Movie • Page 20

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Eric Wilson, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    lol, no, not at all. Don't worry about that. Marvel/DC discussions can be exhausting, but they can also be enjoyable, and that's what it is now.

    Also, thanks for inflating my ego. What Chorus needs is absolutely more of my profound prophetic vision when it comes to superheroes!

    Talk about a terrible movie, which is a shame 'cause Batman's world is always better without Batman.
  2. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    It was WWI, not WWII.

    Rogue One didn't have great characterization.

    The characterization in this film was fine. They hit the points they wanted to hit really well. The one guy suffered from PTSD and it made it difficult for him to perform his duties. The one guy was an actor who couldn't find work because of his skin tone. The other guy had issues with his land being taken away. Each character added a level to the idea that humans aren't perfect. Ares being there doesn't change the fact that humans are inherently flawed.
  3. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    To be fair, I can see both Thor and Cap in this film. Cap more so, sure, but the Thor comparison still makes sense.
  4. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    the mythological aspect, Amazonia and Asgard even both start with A
  5. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    Got the chance to see this yesterday.

    The main thing I look for with superhero films is: Did they get the main character right? This, more than anything else, portends good things for my enjoyment level. At the bare minimum, I want the character to sound like, and behave like, the one I grew up reading.

    This is largely where the two most recent DC films have gone wrong for me, and where Wonder Woman largely succeeds. At all times, Gal Gadot felt like Wonder Woman. She spoke with her voice, and her behavior held true to what I expect from Diana's character. That, alone, means the world to me.

    I don't think it is too controversial to admit that the film has flaws of varying sizes. But none of those pulled down my enthusiasm after the first viewing. I am sure that on subsequent viewings, they will irk me a little bit more. For now, I know they are there, but all my energy is focused on the excitement I feel. Because I am just thrilled to have witnessed Wonder Woman come alive.
    Kingjohn_654 and Tim like this.
  6. DeviantRogue

    Take arms, it'll all blow over Prestigious

    I just wouldn't say they were aping Thor because of Mythological aspects... WW as a character was a thing 20 years before Thor.

    Structurally more similar to CA.

    Also way more enjoyable than either of the Thor films.
    fenway89 likes this.
  7. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    I loved Rogue One, but it's definitely funny to see someone use it to criticize this film's supporting cast.

    Speaking of the cast, I really liked the decision to keep her band of rebels alive through the end, with the exception of Steve. It'd be easy and earned to have them all die, but having those 3 guys make it through was the better choice for what Diana represents.
    coleslawed and Henry like this.
  8. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    There's also the fish out of water aspect, which felt pretty similar.

    But, yeah, acting like this film was trying to be Thor is definitely silly. The similarities are just 'cause a lot of comic book properties share common elements. This is what an adaptation of the classic Wonder Woman origin would look like today regardless of if Marvel's Thor ever existed.
    DeviantRogue likes this.
  9. drewinseries


    Excited to catch this again this weekend.
  10. I will say, having a 5 year old step daughter it's awesome to see this movie being well received. Plot points and whatnot aside, definitely a step in the right direction.
    awakeohsleeper and Kingjohn_654 like this.
  11. Kuri44


    @Tim In reference to using Rogue One supporting cast comparisons, I guess I just felt like I got to know them a little bit better and was sad when they died (though I love that they did bc it made the movie so much better) because I would've liked to see them in a sequel. As with these characters, I didn't really care about them and they came off to me as fillers.

    And the thor comparisons for me are that they are gods who come from different places who then come and save the world from another evil god, etc. I don't get much of a Captain America vibe except for the war plot, but I thought Captain America was a way better movie.

    To be fair, I didn't grow up reading Wonder Woman so i didn't really know how she's supposed to act or be, but seeing ppl say that's how she is in the comics make me think that maybe WW just isn't my kind of hero (most/all of DC isn't, I just like batman).
  12. Connor

    we're all a bunch of weirdos on a quest to belong Prestigious

    I don't get how anyone could honestly say GOTG 2 is better than this? If you want to talk about a mess of a movie its that one. That suffered from every pitfall a sequel can suffer.

    I've been trying to think of any Marvel movies that I think are as good as this one, and the only one that I honestly think comes close is The Winter Soldier. That is the only Marvel movie that felt like it had weight. The action felt real, the consequences felt more real.

    Marvel hinges so much on the comedy that the action or drama doesn't feel earned or like it matters. There isn't a lot of intensity, plus every movie more or less feels the same and all the heroes feel more or less the same. DC on the flipside doesn't usually have enough humor or levity. That's where WW really succeeded. It didn't go overboard with witty characters and comedy, and it didn't go overboard with overdramatics and darkness. It balanced it all quite well.

    I'll also add that the acting in this was a good amount better than 95% of other super hero movies. And going forward, one thing I feel like DC has going for it is that its heroes aren't all seeming like the same person like Marvel has kind of begun to feel like.
  13. drewinseries


    I've liked this better than most Marvel Movies, probably tied with GOTG 1. I agree about Marvel focusing too much on comedy. This felt just right in the balance.

    I also have a huge bias, I'm really psyched to be seeing these DC characters on screen. The scope of their power is so much fun on the big screen.
    fenway89 likes this.
  14. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    It's not that they're aping Thor, the character, it's just that a lot of things that were present in Thor were also in this film. Like @iCarly Rae Jepsen and @Tim said, both films feature a supernaturally-powerful god-like being of royal descent leaving their insulated realm and traveling to the world of man, where they engage in fish-out-of-water shenanigans, fall in love with a human, and fight a threat from their world which has found its way into the human world.

    But it also has similarities to The First Avenger: being set in a war in Europe, a ragtag group of multicultural soldiers assisting them in assaulting German strongholds, the budding romance between the hero and her love interest getting tragically cut short, finale involving a plane being destroyed before it can harm any civilians, etc.

    And yeah, Wonder Woman, the character, predates Thor, but Wonder Woman, the film, does not predate Thor, the film. So It's fair to compare this film to one that came before it (two that came before it, really).
    coleslawed and iCarly Rae Jepsen like this.
  15. This was a blast. Loved the cast, the action, and the characterization of Wonder Woman. Some of the CGI was too noticeable and the movie was a tad too long, but I don't have many complaints beyond that. Still like MoS and BvS more, but this is a lot better than SS.
    michael_gatto likes this.
  16. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    $103.2 million domestically
    $125 million foreign

    Super strong outing for week one.
    Anthony_D'Elia likes this.
  17. drewinseries


    I keep replaying the No Man's Land scene in my head. So inspiring, exciting, emotional, etc etc
  18. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    That's awesome, what a great showing.
  19. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    lol according to BOM, it is already the #1 grossing World War I film of all time.
  20. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Biggest opening weekend for a female director of all time. Unsurprising but well-deserved. Hopefully this actually does the good for representation behind the camera that it should.
    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  21. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    It's a bummer seeing people call this the first comic book film helmed by a woman, as if Lexi Alexander didn't do Punisher: War Zone 9 years ago.

    Speaking of that, I'm glad we have Patty Jenkins here, Gina Prince-Bythewood on that Silver Sable/Black Cat film, and Anna Boden co-directing Captain Marvel. Women telling women's stories is super important. But, getting another woman behind the camera for a male-led superhero film would be great.
  22. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    War Zone is a film I feel like a lot of people should revisit. It definitely wasn't the worst.
    Tim likes this.
  23. michael_gatto


    I actually enjoy War Zone quite a bit. Definitely a lot better than the Thomas Jane film.
  24. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  25. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Saw this today. I enjoyed it. Though next time I go to the movie, I need to wear earplugs. Way too loud!