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Woman Accuses Jesse Lacey of Soliciting Nude Photos From Her at 15 • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. paperlung

    there's no place like my room Supporter

    its not a good idea to use people who have admitted to doing the acts they were accused of as your example for "proof is needed" argument.
  2. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    She's not taking Jesse to court folks.

    Also... perhaps posting a picture of someone's penis isn't the greatest legal thing to do.
  3. momo32t


    This immediately brings me back to when Jesse had photos on Is Anyone Up.
  4. Dominick

    Prestigious Prestigious

    This isn’t a court of law. This is a community and people within it have a common story, so I believe them.
  5. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    I take it you live in a world where you worship your hero blindly and anyone who claims to been victimized by him is to be immediately doubted.
  6. Slippery slope is slippery in terms of people we look up to. I had no idea as I am a relatively passive BN fan so this came as a shock and a kind of "whoa. it literally could be anyone." I swear to God if Mark Hoppus is next...
    lish likes this.
  7. soundclash


    Does anyone remember back around 2010-2012ish when a woman (I think she was a photographer and that’s how she knew him?) actually did post screenshots of him acting inappropriately toward her on Skype? I don’t know if she posted them on Tumblr but they wound up there.

    Unfortunately it kind of turned into a joke because he was saying stuff like “show me your ass again” and all other cringey stuff.
  8. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    It's amazing how much AP loved that site back in the day, I'm glad Hunter Moore is where he is now at least
  9. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    I completely forgot about that shithole.
  10. youwontknow

    If I smile with my teeth, bet you'd believe me

    I'm less in the know than you I guess. So Jesse has admitted to this?
  11. Connor

    we're all a bunch of weirdos on a quest to belong Prestigious

    I looked up to Jesse too ok. Guys lyrics saved my life. But false accusations aren't the norm. This girl isn't taking him to court, she isn't asking for anything . She is just sharing what happened to her. So what does she gain from talking about this? Nothing. I find that a pretty compelling case for me to believe her vs him. Just because he is your hero doesn't mean he isn't capable of committing something terrible.
  12. Shrek

    sleigh bells 4ever Prestigious

    just stop, you look fucking awful
  13. momo32t


    Digging up an old Absolutepunk trend is the best. It's amazing to me he only got 30 months in jail.
    Ken likes this.
  14. paperlung

    there's no place like my room Supporter

    netflix cancelled => kevin spacey
    movie premier cancelled => louis ck
    coleslawed and lish like this.
  15. Connor

    we're all a bunch of weirdos on a quest to belong Prestigious

    I'm fairly positive that turned out to not be him
  16. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    DejaMoi and fenway89 like this.
  17. soundclash


    Ah, okay. I never heard anything more about it. Just hearing about him acting inappropriately on skype jogged my memory on that particular story. Thank you for informing me.
  18. Connor

    we're all a bunch of weirdos on a quest to belong Prestigious

    No Problem. I only found out recently that it wasn't actually him. I'm sure a lot of people that never got that cleared up will be thinking about it though in light of this information.
  19. incognitojones

    Some Freak Supporter

    Drag them out, hold them accountable
  20. Saephon


    What, you guys thought Brand New has dozens of songs about darkness and self-loathing for no reason? Without an actual shameful past behind the lyrics? That shit doesn't come from nowhere.

    Time to wake the fuck up and realize that none of your heroes are heroes. Read the lyrics to Me vs Maradona vs Elvis, then come back and tell me you didn't think Jesse could have never done something shitty to a woman in his life
    coleslawed, jackludwick, lish and 3 others like this.
  21. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    This isn't a fucking court of law.

    Victims should always be believed when they come forward with accusations because they're rarely, if ever, lying about those allegations.

    The real question is why you choose not to believe the allegations?
  22. I have multiple friends in common with the woman making the accusation on Facebook.

    I believe her.
  23. esposimi

    Regular Prestigious

    Oh boy, this is going to be interesting...
  24. youwontknow

    If I smile with my teeth, bet you'd believe me

    Definitely. Thanks for that!
    a lil joke in this dark story.
  25. neo506

    2001-2022 Prestigious

    Brand New 2000-2017