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Woman Accuses Jesse Lacey of Soliciting Nude Photos From Her at 15 • Page 16

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. Yes people are upset now because the accusations of soliciting nudes from a minor are new. This is not hard to grasp.
  2. I did literally laugh out loud at "the political correctness and liberal apologism" though.
  3. smowashere

    Trusted Supporter

    Yikes what a post. Sorry, but people need to be held accountable for their actions, especially when they are abusing their power and idolization, no exceptions. Nobody is perfect, great. But you also shouldn’t be going around soliciting underage girls—now, years ago, or ever. It’s that simple.
  4. mercury

    modern-day offspring fanatic Supporter

    15 year old girls being starstruck isn't really an excuse for grown ass men taking advantage of them and it consistently amazes me that that's a difficult concept to grasp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    especially because that sounds like the name of a Brand New song
  6. Alfio


    That might be NEW to you, but it isn't new to me or anyone who frequented shows and hung around these bands 15 years ago. The whole scene was filled with 14-16 yr old girls who lied about their age to get with dudes in these bands. And then would brag about it to everyone they knew. Doesn't make it right, but get your head out of the sand.

    The source of this whole thing is hilarious too. Anyone connected to Adam Lazzara digging up dirt on JL is really rich.

    It's a shame the left is cannibalizing itself out of frustration in being unable to get to Trump. The President has bragged and said things on tape that can't even compare to what JL is being accused of.

    Laugh all you want. If we don't reign in the political correctness that's taken over our country, we'll have Trump for another 4 years. And I can't really think of anything worse than that clown representing America for practically a decade.
  7. LJ Rime


    Holy shit, it does.
    bradpetrik likes this.
  8. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    Oh fucking hell.
  9. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    To be fair, Zack most likely has to speak to a lawyer before he can condemn people he works for. Similar situation happened with JJR and TWY. It’s also been like, one day. Give people some time to put together an actual good statement instead of some slapdash bullshit. Zack has reached out to me numerous times for advice on matters like these and has done his best to learn and listen these past few years.
  10. mercury

    modern-day offspring fanatic Supporter

    "hey the president admitted to sexually assaulting women and got elected anyways, that's fucked up, we should stop paying attention to violence against women in general and hope things change on their own"

    is this for real lol holy shit
  11. DillonHigh


    Sigh. Jesus. Christ.
    fenway89 and Dirty Sanchez like this.
  12. I can. Losing who we are by declaring that "reigning in political correctness" means hand waving away abuse to women. That's worse.
  13. Alfio


    Pay attention, but do not take accusations and allegations on the internet as gospel without evidence. There is a reason due process is a constitutional right.
  14. Philll


    Just stooooop
  15. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    Honestly get the fuck out of here.
  16. AelNire Nov 11, 2017
    (Last edited: Nov 11, 2017)

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    There is absolutely 0 compassion in some of these posts. I don’t understand it. There are statistics all over the internet from reputable sources of how rare false accusations are. Hero worship emboldens these dudes. Why don’t some of you get that? I understand the attachment to music. You believe victims first until something comes out to disprove it. You’re silencing and dismissive with innocent until proven guilty. People are terrified bc of exactly what is happening on reddit and wherever else. I applaud her bc facing the rabid fans of this band takes guts. I’m angry and upset for these individuals and you should be too first and foremost.

    Self righteous? Gtfoh.
  17. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    Holy shit you’re for real? My god people really just rear their ugly head when these things come to light.
    fenway89 and AelNire like this.
  18. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    Also if believing the woman over Jesse until proven otherwise makes me self-rightous or on a subjective moral high ground, I guess I just don’t give a fuck.
    littlejohn, fenway89 and AelNire like this.
  19. incognitojones

    Some Freak Supporter

    If she had video evidence authorized by a judge there would be people still defending them, hero worship is real and its not going to get any better by living in denial.
    Joe4th, fenway89, AelNire and 2 others like this.
  20. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Louis CK admitting to everything yesterday didn't slow down any of his followers or their mental gymnastics. Jesse could come out and say it was all specifically true and it wouldn't change their minds.
  21. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    You know, when I was a teenage girl I would have done anything to meet my faves. I would have loved their attention and been extremely flattered and probably have done just about anything for it. That would have been wrong, but I was also a kid who didn't understand the implications of that. These are grown men who 100% knew it was wrong or else they wouldn't be secretive.
  22. incognitojones

    Some Freak Supporter

    "wow what a good apology, we should forget about any consequences HE'S SUFFERED ENOUGH"
    fenway89 likes this.
  23. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    Absolutely, me too.
    fenway89, iCarly Rae Jepsen and Kiana like this.
  24. DeeZee

    If Young Metro Don't Trust You... Prestigious

    Yikes. I'm late to this one, but I'm at a loss for words. What is wrong with these guys? Good on her for coming forward.
    fenway89 and bradpetrik like this.
  25. caseyaylward


    Forgot about this until right now, but I have personally walked on Richard Reines back in his mansion in jersey in maybe...2005/2006? He was not in a robe though. Still a bizarre thing. Definitely didn’t feel a weird sexual undertone, but looking back it was for sure a strange thing.