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Weekly Poll: Favorite Relient K Album • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Henry, Aug 22, 2019.

  1. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    Forget and Not Slow Down
    Air for Free

    Two Lefts
    Five Score (these two are basically equal)

    Relient K

    Collapsible Lung
    mrgenious and Lucas27 like this.
  2. Lucas27


    I don’t 100% agree with this ranking, but it definitely knows what it’s talking about.
    Gooddayz likes this.
  3. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    Haha. Our rankings are actually pretty similar! Really just the top three where we differ.
    Lucas27 likes this.
  4. Tim

    grateful all the fucking time Supporter

    Skimming through the replies, man, we're really the only ones who don't hate Collapsible Lung, lol. I'd probably move Air for Free up one, but otherwise, I think I'm in the same boat ranking wise.
    SpyKi likes this.
  5. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    It's a solid album! Lol. It's got a few great songs and a few bad ones. Honestly think it's crazy people have it below the debut.

    Air for Free is about even with Five Score for me, I think it just has one or two more that I don't love. Empty House is probably my favourite RK song at this point though.
    Tim likes this.
  6. latortuga


    Lots of nostalgia with this band for me, and difficult for me to rank because I like all their albums. I think FANSD is their best work though!
    awakeohsleeper likes this.
  7. Lucas27


    I just want to take a moment to appreciate Two Lefts. IMO the oddest part of this poll is that it has zero votes alongside self-titled and CL. That album is like Anatomy but refined in every single way.
    JRGComedy and aspeedomodel like this.
  8. aspeedomodel

    Cautiously pessimistic Prestigious

    I think the only problem I have with Anatomy is the closer is probably their weakest ever. Still my personal favorite album of theirs, so many absolute gems on it.
  9. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Def like it more than Anatomy
  10. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    Dang I love Less Is More haha.
  11. aspeedomodel

    Cautiously pessimistic Prestigious

    Yeah, I just think they usually nail closer tracks and Less Is More never felt quite as strong. Love it as well though.
  12. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    Yeah I'll still put it as a bottom tier closer for them, but in terms of Anatomy I definitely don't think it's the weakest.
  13. latortuga


    Oh man, I almost voted for it! I jammed it just this weekend and I can still sing almost every word.

    My copy was a pale blue, CD was a slate blue color. I know there was a pink one as well, any others?
    awakeohsleeper and Lucas27 like this.
  14. DesolateEarth


    Mmhmm still holds up really well!
  15. Fox83


    Mmhmm will always be my favorite. Perfect time in many ways for both me and the overall genre/scene. Love Forget... a lot though.
  16. Mmhmm is my favorite even if I think FANSD is probably their “best”. Seeing that I broke a temporary tie between the two made me very happy, both great records
    Lucas27 likes this.
  17. lish

    Perpetually Cold Prestigious

    Fuck this is hard