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Website Update Announcements (Updated: February 14, 2025) • Page 10

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jason Tate, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    Yeah mine said “(nothing criminal)”
    Serenity Now and Zilla like this.
  2. When you click their username there’s a “spam” button to run a number of deletions, ban, and submit to multiple global spam databases.
  3. Former Planets


    Wait so how do I get my money back?
  4. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Ahh yeah. That's what I've been doing. It makes clean up a sinch. Best feature.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  5. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

    I’d like to speak to a manager.
  6. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Quite honestly this being the only spam to hit my inbox since 2016 is an amazing feat
  7. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    I’d like access to more tour speculation for my troubles
    Serenity Now likes this.
  8. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    I didn’t get any spam messages and now I’m hurt.
  9. I feel left out for not receiving any spam
  10. Zip It Chris

    Be kind; everyone is on their own journey.

    Dang, looks like I was left out…surprise, surprise.
    kelseyleigh and Chase Tremaine like this.
  11. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I was just excited to get a private message.
  12. kbeef2

    Trusted Supporter

    Heard these bots don't even like PUP smh
  13. Fox83


    I read my PM at least a dozen times trying to convince myself it was actually someone genuinely wanting to engage in conversation with me around here. lol
  14. fbrrocks


    Thanks and it was gone before I could clock or see anything so that’s a plus
  15. blistersoul61

    It's a space station!

    Thanks for this. Saw it for what it was, but I appreciate you quashing it.
  16. Way to get the most liked post of the week, dude! Lol
  17. .invisible ink.

    Between the Heart and the Synapse

    This has probably been reported (or not, maybe it's just me?) but when I try to update the "About Me" section of my profile anything I type gets rejected as spam for some reason. It doesn't seem to have an issue with the other fields.
  18. I think this should now be fixed. Let me know if it's not. Unsure why your account was seen as spam.
    .invisible ink. likes this.
  19. Jason Tate Aug 18, 2023
    (Last edited: Aug 19, 2023)
    I've created a new release notes / change log page on the main website:

    This will, going forward, be where I catalog all of the updates/changes/fixes to the website (and forum). I'll still make posts in this thread when it's updated so people can get notified about the changes, but I wanted one canonical place that listed all the changes I've made over the years to the website and a place I can keep easily updated.

    (I made a few minor updates over the past week or so and that motivated me to finally do this.)
  20. bobsheiskawy

    is it the same for you? Prestigious

    Hell yeah
  21. Former Planets


    Is there a way to aggregate people’s responses to each Rank or at least auto-create a post where people can comment and post their rankings for a specific set a la how the news feed auto generates a comment page?
  22. Not yet. I don't save any of this to a database so none it's stored anywhere, it's all local on the device. But I do have some other ideas for how it could be more social or possibly aggregate totals in the future.
  23. Former Planets


    What are you waiting forrrrrrrrrrr