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Waterparks – “Lowkey as Hell”

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. CyberInferno

    Line below my username Supporter

    Not a bad track. This band has some legit cringe moments (especially for a 35-year-old) and I try to forget that they exist on social media, but they put out some fun music (exceptions being some songs that make me want to rip my ears off.
    If you're sitting here thinking that Waterparks has never put out a good song, check out the closing track on their last album (warning: weird synth at the start).
    Brent likes this.
  3. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    333 GANG likes this.
  4. michael_gatto


    Am I too old at 28 to be listening to Waterparks? Probably. But I really like this band. New song is fun.
    CyberInferno and Brent like this.
  5. ARo24


    Listening to NFG’s self titled and then listening to this garbage makes me thankful I grew when I did.
  6. 333 GANG


    This band sucks, and the song posted in this thread that’s supposed to be a good song is... really not good.
    SamLevi11 likes this.
  7. CyberInferno

    Line below my username Supporter

    I feel this. Thankfully, as I get older, I give fewer and fewer fucks what people think of the music I like (I'm defending WC below on principle not because I worry about my musical taste being judged). I also find myself much more able to objectively listen to songs rather than judge them based on preconceived notions. Hopefully you feel the same! That last part about not pre-judging songs is because I feel like this band takes a lot of shit simply because their fanbase is super-young and annoying, and Awsten is just kind of pretentious and douchy on his socials. I actually chatted with him a bit after one of their warped tour sets when they were starting to get big, and he was pretty nice and chill in person even to a "boomer" warped tour attendee at 30+.
    If you honestly listened to that entire song, paid attention to the lyrics, and you think that, then I don't know what to tell you. "I've never seen a face with your type of shine / You moved in behind my eyes and built yourself a shrine / But then you ran away / And you left the picture frames / Now I don't see my face the same / Do you see / You're the reason I can't sleep? / Lose it where your head should be / In the dark between my sheets". Song is deeper than the vast majority of the catalogs of some other bands you're repping, but to each their own.

    I'm not saying Waterparks is a great band. Some of their songs are absolutely atrocious (which tend to be the ones they pick as singles for some reason). I would honestly give FANDOM a 3/5. But they catch way more shit than they actually deserve when other bands get passes. I would be willing to bet the vast majority of people that crap on them never actually gave them a shot because they heard the singles (Watch What Happens Next, Dream Boy, and Turbulent are all bad-to-awful songs to be fair) and assumed the rest of the album was shit.

    New Found Glory, for example, hasn't written a good album in nearly a decade, yet people keep eating up and praising the regurgitated crap they put out. "You could have any other guy / And can't you see my sides hang over my jeans? / You're the catch / And I'm the one you throw back in / Don't throw me back in". I physically cringed when I heard that the first time. And I say that as someone who loves their earlier work, all three of their movie-themed cover albums, etc. They're one of the first bands I really got into in this scene after blink-182 and Midtown. I bought tickets to their last tour. Yet their song writing has gone to dogshit, and their music sounds the same as it did two decades ago (with attempts to change followed by regression right afterward). Yet people don't reply to (and like) a poop emoji reply to their threads...? Just because they were a big part of the movement in the early 2000's shouldn't mean they get a pass on everything they do since.
    battlingaheavyheart likes this.
  8. 333 GANG


    There’s nothing wrong with the lyrics in that song you posted. The song itself just isn’t any good.

    Who are these people eating up those NFG lyrics? They’ve been heavily criticized on this website in particular. They’re really bad.
    SamLevi11 likes this.
  9. battlingaheavyheart

    searching for a former clarity

    I only pop into this site once and a while because I've found the comment section and forums to be toxic, but glad to see there are still adult men on here shitting on bands that primarily make music for teenage girls in order to feel superior :sly: like grow up, maybe? you can accept that you're not a band's target demographic and keep it pushing without being a jerk about it...
    CyberInferno and Brent like this.
  10. 333 GANG Sep 27, 2020
    (Last edited: Sep 27, 2020)
    333 GANG


    You’re right. I have this burning desire to feel superior to others in life, and I accomplish that by saying Waterparks sucks on message boards. You’ve really got me pegged.
    Carrow, SamLevi11 and The Comfort like this.
  11. The Comfort Sep 27, 2020
    (Last edited: Sep 27, 2020)
    Don't forget the singer sold his leg hair to a fan for several hundred dollars and has openly asked his fans to attack people online he's had disagreements with (while also being in the wrong). This is just off the top of my head after being awake for 10 minutes. Dude is problematic as hell. Creeps me out, an adult man acting like a 12 year old.
    I personally can't listen to music from people I wouldn't want to be within a 100 metre radius of, but do whatever you want.

    Edit: changed 35 year old to adult man.
    SamLevi11 and 333 GANG like this.
  12. 333 GANG


    He’s 35?! What the actual fuck, I thought he was in his mid 20s. Jesus Christ.
  13. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    He's not 35.
    Brent likes this.
  14. Sorry my bad, read 35 above and thought it meant WP guy.
    The rest stands, unless he is actually 12.
  15. Brent Sep 27, 2020
    (Last edited: Sep 27, 2020)

    Trusted Prestigious

    28. The person who responded about being 35 is actually 35 himself, hence that line.
  16. Jacktheskipper


    Really never got, what people like about this band ...
    333 GANG likes this.
  17. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Imagine coming onto a message board where people discuss music and seeing people with differing opinions to yours and being upset.

    Life must be really hard.
    Brent, CyberInferno and 333 GANG like this.
  18. battlingaheavyheart

    searching for a former clarity

    I have no opinion about this band... I checked out the song and determined instantly that I'm not their target demographic, which, as mentioned before, is teenaged girls (and yes, obviously people outside of this target demographic can enjoy the music too, including 35 year old men... not sure why that needs to be pointed out, but some people like to be purposely obtuse).

    I think we can all agree that people love to discredit the interests of young girls, especially when it comes to music tastes. Why? Misogyny probably. But you guys can unpack for yourselves why you need everyone know that your music tastes are sooooo great that you couldn't possibly enjoy Waterparks. Keep in mind, simply scrolling past a post about a band you don't like to engage with a post about a band you do like is always an option.

    My distaste for the negativity about this band has nothing to do with "differing opinions," it's about the fact that some grown men, like yourselves, have a problem with letting other people enjoy music in peace if you don't also enjoy that music... y'all always have to make sure that people feel stupid for liking a band by popping in with your "opinions."

    If the band is problematic, that's a whole other story... but when I came into this thread, all I saw were a number of posts by men indicating their dislike for Waterparks in a non-constructive way, with @333 GANG specifically shitting on a song that someone else indicated that they enjoy. What did you gain other than a feeling of superiority by putting someone else down?

    But you do you, I guess... :heart:
    CyberInferno likes this.
  19. 333 GANG


    Literally said nothing about my music taste. My music taste sucks. So does this band.
    Brent likes this.
  20. battlingaheavyheart

    searching for a former clarity

    Right. But would love an answer to the question posed, if you have one...

    Better yet, don't answer. But I encourage you to unpack it for yourself. Have a good one :heart:
    CyberInferno likes this.
  21. 333 GANG


    What kind of answer are you looking for here exactly? This is predominantly a music forum. We discuss music here. People praise and criticize all sorts of bands. My saying this band sucks has absolutely nothing to do with this band’s demographic or anything of the sort, and suggesting that’s some sort of factor for me is absurd. I listen to all sorts of bands that target younger demographics. My saying this band sucks has everything to do with this band sucking. I don’t need to gain anything from saying it, and neither does anyone else. The band isn’t any good and their frontman is a douche with a history of problematic behaviour. End of story.
    SamLevi11 likes this.
  22. SamLevi11 Sep 28, 2020
    (Last edited: Sep 28, 2020)

    Prestigious Prestigious

    this is bullshit. I like All Time Low, and a number of bands that have these target audiences.

    I just think Waterparks are bad. And I commented only a pop emoji, clearly a jokey post. If you like them, that is honestly good for you and I am glad you can find some enjoyment out of it.

    also the lead singer of this band IS problematic with a history of racism and cyber bullying.

    I get that you’re upset but you can’t just cry and call misogyny because someone doesn’t like a band you like. It’s really not relevant to anything that has been said in this thread, and certainly not by me.
    333 GANG likes this.
  23. bad band, bad people, shouldn't still have a career
    333 GANG likes this.
  24. Brent

    Trusted Prestigious

    Stay out of the politics forum here, this is a very left leaning site and if you even have the smallest agreement with anyone on the right you'll get threats and replies that go against the sites own rules that the admins and mods will turn a blind eye to.
  25. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Funnily enough I’m VERY left wing in real life, it just wasn’t relevant here when all I put was a poo emoji as a joke.
    Brent likes this.