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Warped Tour 25th Anniversary Speculation Tour • Page 35

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by theasteriskera, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I’m looking for one ticket for Atlantic City show. My wife just found out she is able to go. Prices are insane tho.
  2. a lack of color


    My boyfriend came home from a two week work trip last night and said "We gotta get those AC warped tickets!"
    I got so annoyed because when I had sent him the poster he just said "cool!" and didn't tell me he wanted to go. So I went low key off on him about how he needs to communicate better because it was already sold out and if I had known he really wanted to go I would have bought tickets before!
    He just laughs at me and goes "I know, I bought the tickets already."
    :| Moral of the story: I'm annoying but I'm going to Warped! Woooooo
  3. Brent

    Trusted Prestigious

    Asked Thursday why they aren't on this, they weren't asked to be part of it (and were okay with that as they've been playing the area quite a bit).
  4. zachmacD


    Asked who?
  5. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    zachmacD and Brent like this.
  6. Brent

    Trusted Prestigious

    The band/tour manager/PR person during their beyond the band q&a yesterday.
    zachmacD likes this.
  7. zachmacD


  8. zachmacD


    I though you asked someone on the day of the week Thursday lol
    Brent likes this.

    Trusted Supporter

    Yea I had to read that a few times to get that
    Brent likes this.
  10. sn0wie


    Good question :) glad you asked
  11. Austin Schwarm


    silent planet have a tour announcement tomorrow :) safe to assume ABR is getting announced tomorrow?
  12. Blink182Bouncer


    They're already on the Mountaim View lineup.
  13. Mtlman1331


    Can we start asking Kevin for Nerf Herder? I mean they are on the BFS and RBF tour but not on warped! Cmon!
  14. DonnyFTW


    So now that the 311 Tour is announced and The Interrupters are opening the July 2nd date in Ohio is it fair to assume they'll get added to AC in the next wave of bands?
  15. zachmacD


    is there an eta of when the TBA bands will be announced?
  16. Cali Sad Boy


    Since they are on that tour, wouldn’t be shocked if they end up on the AC lineup with the batch of TBA bands.

    Also, thinking BFS, RBF and Mest will be at the Mountain View show. They are off on day 1 and have a show in Seattle the next day
  17. Cali Sad Boy


    Sometime in April
  18. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Very stoked for this!!
  19. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Wait a second...

    It just hit me right now that RBF aren’t playing the Mountain View date lmao*

    For reason I thought they were?

    *And frankly, after seeing them 7 times, I’m not upset by it
    Cali Sad Boy likes this.
  20. Austin Schwarm


    posted this in the wrong thread. jeeez. lol
  21. DonnyFTW


    Set It Off announced a tour around Warped. They have a show in Virginia on June 29th so they'll be playing AC on June 30th.
  22. manoverboard365

    Trusted Supporter

    Rockstar's Disrupt Festival just got announced. A touring fest with similar music styles of Warped Tour.

    Interesting that Sum 41 and Meg & Dia aren't playing the east coast stops. I'd guess they both will be added in the next wave of Warped Tour acts.

  23. Darth Annihilus


    Sum 41 isn't on the east coast because they're touring the the month beforehand on their own headliner. I don't see them being added at any point.
  24. manoverboard365

    Trusted Supporter

    LAME. I've been going to pop punk shows for the last 19 years, and somehow I've never seen Sum 41 before.
    red8ge likes this.
  25. rbarlyo

    wawa defender

    Thats insane wtf