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Warped Tour 2018: The Final Cross-Country Trek Tour • Page 6

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by ALT/MSC/FAN, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. crash53456


    Warped lineup, ECCC pops and Avengers got moved up a week. Today is awesome!!
  2. Minusblue54


    Sorry, have to do this rant again. Whatever you do don't do it. I bought a bus package in 2012 they bailed on me less than 2 weeks before. They were like it's tentave y'all didn't tentatively take my money.
  3. DarkestDayOfMan


    Did we ever figure out who the semi-reunion band was? I doubt that they'd put it in the video, but just thought I'd ask now. The last I had seen we were banking on it being WIM minus Tyler.
  4. btr

    Trusted Supporter


    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    I think it was heavily speculated that it was Forever the Sickest Kids.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    Also we're almost an hour away from the announcement!
  7. jejune


    I woke up at 4am today because of excitement/anxiety for the lineup lmao. What has my life become.
    Minusblue54 and lindsaylove081 like this.
  8. is it We The Kings? do they still do shit? are they still bad? does the singer still look like the cowardly lion from Wizard of Oz?
    oooooo likes this.
  9. bkaeser93


    They haven’t ever broke up and weren’t on 13
  10. emlantzy


    They're still pretty active and yes
    ALT/MSC/FAN and bradsonemanband like this.
  11. ohdangitsjenni


    HAHA yeah they're still a band. They mostly do random college shows. Charles and Danny both have vlog channels on youtube too.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  12. DarkestDayOfMan


    I won't be surprised if they break up in a year or less after Warped ends. When was the last time you heard "I can't wait until WTK comes through on a headliner to my town."?
  13. never?

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    We the Kings has a very nostalgic type of fanbase, plus they're super active with the YouTube scene and vlogging or at least some of their members are.
  15. jejune


    I have a soft spot for WTK, they're one of the first bands I ever saw. I live in a remote country in Asia, no one ever goes here lol
    Collins likes this.
  16. BackwardsDuck


    Can someone leak it at a minute before it's announced just to say we leaked it?
    rbarlyo likes this.
  17. ohdangitsjenni


    They got big again when Charles joined because of his huge YouTube following. Then his following started to dwindle after his divorce and new relationship. Danny and Travis both started vlogging but Travis stopped. Danny still is. But their following has dropped a lot in the past few years because Charles' following dropped.
    ALT/MSC/FAN likes this.
  18. SkyGrowsBigger


    I took it from Toronto to Buffalo last year (which included a border crossing) and it wasn't too bad. A bit slower than I would've liked as we got there slightly after 11am but not a bad alternative.
  19. Blink182Bouncer


    Can't believe we have only an hour left!
    Morgan and ohdangitsjenni like this.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    Same. When I was 17, I did the Warped Tour survey thing in 2010 so I got to go back stage and watch them, and Travis was hands down one of the nicest band members I'd ever met. I interviewed him over the phone in 2016 too and he was just as great.
    jejune likes this.
  21. SkyGrowsBigger


    I wish there was this sort of relentless furvor and anticipation for the festivals I like...
  22. aMetalcoreBreakdown


    30 minutes until go time
  23. estacey99

    Oh yeah, oh yeah, everything is terrible.

    under 20 minutes

  24. Cgarnsay


    Where is the announcement being done?
  25. Blink182Bouncer


    We don't know. At this point just keep your eyes glued to Warped's Twitter/Instagram/Youtube

    Also: What's the point of having the announcement so late in the day if there's not an event for the Full Sail students?