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Warped Tour’s Pro-Life/All Lives Matter Tent Drawing Criticism • Page 4

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. JJ Pagan

    Trying Hard Not To Look Like I'm Trying That Hard

    Glad this is getting more coverage but I just want to say a week before Sorority Noise and Allison Weiss were tweeting about this two wonderful accounts @DEFENDGIRLS and @diversescene tweeted about it first. They're doing important work and everyone should follow them.
  2. skogsraet

    Trusted Supporter

    Women are the ones who will have their lives and bodies changed drastically as the result of a pregnancy regardless of whether it is carried to term. This group is run by people who will never experience that and they're the ones "presenting women with their options." To suggest this is a men's issue is because of male babies that might be born completely disregards the fact that 100% of the time it will be a woman who is carrying that child for nine months. Such a position is blatantly sexist with the lack of regard for women's lives and, dare I say it...right to choose.
  3. Malatesta

    i may get better but we won't ever get well Prestigious

    Kevin Lyman further cementing himself as well meaning but absolutely tone deaf
  4. mercury

    modern-day offspring fanatic Supporter

    Hey, thanks! I didn't know about either of those accounts beforehand. Much appreciated.
    Aaron Mook and JJ Pagan like this.
  5. Jonesy

    Be my alibi?

    I did take many liberties in creating scenarios around your original comment in hoping to engage you in a conversation with hoping you would elaborate your point as I felt it was fairly weak. Frankly, your vagueness is quite dense because your original statement reads that you are comparing abortion (what this thread's main focus point is about) to an accidental paper cut (I assume it's accidental, but who really knows what you mean without clarification) and the cells involved have no legal rights.

    your response:

    With that extremely basic information, I did try to bring about a counter argument where a collection of cells that didn't harbor life still had rights and there are real world crimes committed against them with multiple documented cases. Even with the paper cut scenario being labeled as not abuse there are situations when it definitely can be considered abuse and have legal ramifications. So my comments directly reflect things you said and I'm directly arguing against a point you made. I can cook up some wild scenarios that interpret what you said that compares an intentional action vs an unintentional action and mix in the legality of both, but that would serve no point other than to be insulting. A fake specificity would be me claiming you are pro-abortion as there is nothing to warrant such a view point, but I can definitely assign things to you from comments made where if I'm wrong, you have the opportunity to correct me and engage in a conversation to help me understand the specifics of what you meant. You of course don't have to do that and can be blatantly condescending instead of simply stating "The cells destroyed during a paper cut have the same legal rights as a fetus which means the mother would have complete legal rights as no ones rights are being taken away". But of course that's me taking liberties and assigning things from what you have said that you might not actually mean.
  6. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    good lord are y'all really in here doing this? bunch of well thought out statements from some very intelligent people and you want to argue the semantics of the sentence about cells. good to know some things never change.
    AndrewSoup, Anna Acosta, Arry and 4 others like this.
  7. Reese's Pieces


    While I don't always agree with your views, I usually respect your intelligent responses. This is such a terrible statement for so many reasons. From just a science perspective, surface epithelium is already differentiated and can only be skin cells. A growing blastomere (fertilized ovum) can only turn into one thing and that's a human. I truly believe a woman should have the right to choose what happens to her body for a myriad of reasons, but I wish the pro-choice movement would stop arguing cells don't have rights. Humans are just a collection of cells, just more differentiated compared to a newly fertilized ovum. There are much better points to argue why a woman should have a choice.
  8. There is no argument to be had: Women have a choice on what to do with their body. I have no desire to argue -- it's currently a fact -- and I'm totally fine voting and giving money to make sure it stays that way. (You point out why it's different -- full stop, your words: it's different -- so there's no need for me to expand upon that again. Thanks.)
    Anna Acosta likes this.
  9. nl5011

    Trusted Supporter

    So if a human is a collection of cells specifically differentiated to make us human, then you could still say cells don't have rights. But certain collections of cells can form a sentient being that does have rights.

    An argument could then be made that a ovum doesn't have enough specialized cells to be considered worthy of being/rights.

    Even if you wanted to combat this logic, your not doing it for the rights of a cell, your doing it to back your argument about pro life/pro choice.

    They aren't the same thing, and shouldn't be argued as such. There's a lot more to being than a conglomerate of cells, and no moral argument should be pinned to its materialistic expression.
    AelNire and Jason Tate like this.
  10. Sidebar: love the dudes that feel like it's totally helping to make an argument and to be a devils advocate under some guide to make sure there are "good arguments" all while saying they are pro choice in their posts.

    Here's the argument and your role IMO: women get to decide what they do and it's your job to vote and make sure it fucking stays that way. Arguing online is pointless on this topic, no minds need to be changed at this point. It's just about legal math now. Help women, period.
    Penguin, Aaron Mook, Arry and 5 others like this.
  11. PandaBear! Jul 13, 2016
    (Last edited: Jul 13, 2016)

    Trusted Prestigious

    No response, just quoting this relevant statement here in an attempt to end the irrelevant debates above...

    Edit: Not meant in a disrespectful way either
  12. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    one of these days i'm going to get this tattoo'd on my eyelid, so when i fall asleep listening to devil's advocates they can read my thoughts.
    Jason Tate, Penguin, AelNire and 3 others like this.
  13. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    My feelings.


    jordanjohnson09 and nl5011 like this.
  14. bptky

    check out Musica - Akron's best live music venue

    I don't agree with this particular issue, but this organization needs to know that although "All Lives Matter" works for them in this context, it's still offensive when countering the Black Lives Matter movement. It's like someone using "F*ck tha Police" in a campaign to get cops laid, good cause using a phrase with a negative connotation.
  15. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    this isn't a good cause. they know what they are doing.
    AelNire likes this.
  16. jordanjohnson09


    AelNire likes this.
  17. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    Alright! I just knew nobody was going to know where that's from lol
  18. jordanjohnson09


    that movie seems severely overlooked. so good.
    AelNire likes this.
  19. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    I know I was suprised bc it is jam packed with good actors.
  20. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    The comments arguing about the semantics of the "cell" statement are some of the most obtuse things I've seen written in a while.
    AndrewSoup, Audrey Horne and Nick like this.
  21. Dominick

    Prestigious Prestigious

    "I am pro-choice because many countries where abortion is illegal or highly restricted have significantly higher abortion rates than we have in the United States, and astronomically higher rates than we see in Western Europe. Some of those countries include Brazil, Chile, Bangladesh, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, and the Philippines.

    I am pro-choice because of the number of women hospitalized after unsafe illegal abortions in these countries:
    Bangladesh: 71,800
    Brazil: 288,700
    Chile: 31,900
    Colombia: 57,700
    Dominican Republic: 16,500
    Egypt: 216,000
    Mexico: 106,500
    Nigeria: 142,200
    Peru: 54,200
    The Philippines: 80,100

    MI am pro-choice because the risk of dying from abortion is far higher in countries where abortion is illegal than where it’s legal.

    I am pro-choice because illegal abortion is the cause of 25% of all maternal deaths in Latin America, 12% in Asia, and 13% in sub-Saharan Africa."

    Why I'm Pro-Choice
  22. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    Ireland willfully killed a woman in the public eye because abortion isn't legal.
    Dominick likes this.
  23. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I used to really want to go to Warped Tour when I was younger, but I never had the chance too. Honestly, I really have no desire to go to it anymore.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  24. Having read through this whole thread, this needs to be said again on the most recent page so here ya go.
  25. thegoose


    Oh geez, this argument again... so if I'm a white male, I can't have an opinion on race relations? If I'm American, I can't have an opinion on world affairs that don't impact me? No one suggests this is a "men's issue," however, we do suggest that it's a "human rights issue." You may not like that, but don't tell me that I can't have an opinion because I'm not female.