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Warped Tour’s Pro-Life/All Lives Matter Tent Drawing Criticism • Page 3

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. mercury

    modern-day offspring fanatic Supporter

    So when people have different opinions on things, usually this is the case. But when it's a matter of human rights, and a group of people is of the view that they should be taken away, it's really dismissive to throw your hands up and say, "Everyone's entitled to their opinion." That's a non-answer and often a way of excusing damaging and harmful views.
  2. ChicagoBowls


    Does Pro-Choice also have a platform at warped? I'd be better with neither. As for warped, the setting should be neutral and SAFE place for these younger folks and Mr. Lyman has any attempt to bring the fest closer to that standard. I wish more people would call him out of that since all the issues I've stem from very poor decision making.
  3. thebig100


    I guess my point is that it's a human rights issue on both sides. The pro choice side focuses on the rights of the human woman, and the pro life side focuses on the rights of the unborn human. So who's right should be taken away here? I can see it both ways.
  4. A collection of cells doesn't have "rights." That's why you're not arrested for abuse when you get a paper cut.
    FTank, Aaron Mook, AelNire and 5 others like this.
  5. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    If these pro-life organizations put time into funding accessible healthcare for women, actual sex education for young people so they don't end up with unwanted pregnancies, and then also provided sponsorship/help for women with babies they kept because they didn't want an abortion, I might be willing to let them slide. However, as I said before, what they're selling is often deliberately misleading and outright wrong (look up religious pregnancy counseling centers if you want to feel sick today). It is not at all a "difference of opinion" but rather a righteous anger towards a group of people willfully misleading children into misinformation. It's fear-mongering and guilt-tripping scared, desperate people.
  6. aranea

    Trusted Prestigious

    wanted to check twitter to see if he said anything about this...

  7. Dominick

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I mean, it doesn't matter if it is a life or not. A woman has control over her body regardless. That's what this is about: the right of women to decide what is best for her health.
  8. ChicagoBowls


    Cool, hope he follows through.
  9. thebig100


    Even adult humans are just collections of cells...are you saying human rights shouldn't exist at all?
  10. mercury

    modern-day offspring fanatic Supporter

    It's definitely wrong to take rights away from the living, sentient human being, who should absolutely have the right to control what is living inside of their own body.
  11. I wanna know why Lyman always tries to use the "punk rock is about..." card. Like what the fuck is that? It's a shitty way to basically defend literally anything.

    "Punk rock is about hitting people in the face during fast music!"

    "Punk rock is about acceptance of all."

    "Punk rock is about not giving a fuck if you hurt someone."

    "Punk rock is about not making money."

    "Punk rock is about making money because that's the most punk thing you can do."

    Like, not all of these things can be true — so maybe it's time we stop hiding behind the boogieman and shield of what "punk rock" is or was or could be or should be or whatever. An organization that literally profits off #alllivesmatter is currently on Warped Tour spreading that "view." If you think it's important to give that a platform, you're an asshole. There's my "opposing view." I also think the "debate" over a women's right to her body is over, and the fact that it keeps even getting brought up is stupid and horribly regressive.
    AndrewSoup, fame, Aaron Mook and 7 others like this.
  12. Nope, not what I'm saying. Don't be willfully ignorant.
    JJ Pagan likes this.
  13. Dominick

    Prestigious Prestigious

    People use the term "real punk" like they use the term "real world". It is meant to imply a reality that is beyond question. It just so happens that these realities or ideas justify centuries of white, male dominance. It is a strategy, not an accident.
  14. Jonesy

    Be my alibi?

    That's a hornet nest of a statement. But if you intentionally gave another individual paper cuts, you could be arrested, and if you are intentionally giving yourself paper cuts, you can also be arrested/restrained from hurting yourself further legally.
  15. That's why I didn't say either of those things ...
  16. thebig100


    Then use better arguments...and no need to act like an ass.
  17. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    I can't think of a definition of punk that would make shaming young women punk
    Nick, AelNire, JJ Pagan and 4 others like this.
  18. You changing my statement is on you.
  19. Reese's Pieces


    You are absolutely correct about late term abortion. That is one of the biggest points pro-life groups like this one like to distort and it is really harmful. We aren't talking about the same thing. I was referring to the fact fetal viability keeps getting earlier due to science and medical breakthroughs in neonatal care. In other words, the definition of when the fetus becomes a baby has been shifting to earlier gestational ages the past 20 years. That is why I disagreed with you when you when you said medical science has disclaimed EVERY single one of their issues. We both want the same thing in the end, I was just hoping to help strengthen your argument for the future.
    PandaBear! likes this.
  20. nl5011

    Trusted Supporter

    No one asks the soul whether or not it wants to be birthed into whatever situation their forced into. What about soul rights?
    I'd be pissed if I was pulled from bliss to conform to this shithole life.
    JJ Pagan likes this.
  21. thebig100


    I feel like you always come off very hostile in your comments in these types of threads.

    I'm just pointing out that your argument about unborn humans not having rights simply because they are made up of collections of cells at the time falls apart pretty quickly when you realize that's all that any of us are. If you meant something more than that, then maybe you can elaborate.
  22. Nah. You've shown your cards of willfully choosing to play dumb and craft statements and arguments I never said. I feel no need to eleaborate on common sense. And it's clear you get this as you continue to dance around the reasons what I said isn't what you're now implying I said, and the obvious differences.

    I'm hostile to those that willfully shift my words to absurdity to create straw men. It's disingenuous and a giant waste of my time to engage in a conversation where the other party thinks any collection of cells and a human being are the exact same, or needs me to explain that. Neither sounds like a fun evening. Women have the right to do what they want with their body. I'm done arguing about it. It's just how it is.
    FTank likes this.
  23. Jonesy

    Be my alibi?

    you didn't have to say those things, the vagueness of your comment leaves it open to interpretation and allows for scenarios to nullify your point.
    Cells don't have rights, yet necrophilia is a crime, there a multitude of crimes that can be committed against a brain dead person, destroying cells separated from an individuals body can be crime.

    There are plenty of double standards and extreme gray areas when it comes to these topics. The treatment of the human body vessel that harbors our consciousness has special rules for when we are dead and different ones from when being formed, regardless of the "life" argument.
  24. Jason Tate Jul 12, 2016
    (Last edited: Jul 12, 2016)
    You creating a scenario that I never said doesn't nullify my point. It means you spent your time creating a scenario I never stated and are pretending making something up is the same thing -- it's not. It's literally creating a new argument and pretending that by arguing against it you're arguing against me. You're not. You can make up any number of wild scenarios and interpretations of things I never said if you want I guess ... I'm not gonna bother responding to anything I didn't say though. I see no reason to argue points I didn't make and someone literally made up. My vagueness in a sentence (it's not vague, it's in response to something and pretty clearly obvious what I'm referring to unless you want to be willfully dense) doesn't mean you can fake specificity and assign whatever you want to me. Sorry, it doesn't work that way, and I no longer feel the need to get into long arguments about things I didn't say with people. You are literally arguing against nothing beside yourself when you do that.