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Warped Tour’s Pro-Life/All Lives Matter Tent Drawing Criticism • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. mercury

    modern-day offspring fanatic Supporter

    I'd just like to second all of this. My upbringing was very similar, and it's been a long road to unlearning a lot of that mentality. I could easily see how a 14-year-old version of myself at that tent would have been easily convinced to smile and hold up one of those signs. It hits home in the worst way.
    iCarly Rae Jepsen and Jason Tate like this.
  2. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    Yup. Could easily see 15 year old me being roped into proselytizing for this. Not every opinion needs its day in court, especially when the opinion is telling kids that being pro-choice is being pro-murder.
  3. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    yeah I can't envision a scenario where this isn't antagonistic
  4. Jonesy

    Be my alibi?

    Poison masquerading as candy. That's not pro-life, it's just a neatly decorated anti-abortion movement which is all bedazzled to distract you from their intentions.

    Sexual education, one of the strangest taboo subjects that when it's not available leads to more abortions due to individuals not being appropriately informed.

    Warped Tour has always had "awareness" or "movement" tents. I'm sure there will be at least 1 tent handing out free condoms, might not educate anyone on sexual education or informing them of risks and what consent means, because that's awkward, but they will give you the tools and hope you can figure it out on your own.
    incognitojones and red8ge like this.
  5. Audrey Horne Jul 11, 2016
    (Last edited: Jul 12, 2016)
    Audrey Horne

    Regular Prestigious

    Because letting young girls who could face the most frightening scenario of their lives in a young, unexpected pregnancy that they have a choice whether or not to go through with something that would effect the rest of their life is in no way comparable to shaming them into doing something they don't want to do just because YOU don't like it.

    What are these people doing about the deplorable conditions that foster kids are put into by the (millions) *OIC this should be thousands like the other two, didn't even realize that happened*? What are they doing about the plethora of private, for profit "adoption" and "foster" agencies who knowingly put children into dangerous and abusive situations where they are dying by the thousands and being neglected by the hundreds of thousands?

    What are they doing to address the disproportionate adoption rates for children of color and those that are disabled?

    How many young mothers is this organization sponsoring? Helping to provide long term care like food, clothing and daycare? How about homeless young mothers? What are they doing to help these woman find and sustain affordable housing and jobs? How much assistance and help are they providing for them?

    The problem with organizations such as these is that they exist for the sole purpose of guilting people into a decision based on nothing but their "feelings" about abortion. Medical science has disclaimed every single one of their issues about how you're "getting rid of a baby" at every turn. Facts and statistics have disclaimed that "adoption saves" because the system is a horrifying joke. At no level is anything they're saying or doing helping or appealing to anyone or anything but themselves.
  6. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    i have ZERO issue with political things being presented at warped tour..... i am extremely shocked that a ;cough; punk ;cough; festival would promote anything "non punk/liberal' though. The all lives matter tent is the one that really shocks me,

    The abortion one doesn't bother me as much as long as there's a pro-choice tent as well.
  7. thebig100


    From what I gather from this, the group is trying to protect the lives of fetuses, some of which would obviously turn out to be male, and not necessarily focused on the mother that would carry them. So In that regard, I can see how the issue isn't one that primarily affects just women. I think the birth rate is somewhat close to 50/50 male/female, correct? One of those stats I remember hearing randomly...
  8. Reese's Pieces Jul 12, 2016
    (Last edited: Jul 12, 2016)
    Reese's Pieces


    While I agree with most of your post, I am curious what medical science has disclaimed about this issue? As someone almost done with medical school, I don't see how you can get around the fact that you are either killing a baby or destroying something that can only turn into a baby. I have many colleagues who are pro-life based solely from a science perspective, which is a valid opinion. The only real reason to be pro-choice is that you respect the patient's choice on what she wants to do with her body. I personally think she should have a choice, but I don't think you should spread misinformation that science is on your side.

    While your number are way off about the foster care system, you did raise great points about the crisis they are facing today and it really is heart breaking.
    NitrateDawn likes this.
  9. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

  10. Audrey Horne

    Regular Prestigious

    If you're curious there's this thing called google. As a medical student you should know very well the difference between and early and late term abortion. Ending a pregnancy in the earliest terms isn't "killing a baby" like these people are literally telling these girls. Saying it is "potentially" a baby doesn't change that. Late term abortion makes up less than 2% of all abortion and it is rarely, if ever done just because someone decides 5+ into their pregnancy they don't want a baby. Almost all late term abortions are done for outstanding medical reasons either for the mother or the fetus. There's no "misinformation" about this science or the facts.
    Penguin, AelNire and Nick like this.
  11. Audrey Horne

    Regular Prestigious

    And let me just stop right there because I just noticed your edit about foster care on top of that and I don't have the patience for diplomatic response tbh.
  12. TDenverFan


    Question: Would people care if this was a pro choice group? Because it seems like a lot of the anger is because people disagree with this group politically.
  13. AshlandATeam


    I can only speak for myself, but I think that my biggest issue is the presence of political propaganda at all. Teenagers are mold able and impressionable and on a day where they just want to go listen to music, trying to convince them of a specific point of view like this seems to be ambushing and manipulative. Regardless of what it is.

    If this wasn't a festival geared towards kids who don't know better, then I'd feel differently. But I know how I ate up whatever was thrown at me when I was 16, without being able to filter out things based on what I know I believe (because I didn't, then, know WHAT I believed). It just seems unfair and underhanded and not what kids trying to see 20 bands in a day should be subjected to.
  14. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    JJ Pagan, mercury and Penguin like this.
  15. AelNire Jul 12, 2016
    (Last edited: Jul 12, 2016)

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    I haven't had much sleep in the past couple days so this might be left field.

    For me it boils down to Pro-Lifers manipulating these kids and making them think that if they fall pregnant they have to have the kid regardless of the circumstances. That's why babies end up in dumpsters or abandoned. Pro-Choice you have options and can have the baby or abort. Kids shouldn't be taught that abortion is wrong.
    Jason Tate and Nick like this.
  16. nl5011

    Trusted Supporter

    Let's preach pro life in a world suffering from over population.

    And if you don't think we are overpopulated yet, it is an inevitable fate if we don't become aware of it now.

    We're already running out of water.
    So let's just blindly follow conservative family values and keep on churning out mouths to feed, to grow up in our wonderful education system and make the same choices that keep propelling this great country.

    We can't stop reproduction, but I hope we can get a grip on it before the government does for us. *china*

    We are exhausting our planet. Our priority as human beings isn't to populate anymore. And following that agenda is not going to save our species, unless we migrate off the planet.
  17. Dominick Jul 12, 2016
    (Last edited: Jul 12, 2016)

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Well, one side of the debate says,"We trust women to make decisions about your reproductive health. In fact, we want womem to have access to all the care and choices they need, in order to ensure their health and safety."
    The other side says, "We care nothing for your safety or health. Women should have their reproductive system subject to the control of others. In fact, we believe so strongly in curbing their autonomy that we are willing to risk their lives to bring them in line."

    The latter is anti-woman, obviously, so it should have no place in our discourse. It isn't just an opposing view, it is an oppressive view that we see objectively hurt women throughout the country. As such, we can dispense with this idea of fairness in terms of hearing their ideas. Plus, they're using racist terminology to further their cause, which just adds to a toxic and dangerous environment.
  18. Arry Jul 12, 2016
    (Last edited: Jul 12, 2016)

    it was all a dream Prestigious

    their twitter account and the accounts associated with it is pretty cringe worthy too. just ignorance all around, really disappointing but sadly not surprised.

    love sorority noise and love allison weiss for speaking out
    Jason Tate, AelNire and Aaron Mook like this.
  19. Snoblin

    Goblin Person Prestigious

    What the literal fuck. Are you serious? This isn't a joke?

    Leave it to Kevin to paint his flaws right on his face and call it a good day.
  20. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    My list of people I loathe goes 1. Chris Brown 2. Kevin Lyman..
    Carmensaopaulo likes this.
  21. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    3. Hitler
    Carmensaopaulo and AelNire like this.
  22. thebig100


    I remember going to Warped in high school in 2004. Rock The Vote was there, wearing the "not my president" shirts that had Bush's face on them, asking anyone who was 18 to sign up to vote and pledge to vote for John Kerry. No one batted an eye at it. I actually don't see how this is anything new or different.
  23. Dominick

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Because opinions have consequences and we shouldn't give legitimacy to viewpoints that put women in danger.
    JJ Pagan and mercury like this.
  24. thebig100


    Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean it's wrong to have a different opinion. This is the definition of intolerance, which I thought we as the punk community had moved past. Guess we still have a lot of work to do.
  25. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    It isn't intolerant to silence an intolerant viewpoint.
    Anna Acosta, Aaron Mook and Nick like this.