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Vent Your Frustrations • Page 121

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by omgrawr, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    I really hate it when people either don't respect a name change or feel the need to bring up my old name. Like, this came up unprompted in a Discord server in the middle of a serious conversation about how much the American health care system fucking blows. And the only way they could have known my old name is by clicking my Discord profile since that's the one place where it says "formerly known as PureBlue/PureBlueSF". I initially thought maybe I didn't convey the change and the fact that it's a permanent thing well enough to people when I initially posted about it in the various servers I'm a part of, but I looked back and I did actually make it pretty clear. And the fact that my profile says "formerly known" should make it pretty obvious that I don't want it brought up.

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  2. Halitosis Jones Aug 6, 2024
    (Last edited: Aug 6, 2024)
    Halitosis Jones

    Prestigious Supporter

    Going through some apartment stuff that is making me anxious.

    So I have had this apartment for about 5 years. Week one I got this place there was a major roof leak. I took a picture and sent it to the landlord at the time, they came in and physically saw it the drywall damage, and all they did was patch the roof. I have kept an eye on it, no signs of mold, just looks ugly. Nobody since has asked about it since even when new landlord sent a home inspector. I initially did everything I was supposed to do.

    Now two new landlords later I had my first ceiling leak in 5 years. I did the same thing took a picture and showed them. Now they want to come and fix the drywall. I was forced to let them know about the previous damage since they're going to see it anyway.

    I feel like this could go wrong for me in several ways. As long as I make clear I initially let the ownership at the time know, and it should only be my responsibility as a renter to let a new landlord about new problems, not old problems that were shoddily fixed by the previous landlord. They can evict me for failure report, but I did report I am just scared to death they will find mold though.
  3. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    As long as you reported it, I wouldn't worry about it! I'm sure you'll be fine, they can't prove that you didn't
  4. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Coworkers that don't give a shit, make dumb mistakes, and then just shrug when called out on it. I am often too hard on myself, and struggle with work life balance so I'm not a saint and / or the perfect person to replicate, but I've been given two coworkers who are the absolute opposite, neither of whom lasted in the position (a lot of other things went into it, and no I didn't fire them!).

    I won't go into all the details, but I was given veterans of the company whose job is to correct others mistakes, yet they continually made mistakes of their own (dumb dumb stuff like incorrect excel formulas, fat fingering values when importing from one program to another and not spotting obvious omissions). I'd tell the last guy when he screwed up, and he'd fix it and mumble an apology, but not once did he act like he was upset or annoyed at himself for making a mistake. I hate that. I make dumb mistakes and I'm disappointed and I show it and fix it. Not him, similar mistakes over and over until he left and never did he seem to be bothered by it.

    I bring it up as I was told not to check the guys work on my team as it was a continuous carousel of checks and a waste of time and they were capable and could pass their work forward unsupervised, and low and behold, he's not here, and there are holes in his work.

    I swear if it falls on me for not catching it...
  5. Working for a university that will pay for your tuition is sick. Finding out you still have to pay like $1,000 in fees each semester is not sick
    RyanPm40 and waking season like this.
  6. domotime2 Aug 16, 2024
    (Last edited: Aug 16, 2024)

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    Ugh sigh. I'm annoyed at wife tonight. So we moved to Charlotte a few months ago and long story short, I'm not happy here. My job is boring. The city is boring. And my job has me working so many bizarre long hours, I haven't seen my friends or family since moving yeah, a little depression as sunk in.

    So my wife says "you need to just go see friends and cheer up". Being a good wife she knows I'm a little depressed lonely.

    So tonight there was a ska show in Raleigh. 3 hours away but I came up with a fun adventure where me and my dog went together, hopped around bars, went hiking, I see Catch 22, and I have a nice dogcation with my best friend (my dog). Also, my work schedule worked out! Off Friday night and no work until Saturday at 6 pm. I didnt need to do any requests, it just fell this way. And! My wife works all night Friday and Saturday. Even today I was looking forward to it. Made money on my lunch shift and was ready to go

    Sigh. Its my wife's time of the month and she wants to hug me. So okay, I feel bad. Periods suck and I feel bad.....but its like, shes going to work in an hour. So now I'm left with nothing to do and another night alone. Its not like I need to be there for her tonight and hug and watch movies together. It's "I need a hug until 7pm...which at that point its too late for you to do anything:

    And she doesn't even really realize I'm annoyed. I even bought tickets for the show already ($30).

    I'm swallowing my pride and annoyance here but ughhh...

    Also! Someone asked if I could work tonight and I said no. Thats $250 down the drain.

    So I could've worked, I could've done a much needed mental night to myself,...but its neither.
  7. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    That seems odd? As a fellow period having person, I would never expect my bf to skip out on plans like that to hang with me. And I get pretty bad ones where I have migraines and puke. Does she know that was your plan? Either way, hope you can plan another day like that again soon
  8. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    She was just in a "she needs hugs and love" mode? I mean this wasn't some big concert i planned months ago, it was just something i mentioned last week after i got my work schedule and she said "good idea"!

    My hints at being like "aw man" wasn't working. Is seeing a ska band i've seen a dozen times more important than comforting my wife who needs me? Of course not. Like duh. It was just the circumstances of like "comeeee on you're going to work ANYWAYS! haha"

    And now i just sat home and watched wrestling all night.
    Kiana likes this.
  9. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Hopefully you can still relax and have a chill night watching wrestling! Glad you were able to be there for her
    domotime2 likes this.
  10. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    I cannot STAND Hulu. It’s utter trash compared to literally every other streamer I pay for. With how expensive streaming it’s just absurd how bad it is at remembering where you were in a movie if you paused it, it has a terrible ui. Tonight it hit a new low with not even attempting to find the movie I was looking for when I searched for it. I hit the first four letters it had no idea what I was lookin for then of course it’s there. THEN WHEN I PLAYED IT I SWEAR IT CRASHED MY ITERNET.
    JoshIsMediocre and RyanPm40 like this.
  11. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    My biggest gripe is Paramount+. That shit takes forever to load the actual selection and even just scrolling through the screens takes forever and is usually 4-5 seconds behind the action so I’m constantly selecting the wrong thing when I forget that and am impatient. Then when the movie/show actually does start it plays at like 35 blurry pixels for the first 5-10 minutes. I don’t have that issue with any other app so it’s not my internet, just the shittiness of the app (although I know others don’t have issue with it so idk).
  12. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    My dad is in the hospital for gastrointestinal bleeding and I'm having conflicting feelings about whether or not I should visit him to give him a piece of my mind. Like, sure, saying to him "why didn't you ever care about me" could be cathartic, but... what would that even accomplish at this point?
  13. Jams


    Sometimes I feel like the parent to my mom and I’m just so fucking tired. She never stops and thinks things through. She just makes spontaneous decisions and then has consequences because of them and I end up having to bail her out bc she has no one else. A few years ago she just randomly decided she didn’t want a house anymore and it was too much responsibility. I told her she would hate an apartment. She’s always lived in a house, has never had to deal with neighbors like that, her house would be paid off in like 10 years and rent was more expensive. Does she listen? No. Sells her house, gets an apartment, absolutely hates it and then buys another house that costs double what her old one did. Who had to help her move? Me. Who had to help her fix up the house? Me. Now she decides to get a dog. Again, I tell her bad idea. I love dogs but my mom is very busy and again not in a great financial position. She of course does not listen. The dog is very sweet but has horrible separation anxiety and has destroyed her house. Curtains torn. Original woodwork from the 50s destroyed. Who does she call? Me of course. I told her the dog might need a medication to calm her when my moms not home. Of course she doesn’t want to go that route bc vets are too expensive!! Maybe don’t get a dog when you can’t afford it!! She calls me 2 days after my grandma died in absolute hysterics that I need to go to her house immediately. I get there and the dog caught a rabbit, killed it and was eating it. Apparently I’m supposed to magically deal with this problem for her. Like I’m grieving!!! Leave me be!! I’m so fucking exhausted. I just want a support system for me for once. My entire life has been helping everyone else and I can’t deal with this anymore! You are the parent. You’re supposed to be responsible for your own shit. I’ve bailed her out financially multiple times when I’m barely making it myself bc she has not saved anything. I love her but I’m done.
  14. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    I have since decided that not going would send way more of a message than anything I could say in person
  15. Carmen SD


    My SO is once again on one and I told him how is poor communicate made me feel and he once again took it the wrong way. Still fails to acknowledge it
  16. I know how that feels. Drives me nuts because all I want to do is improve things.
  17. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    I want to start going to this Muay Thai gym and I just can’t afford it.
    Orla likes this.
  18. brothemighty


    the only thing that's changed after trying the free trial of premium LinkedIn is an influx of scam texts and emails. certainly no interviews

    so if you want to be bombarded with those more regularly I'd recommend it
    Orla and Aaron Mook like this.
  19. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Can millennials and Gen z band together and refuse to buy houses until they're reasonably priced? I thought that's what we were all doing by force and not rly our choice because none of us can afford a home, but I keep hearing ppl my age talk about the houses they own like hellloooo I thought we were in this together lol
  20. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    I feel like every second of every minute I’m wishing horrible things on horrible people and goddamit, these things just aren’t coming to fruition.
    Orla likes this.
  21. Luis1988888


    So earlier today in san francisco we stop by a random gas station to buy a type c charger cable, I get out while my girl waits in the car. I go inside and browse to find it, and the store clerk sees me look at the chargers and almost instantly starts being rude, at some point he says I better not have buyers remorse and try to return it. I assume he's joking at first and say don't worry I won't. I patiently wait behind the customer ahead of me and not say anything. Mid way into helping the customer he tells him that he's going to help me because I keep eye fucking him and I can tell he isn't joking by his tone. That's when I blow up on him, I told him I didn't care how long he was going to take to helpa nd was being nice to him. I definitely lost my cool and started cussing at him, and ended not buying the damn charger. It sucks trying to be nice and then being treated like garbage.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  22. That's an insane way to talk to a patron that's minding their own business. I'm sorry that happened
    Orla, Fletchaaa and Nyquist like this.
  23. Luis1988888


    @Aaron Mook it was, it hella threw me off because I was trying to be polite until I knew he was purposely trying to insult me, super odd. But thanks!
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  24. Luis1988888


    I find it so hard to make new friends offline that have similar interests. My girl is kind of over going to concerts, sometimes I wish I had a concert buddy. I went to Rise Against on tuesday solo and felt kind of awkward by myself. Seperate issue but i've been itching to get back into making music but when I do I feel kind of bankrupt creatively.
    Cameron and RyanPm40 like this.
  25. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    I feel you on this one. It’s been really hard for me to make friends the past few years and sometimes it really sucks.

    When I moved to SoCal a few years back, I was able to make friends pretty easily through school and all the jobs I worked. But after graduating and getting my first “real job” it’s become way more difficult.

    I’m the youngest guy at my office and everyone else in my company is like 2-3 decades older than me, so that’s out of the question. I had luck befriending some people in a local photography group which was great, but the past year and a half, every meetup they’ve had has been scheduled on a day where I have a prior obligation or plan scheduled, so I haven’t been able to see them for a while.

    All my friends I’ve made here have their own busy lives and schedules so I rarely get to see them. All of my best/close friends live out of town or state so I rarely get to see them either.

    I don’t have an issue doing things by myself (concerts, outings, errands) and as a matter of fact, I enjoy it. But sometimes it would be nice to have buddies to do stuff with.
    Luis1988888 and Cameron like this.