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Vent Your Frustrations • Page 120

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by omgrawr, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. Check your tomato sauce cans
  2. Jams May 28, 2024
    (Last edited: May 28, 2024)


    I got an alert from credit karma that I had a new hard inquiry from jpmorgan/chase on my credit report. I have zero accounts with them and have never applied for anything with them. So naturally I am freaking the fuck out. And of course it’s after hours so I can’t call chase and see what it is until my lunch break tomorrow so that’s great!! Might be dealing with identifying theft but too bad, gotta call tomorrow! I am so careful with all my shit too. I hope it’s just some error and not anything serious but ugh idk
    Cameron and RyanPm40 like this.
  3. Jams


    Well someone definitely tried to open a Chase credit card in my name so that’s great!! Luckily I caught it immediately and no harm was done but uhhhh hopefully they don’t do anything else! I have my credit frozen, disputed the inquiry and filed a fraud alert thing so hopefully that’s enough? I’m not surprised honestly. There was a data breach with job and family services and Medicaid in my state and I used both when I lost my job bc of covid and someone tried to file for unemployment in my name a few months ago. Sucks that you can personally be as careful as possible and it still doesn’t matter bc no one else is careful with your info and everybody has it.
  4. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious


    At the beginning of the year I booked a flight for this weekend but decided against going about 6 weeks ago. My flight was scheduled to leave 6 am Saturday. At 9 pm Friday night I get an email that simply says my flight is cancelled and they’re trying to rebook me to another one. An hour ago I get an email saying I am now rebooked and that the flight leaves 7 pm Saturday.

    Again, I had already decided against going on this trip but holy fuck would I be livid if I was planning on going. Flight gets cancelled less than 12 hours before it’s supposed to depart after being booked for months (I know that doesn’t really have anything to do with each other but still just looks and sounds absurd) and the new flight is at the end of the day on Saturday, essentially losing an entire day of the trip. Insane.

    Honestly thinking I’ll just have to drive everywhere I want to go because flying is just so erratic. I’ve been abandoned at too many airports and cities the last 4-5 years and simply cannot trust that any flight will actually happen anymore. Feel bad for the folks that were excited for their flight tomorrow morning!
  5. brothemighty


    Have you ever noticed that like all the things you want to say to people in the moment end up being things you don't want to say after sleeping on it

    Like why are we like this. Is it good to confront people in an openly emotional state even if it makes others uncomfortable or should we press those feelings down until our default state of rationality takes hold for the sake of convenience and comfort in social connective spaces

    I've been writing so many texts to people in my notes app that I'm intending to send and then I don't and then the next day I'm glad I didn't. People so easily cut off ties these days for any kind of slight. I'm in a pretty heightened emotional place right now and I don't want to take it out on people out of the blue. I want to appear calm and understanding. Is this just fear of abandonment and repression of my real feelings? Or am I doing the right thing letting my immediate emotions not reach other people when those people affect me?
  6. If you're questioning it, it's probably healthy. You can always send it later, but you can't unsend it. I went through a really difficult period where, if I got into an argument with my wife, I found it easier to write out my feelings, so I would wind up sending a long text explaining how I felt an why I was frustrated after we had already gone our separate ways for the evening. Not a great habit, would not recommend
    brothemighty likes this.
  7. Carmen SD


    Happened to me too. It was mailed to my dad’s house and he asked if I applied for a card. I said no and it’s probably fraud (it was). The only thing I have with chase is my auto loan, but a different mailing address.
  8. Jams


    When I was looking up what steps I should take, it seemed like the majority of people had cards opened in their name through Chase. Idk why but they need to get their shit together bc something is clearly wrong on their end for it to be happening to so many people. They mailed me a letter confirming they closed the account and I did everything the letter said to do so hopefully that’s enough. It’s pretty scary not knowing if they did anything else!
  9. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    Kinda wish I never took this job 10 years ago. I’m stuck. It’s a dead end. I can’t get promoted. I can’t get a different job. I’m stuck on a track and it goes nowhere.

    also I am more broke than I’ve ever been.
    Aaron Mook and SpeckledSouls like this.
  10. Carmen SD


    What’s funny is chase ALWAYS flags my friends card for fraudulent activity nearly every time uses it somewhere where the zip code is different. Like she can’t order pizza without it declining
  11. Kiana Jun 16, 2024
    (Last edited: Jun 16, 2024)

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I almost never try on clothes but decided to today and omg I've never felt so personally victimized by a changing room in my life. The lighting made my skin look orange and was so unflattering and brought out every shadow and line and blemish in my face. And then the mirror was positioned so I felt I looked bigger than I feel like I am? Which isn't necessarily the worst but doesn't give me an accurate representation of what I look like in the clothes at all. Shouldn't stores do the opposite and make everything look super amazing so people buy the stuff??? It's like the opposite of the Elaine Benes skinny mirrors problem
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  12. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    Wish I wasn’t so broke I had to stop going to the therapist
  13. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    Heh… I don’t think I’ll ever be a father
  14. drummerAVA


    Getting stood up for a 30 min phone interview is cool… was scheduled an hour and a half ago.

    Trying to get on with my day here.
    SpeckledSouls and RyanPm40 like this.
  15. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    Was originally going to post this in "tiny things that annoy you" but I realized it's going to be a bit of a rant, so...

    I fucking hate when I go to a Dave and Buster's or a Round1 and have to deal with stupid ass motherfuckers harassing me or anyone else when playing a rhythm game. It's definitely a more pronounced problem at DnB's but I've had it happen at both places. Yes, I know I look goofy as fuck going hard on DDR, but do you see me picking up the gun you're not using on House of the Dead and being all like "pew pew pew" right in your face? Or jumping onto whatever car you're not using in a racing game and making a ruckus there? No. Because I get no joy out of making someone else's arcade experience miserable just for the sake of a Snapchat story or a TikTok or what the fuck ever. Just let me play my rhythm games in peace.

    Like, I've been "lucky" in the sense where this sort of shit has only gotten physical once, but what brought this rant on was seeing someone on a Discord server I'm on sharing their experience with some chuds harassing rhythm game players and theirs was straight up sexual harassment. And of course, the response you get when you try to confront them is "CALM DOWN BRO IT'S JUST A GAME IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO". It gets fucking exhausting.
    SpeckledSouls likes this.
  16. drummerAVA


    Social media has ruined everything…

    There’s like a small subset of the population that can handle it, but the vast majority of people, I swear… they cannot.
    SpeckledSouls likes this.
  17. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    It's not even as much of a social media thing as much as it is just people being fucking insufferable and trying to ruin things for people, but the whole Snapchat/TikTok/Instagram Reels aspect of all of that also certainly does not help. Like, on more than one occasion I would find videos of these idiots harassing someone on a rhythm game with captions like "NERD RAGE" or whatever when the person playing the game understandably gets angry with some chucklefuck interrupting their game
    Victor Eremita and drummerAVA like this.
  18. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I've only played a rhythm game like twice in my life and it was hard af so if someone messed me up in the middle I'd probably rage and then fall over because I'm uncoordinated enough. Srsly mad respect to anyone who plays those. I have a mediocre dance background so I thought that would help me out. Nooope. I just tried playing for the first time pretty recently and I was gassed.
    SpeckledSouls likes this.
  19. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    I do have a positive follow up to this. I went to Round1 yesterday and played DDR with some friends and no one harassed us. Granted, it was July 4th so most people were probably elsewhere doing other things, but it was still nice
    SpeckledSouls and Kiana like this.
  20. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    One of my usually smart coworkers decided to heat up fish in the fucking microwave for lunch this afternoon.
    JoshIsMediocre and RyanPm40 like this.
  21. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Didn’t think this weird cliche would ever actually happen.
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  22. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    I have a coworker that’s been doing that this week and I’ve been busting his balls every time he does it. I’ll walk to the break room and say how it smells like an aquarium
  23. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Not the bad opinions thread BUT fish is gross and I only ever eat it if it’s sushi, shell fish, or heavily marinated.
  24. Saying fish is gross and then saying the exceptions are sushi and shellfish is insane to me lol
    RyanPm40 and LightWithoutHeat like this.
  25. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    All the ingredients and flavors that go into sushi make it delicious and shell fish I cover that in lemons and butter