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Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by trevorshmevor, Jan 4, 2022.

  1. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

  2. I’m not saying it’s okay - he’s obviously a dude who thinks carrying a gun is okay and I don’t agree with that. But I dunno why we are also lumping vein in with the other band member who pulled out the piece - agreed there are bad vibes and a messy situation but I’m not gonna deem one side bad until more comes out (if it does)
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  3. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    Touring bands get their entire shit stolen on a somewhat regular basis I’d be carrying a weapon too.
    Micah511 likes this.
  4. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    On the FSU stuff, Jersey has some of the worst fucking people for hardcore. Pure scum and the reason I fucking hate that scene.

    One of my friends got jumped because a guy stomped his glasses in a pit and asked why the guy did it.

    A guy was straight up murdered for wearing a Pantera shirt.
  5. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    All that said, this album rips. Don't like the clean vocal stuff much tho.
    Crisp X and sophos34 like this.
  6. cherrywaves


    The stretch of “Inside Design” / “Hellnight” / “Orgy in the Morgue” is straight up evil
    phaynes12 likes this.
  7. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    I dig the turntable action at the end of inside design. I think there should be more of it.
    almightykingdom likes this.
  8. atlas


    drums on Versus Wyoming be like

    stars143 likes this.
  9. OneWing


    Record is fucking incredbile
  10. Dinkleberg

    go birds Supporter

    Just listened to this and now reading all that messy shit has me feeling weird about this band
  11. Dinkleberg

    go birds Supporter

    Carrow likes this.
  12. phaynes12 Prestigious

    this is what i was alluding to haha
    Drew Beringer likes this.
  13. atlas


  14. Dinkleberg

    go birds Supporter

    Just sharing some tweets that weren’t shared here, especially ones about a member punching a woman.
    Elder Lightning likes this.
  15. atlas


    Ignore the annoying ass caption but this is the first footage I've actually seen of the "fight"
    TriangularDuck likes this.
  16. "lol"

    maybe that video was just the beginning of the fight? if that's all it was, then this is getting blown hugely out of proportion.
  17. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    My thoughts exactly. Was that a kick? I couldn't see because of all the black hoodies being worn like some heist was about to take place.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  18. phaynes12 Prestigious

    even if it’s tame from a distance, it’s been alleged they punched a girl and you can clearly hear a girl yelling?

    man. this is my favorite heavy album in a long time. i really wanted to be excited about this release. the amount of benefits of the doubt given here today is incredibly odd.
  19. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    Yeah, I believe that the video is probably not the best representation of what fully happened.
  20. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Hmmmm seems there is still some confusion because that one account said Vein were the ones whom a gun was pulled on?
  21. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Also would like to see a statement from them. Especially hitting a woman wtf
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  22. Dinkleberg

    go birds Supporter

    Yeah, spare me a 12-second video. Sounds like there was way more going on than could be captured in such a short amount of time from a distance
  23. atlas


    no, it pretty unanimously seems to be the case that it was someone in Momentum who pulled the gun. There's that one comment at the top of this page saying that Vein were threatened with a gun by venue management but that's the only instance I've read of that so it could obviously be bullshit too

    There's probably going to be no statement and we'll likely never know what actually happened because the people who were there have a vested interest in telling the story in a way that benefits one party over the other and the people who weren't there, weren't there
    swboyd, cherrywaves, flask and 2 others like this.
  24. phaynes12 Prestigious

    the only thing i’ve seen about any of the band members having a gun pulled on them is that a member of the community was bluffing/hand in the pocket stuff. nothing about an actual gun pulled first.

    quit bringing guns to shows regardless what the fuck!!!
  25. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    My vinyl for this shipped today~
    AgonizingFir likes this.