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Unpopular Entertainment Opinions • Page 6

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by OhTheWater, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    I think it's easily his best performance
  2. Morrissey


    The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is a film that people remember better than it actually is. Within the nine-hour length there is some value, but overall it is too aimless.
    SpyKi likes this.
  3. mad

    I was right. Prestigious

    I don't know if this is unpopular here but I'm the only person I know who hated Pitch Perfect
  4. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    in general I'd say Tom Cruise is a very underrated actor
    Davjs, GEM37 and popdisaster00 like this.
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  6. I dislike his face. Don't know why.
  7. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    He's great and unfortunately his weirdness overshadows his skill as an actor
    Davjs and iCarly Rae Jepsen like this.
  8. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Mark Wahlberg's best performance is in The Other Guys
    Jake Gyllenhaal likes this.
  9. GEM37

    She haunts the roads

    I get it. I can't stand Jason Sudeikis for the same reason.
  10. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    I have an odd real dislike for Maya Rudolph. I've never found her funny, like, in the least bit.
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  11. Saturday Night Live has never been very good and only really serves as a platform to find great talent and get them off the show.
    marsupial jones likes this.
  12. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

  13. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Congo is one of the best adventure movies of the 90s
    BKO5950505 and Ken like this.
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  15. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    I'm generally not interested in fantasy

    Harry Potter Lord of the Rings Game Of Thrones and the Hunger Games don't interest me at all
  16. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  17. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    Yep, same
    angrycandy and iCarly Rae Jepsen like this.
  18. Morrissey


    I have never read a page or seen a second of Harry Potter. I did go on the Universal ride, though, so I think I saw enough.
  19. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    I don't consider Hunger Games fantasy. It's dystopian but still grounded in reality (well, considering it takes place in the future there are technological advances).
    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  20. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    Stranger Things is by far the worst Netflix original content I've seen so far. It's frustratingly vague, trying to mask the messy character and thematic dynamics that vagueness brings with "mystery", but a mystery is only intriguing when its focused, when the whole understands the parameters of its context, but I don't think the writers of Stranger Things actually have a handle on what they've written, they might be too focused on familiar nostalgia trappings and character beats. I try to avoid language like "I don't get why everyone likes this" because I think it's largely unproductive and doesn't give credit to works that many people unfairly dismiss, but Stranger Things is so repetitive on just a plot level, with characters doing the same things (going into the woods, raiding that government compound) multiple times, it gets so straight up boring and wheel-spinning I legitimately don't get how it captured this much attention. It doesn't do the hard work of setting up the emotional, character building blocks with deliberate pacing and attention, instead just inserting things that should have an emotional impact but are ultimately hollow. Maybe I'm most bothered that the show isn't saying anything. It's drenched in so much nostalgia that it's weighed down and doesn't try to make any interesting point about anything. Not that it has to be revelatory or have shattering insights on the human condition to be good, simple stories are great. I love Lord of the Rings and Mad Max: Fury Road. But this isn't even that. It feels like it exists just to exist. Like it was a concept immediately rushed to a conclusion, rather than explored and supported by further outlining and structure to lead it to a focused thesis.
    flask likes this.
  21. jjnunn118

    Signal Vs. Noise Prestigious

    Told a friend I would watch The IT Crowd with them since they love the show. 3 episodes into Season 3 and this show is offensively bad. It feels like whenever Community or Scrubs would make fun of generic laugh track sitcoms, except without that meta vibe that makes it feel clever. All the jokes are so obvious it's painful. This honestly might be the worst sitcom I've ever seen, and I sat through all of The Ranch.
    flask likes this.
  22. DeviantRogue

    Take arms, it'll all blow over Prestigious

    I won't stand for Kubrick slander.

    No sir.
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  24. GEM37

    She haunts the roads

    2001 isn't that great. :blush:
    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  25. GEM37

    She haunts the roads

    Don't think I've seen anybody talking about this on the site, but I finally watched Punk's Dead, the sequel to one of my favorite movies, SLC Punk!, on Netflix the other day.

    Reception to it has been overwhelmingly negative (even on Netflix it's got 1 star), but to be honest... I enjoyed it just fine.

    It's certainly not a mark on the original, and the script and technical issues are very apparent. There's a much more meaningful movie that could've been mined from it, but honestly, as a light-hearted romp through the same world over a decade later, I enjoyed myself.
  26. Davjs


    My heart hurts. Another Unpopular Opinion but I liked Boondock Saints 2 and though it was a lot of fun. Waiting on 3 still since they decided to leave it on a cliffhanger....

    I'd agree if it wasn't for Four Brothers, which I think is an underrated film in itself. First time I had seen Chiwetel Ejiofor and knew he'd end up doing great things.
  27. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    I fell asleep when I tried watching B.S. Never had any desire to try to watch it again.
  28. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    Kristen Wiig isnt funny
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