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Unpopular Entertainment Opinions • Page 336

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by OhTheWater, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Halitosis Jones

    Prestigious Supporter

    I can't be said enough that Jaws (especially the first half} was the best movie to watching during the pandemic. "we can't close the beaches during the 4th of july! This is a summer town! Maybe it was a boat propeller that killer that girl!" stuff Is really the perfect metaphor for the anti-lockdown anti-vax crowd.
    David87 likes this.
  2. tomdelonge


    Ya i watched it a lot early in the pandemic

    The mayor’s motivations all “make sense,” at least from his perspective. he’s a villain, but he’s never exagerrated, there’s a (contemptable) coherence to what he’s up to, so the collision of his motivation and Brody’s is good conflict

    In the book, the mayor’s a bigger character who is having an affair n shit. The movie mayor is a way stronger version
    David87, Zilla and Halitosis Jones like this.
  3. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    The best part of a lot of horror movies is the first 20 minutes hanging out with the character before everything goes to shit.
  4. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    You guys would love Sledgehammer.
    I had Ghoulies on last night and there's a really fun hangout scene with a character who calls himself Toad Boy.
    Daniel likes this.
  5. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    No offense to Australia, but they lost the Great Emu War, so it doesn't surprise me that they have issues keeping animals under control.

    Edit: Also, animals are awesome in general.
  6. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Can't possibly be done.
  7. tomdelonge


    I could beat it without losing a single life back then
    Penlab likes this.
  8. BlueEyesBrewing

    Trusted Supporter

    My favorite part of the first half of Jaws is when they have the town meeting after the little kid is killed and in the background there's a chalkboard with a stick figure drawing of a shark eating a boy
  9. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    All of Jaws is cracked. Perfect film
    David87, Halitosis Jones and Zilla like this.
  10. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Sharks in the wata. Sharks in the chorus farum. I’m in the chorus farum.
    David87 and Halitosis Jones like this.
  11. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    This is where having a wife with a small appetite comes in clutch. She never even finishes the sandwich or burger, let alone the fries. Never even have to ask
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  12. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    I mean that’s basically the movie Meatballs, which is great.
  13. Morrissey


    At a restaurant, booths are better than tables.
  14. who the fuck prefers a table
  15. the rural juror

    carried in the arms of cheerleaders

    Real hot take there
  16. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Booths aren't really accessible for everyone as far as weight and certain disabilities so I know many who prefer tables
  17. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I don't think this is unpopular so much as unfortunate but I struggle to watch war movies or shows cause I'm rly bad at telling people apart unless I know the actors and when they're all in the same uniform its like actually impossible.

    Don't mind me just trying to get into band of brothers again and in ep 2 only know Kirk Acevedo and everyone else blends and idk what's happening.

    I like to think it really hits home how you know everyone at war is somebody to someone while also kinda being an unknown faceless thing in the grand scheme of war, but rly I just can't tell anyone apart lol
  18. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    Yeah as a big dude, a booth is a dice roll whether I'm about to have a miserable evening or not.
    Shakriel likes this.
  19. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Tables are way better than booths. Not tall stools though, those suck
  20. Long Century


    For drinks, outside table on a summer night is king.
  21. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Don't watch Dunkirk and 1917 lol
    JoshIsMediocre, David87 and CarpetElf like this.
  22. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    This is fair

    This series has so many actors in super minor roles. Tom Hardy, James McAvoy, even a wild Jimmy Fallon
  23. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    What do u mean. All the soldiers in Dunkirk were harry styles
  24. Halitosis Jones

    Prestigious Supporter

    I also love the part of Jaws where they got the wrong shark strung up on on the pier, and the fisherman asks what kind of shark it is. Hooper tells him it's a Tiger Shark, and they close up on the guy's face and he goes "a whaaaaaaaaat???"
  25. tomdelonge


    my wife and i say “a whaaaaat?” daily