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Underoath - Voyeurist (January 14, 2022) Album • Page 86

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by airik625, Jul 14, 2021.

  1. ChampsMusic

    100% a next year release. TOCS tour goes through Decemeber. I could see maybe one or two singles dropping this year though.
    Christian Romero likes this.
  2. disambigujason


    Not sure I could find em now, but somewhere on the internet their manager answered some comments about the record. “New music” will be heard in 2024 and the record is “heavy” but “modern.” Underoath have never struggled with modernity so idk how much that means but, to paraphrase, he made it sound like it’ll sound really fresh and knock us on our asses. Grain of salt being and the manager and all, but my excitement is high.

    On a different note, I still listen to lifeline a lot, an absolute top tier UO chorus, but kinda forget about let go, which also has a great chorus and sweet bridge. That said, neither are particularly “interesting” songs, but a really a good appetizer.
  3. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Yeah sorry people on the internet are insufferable BUT that’s weird how he responded to that comment.
  4. Wonder if the demos they played during those meet and greets are part of the scrapped stuff now
  5. ChampsMusic

    I really hope not because the one of Spencer going ape shit over a fast instrumental needs to be heard. Legit brought me back to LITSOS and DTGL days
  6. disambigujason


    Good question for Chris on Twitter!
  7. i just want the vinyl anyone already have it and wanna sell the new tour version to me? haha
  8. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Really excited about this album. The one-off singles were fine, but I am hoping for some more out there stuff. My personal favorite UO era was LITSOS and Disambiguation when they were swinging for the fences doing some weird creative work. Some truly inspired stuff in the heavy genre. Vouyerist was a great album but didn't do it for me personally.

    Eventually, I would love them to work with a producer again. I think they do best with an outside person pulling all the ideas together with them. The last couple of years haven't been my favorite from them, but I have been a die-hard since I was a kid and will always give new music a listen with an open mind.

    Scrapping songs that were in the vein of the singles and starting over has my interest peaked.
    sophos34 likes this.
  9. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Does anybody have the interview/podcast where someone talks about scrapping the music and writing a new record? I vaguely remember hearing about it but I can't remember where.
  10. disambigujason


    I’ve said it before but it’s just absolutely incredible to me that a band got progressively heavier for 4(!) consecutive albums while the scene was getting more and more accessible. That they only got more popular for most of it? Unthinkable.

    I love Voyeurist and can’t fathom what people who don’t like it (obvi not referring to you) don’t like about it, as it’s an underoath record top to bottom. That said, my only real critique of it, and the one thing that diminishes my attachment to it, is that despite how creative and unique it is, it was the first underoath album that didn’t challenge me to like it. It felt fresh and revitalized, it showcased them using their old tricks in new ways, but for the most part it was still, well, old tricks. It was easy to like. It was exciting and a great reset, a fresh change, albeit mildly, in direction, but it didn’t push the underoath sound forward as much as its predecessors. Sounds like the new one will do that.
  11. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    yeah I like voyeurist, it’s a great underoath album for sure, but man listening to disambigustion for the first time was just such a wild experience. I remember hearing in division and just being absolutely blown away and was like holy fuck they sound like THIS now??? I was never too terribly big on underoath; liked they’re only chasing safety and define the great line well enough but I missed the boat on LITSOS as I wasn’t listening to a lot of stuff like that when it came out. As disambiguation was releasing I was getting into heavier music in a way I hadn’t before and a lot of really great metalcore was coming out at the time from letlive, the chariot, bmth, norma jean, etc and it was just a super exciting time to be a fan of the genre. Unfortunately I found myself in a big minority of people who thought they were significantly better without Aaron in the band (I thought his pop styling clashed against the heavier side of the band in a way I didn’t always love) and we all know what happened next but yeah that album and those memories I have with it will last forever. I was going through some pretty rough times when it came out, being 18 and starting to struggle with my mental health for the very first time was alienating and scary and dark and infuriating and disambiguation was where I turned to feel okay
  12. mattylikesfilms


    I have a few issues with the way Voyuerist was recorded after hearing the songs live via Digital Ghost but aside from that? It’s a stellar record and I would definitely rank it in the top 4 for the band.

    Top 4 (in no particular order) for me being:

    ChampsMusic likes this.
  13. Voyeurist is number one for meeeee and any critique is blasphemy (lol jk) but I am really excited to see what this new direction will be for the band
  14. LightWithoutHeat


    Daniel Davison was a much better fit. I think he's just a better drummer and musician than Aaron. He helped make Low Teens after all.
  15. paperlung

    there's no place like my room Supporter

    Such a different style. Feel like Aaron is a bit more of a maximalist as a drummer, and disambiguation breathed in a totally fresh way for underoath
  16. ChampsMusic Apr 23, 2024
    (Last edited: Apr 24, 2024)

    Disambiguation was weird accessing as someone who had JUST gotten into them as a band and their “hits”. I believe it came out in 2010? I remember hearing a new Underøath album was coming out and not really knowing that a main member of the band was “missing”. I remember thinking that it was HEAVY as hell and was definitely the heaviest material of music I had ever heard at the time.

    I still like it (Disambiguation), but I think their strongest stuff is with Aaron. His hooks and his vocals compliment Spencer so well. I think that this new era of Underøath tries to push Spencer’s “singing” alongside Aaron and it doesn’t work as well as they have in the past. It’s definitely not a jab at Spencer, but I feel like they are trying to figure out how their voices mesh the best in this new era.

    Voyeurist was MILES above Erase Me in terms of quality and lasting value. So many songs have amazing hooks and catchiness while also capturing the heavy values of Oath past.

    I’ve said this in the past, but I truly hope they begin to experiment with unique song structures and abandon the “verse-chorus-verse-chorus” they’ve become so accustomed to in this new era. Like, I'd give anything to hear a modern Oath effort similar to In Regards to Myself or Writing On The Walls.
  17. paperlung

    there's no place like my room Supporter

    100 times this. I feel like dtgl and litsos had no pop structures on them and they’re all bangers
    macbethfan and ChampsMusic like this.
  18. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I think lost in the sound of separation and define the great line are near masterpieces these days so I’m not gonna slag on Aaron
    justin., Cameron, macbethfan and 6 others like this.
  19. LightWithoutHeat


    Fair enough, and no disrespect to Aaron. He got me drumming to a large extent. I just hold DD in higher regard.
  20. disambigujason


    Ik it’s a pipe dream but I wish Spence would largely stop singing. Don’t like his singing voice (too nasally) or melodies (too grunge-y) much at all. Thought they sounded cool and fresh on disambiguation but I’m very over it. Gimme an album with Cycle on it 11 times and I’m good. Still can’t believe that song exists and that it’s not a staple.
    Micah511 likes this.
  21. Jdfleming89

    Long Live the Empire Supporter

    Daniel just wrote some more interesting drum parts. His creative mind also brought this band to new places that Aaron couldn't/can't. I love Aaron's work in Underoath, but I wish we could have gotten more from Daniel.

    That being said, it took me a long time to come around and appreciate Disambiguation for the monster of a record that it is.
    WanderingSquall and Michael Belt like this.
  22. Michael Belt

    metadata incarnate Supporter

    Disambiguation was actually my first Underoath album, and while i love everything else they've done to varying degrees, that album is truly special for a lot of reasons. it's also the second album i ever bought on vinyl, and as much as i hate picture discs, they knocked it out of the park with that package.
    Jdfleming89 likes this.
  23. Jdfleming89

    Long Live the Empire Supporter

    I love the alternate cover of that one. I have it, but my copy is damaged. My cat thought it would be fun to chew on the upper spine corner.
  24. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Not sure I would say if Daniel is a better fit than Aaron in Underoath (Aaron is a fundamental part of that band for better or for worse in certain eras) but it is undeniable when he is in a band he brings the secret sauce. He is my favorite drummer in the genre by miles. I would have loved one more record with him in Underoath and ETID. Dude is a monster, he brought riffs to both of those albums and helped put songs together. I loved the last two singles they put out before they broke up. Always wish we would have gotten either a farewell ep or full length.

    I envy the folks who love Vouyerist. It just didn't click with me. I do think they hit some big peaks on the album though. Thorn and Pneumonia are some of their best efforts in years. I didn't make it to a show when they were promoting the album either. I think a big part of loving this band is seeing the live expressions of their songs. Will have to dive back in this week and share my thoughts.
    LightWithoutHeat likes this.
  25. LightWithoutHeat


    Sunburnt is one of my favorite Underoath songs. So good.