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Underoath - Erase Me (April 6, 2018) Album • Page 179

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by beachdude, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Listening to this album right now. Still so good. Still love the direction. Looking forward to what’s next.
  2. Them touring with Korn makes so much more sense now that I'm catching up on the latter's discography. More industrial influences on the next album please.
    AlwaysEvolving21 likes this.
  3. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Gonna be an unpopular opinion here, but I’d be so interested to see these guys work with John Feldmann next.
  4. onionbubs


    feldy did in motion iirc. a whole feldy produced album would be a nightmare for me tho haha really j want then to go back to matt goldman for the next one
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  6. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    I didn't know that! haha. Thats my second favorite on the album too.
  7. onionbubs


    yeah its really good idk if he actually produced it or was just a writer on it tho (if he did produce it it sounds better than usual feldy)
  8. coleslawed

    Eat Pizza

    spun this for the first time in a while and idonthateit
  9. mattylikesfilms


    I don’t get how any UO fans “hate” this record. I understand not liking a few tracks off it but “It Has To Start Somewhere”, “On My Teeth”, “Sink With You”, “Hold Your Breath”, and “No Frame” are all bangers. They could also all easily fit in during the LITSOS era.

    The only song I wish they kept off is “Wake Me”. That song is extremely generic and boring.
    irthesteve and disambigujason like this.
  10. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    I hate it because I don’t enjoy the songs. There, simple.
    OotyPa, BigMouth, Rowan5215 and 3 others like this.
  11. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    They should make a post rock record.
  12. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    same. It’s laughable to be told I’m wrong for hating this album.
  13. socklord


    Love to see people continuously struggle to understand why people don't like this album
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  15. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    I mean I personally really like it but I also totally get why most people don't
  16. Bane

    The spiciest meme

    Still think the album is great but I'm not gonna begrudge anybody for not liking it, some people like stuff some people don't that's life
  17. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    It's not an awful album but it's not a great one either. I like some songs on it, but not all of them, and I haven't felt much of a desire to spin it up again. I like poppier music too and have no problem with them changing direction, I just don't think they did it very well
  18. awakeohsleeper

    I do not exist.

    It’s a good record but when the ones that came before were exceptional, it’s an easy decision on whether I return to it often.

    It Has To Start Somewhere is the only track that I would say is on par with some of my favourite tracks from the three/four previous albums.
    waking season and RyanPm40 like this.
  19. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    I haven’t really listened since it came out it It Has to Start Somewhere is a really good song
  20. mattylikesfilms


    Not sure if this was at all directed at what I said but if it is - I never said anyone’s “wrong”. I said it doesn’t make any sense to me to straight up hate this record if you’ve enjoyed their past records.

    Different strokes for different folks though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    disambigujason likes this.
  21. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    I think Erase Me has some pretty solid tunes, but whenever I wanna listen to Underoath my brain automatically goes to their previous three albums.
    waking season likes this.
  22. OdeToTheSun


    I mean, I can see why people hate this album.. but I don’t and I wish people didn’t. Hell, even Wake Me grew on me, but it’s definitely the weakest song if I had to pick one.
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  24. I wonder how far they were into a follow up. Didn't they say they wanted to start recording this year, or was it just the writing process?
  25. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    I like it. Esp the back half, but yeah the last three albums are my go-to’s.
    Gooddayz likes this.
  26. BigMouth Apr 26, 2020
    (Last edited: Apr 26, 2020)
    I totally agree on the subjectivity of it all, but I do find your first point a bit odd. This is an industrial post-hardcore record, yes, but with a huge radio polish. Their discography had (pre-hiatus) gravitated increasingly towards chaotic metalcore that skewed further from pop the longer they went on. For me, my dislike of Erase Me is pretty logical. I like weird Underoath, not pop Underoath. The closestthing I could compare this to is a heavier version of TOCS, which I don't like much. It's pretty easy to see why this record plays to everything I wouldn't want in an Underoath record. The only similarities I see are in the use of industrial music that showed up a little in the Disambiguation era and the occasional catchy chorus they had back in the day. Otherwise, this new record sounds like a different band to me.
  27. And then pop Underoath doesn't sound like a bad idea in itself. Their brand is just incredibly generic.

    Knowing how much Aaron and Spencer have dunked on pop music in the past, I wonder if they're not the ones who should do some musical self-reflection and be inspired by what they supposedly dislike instead?

    I still like most of the album anyway.
  28. mattylikesfilms


    I wanna preface this with the fact that Disambiguation is my favorite UO record. I love the hell out of it and of course I would love another record in that vein... but that’s never happening and that’s alright with me.

    I really, truly, don’t understand how people act like UO went full pop or changed to something unrecognizable. I’m sorry - I just don’t. Is this record polished? Absolutely. Is this more “mainstream” in comparison to the records that come before? Yeah totally... but it’s still a heavy record with plenty of chaos. Songs like “It Has To Start Somewhere”, “On My Teeth”, “Sink With You”, “Hold Your Breath”, and “No Frame” feature plenty of that IMO. I would understand if all of Erase Me had songs in the vein of “Rapture” (a song I actually like) but it’s still a heavy record.

    What’s really wild to me is seeing people who praised BMTH when they shifted their sound and THAT was a hard shift. That’s The Spirit comes across wayyyyyy more of a shift to pop/mainstream rock than Erase Me and I thought that was terrible. Especially when I compare TTS to Sempiternal and There Is A Hell.. but I digress. At least Amo, which is a straight up pop record, came out a lottttttt better.

    Anyways; we’re all entitled to our opinions and everything is subjective - of course - but I just respectfully don’t agree with the sentiments above.
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