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Underoath - Erase Me (April 6, 2018) Album • Page 103

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by beachdude, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    i didnt realize there was a pot to stir? because i was just making a joke?
  2. Deathco_019


    Ans there are several people in here not adding any constructive points to the argument. They just make dismissing comments like "Once you go into this thinking of it as a poppy hard rock album you'll like it!" or "I'm surprised people don't like this given how much pop is adored on this site"

    I'm sorry bit Carly Rae Jepsen released a fucking banger in 2015 and this album doesn't hold a candle to it. It likely won't even hold one to her upcoming album. And before you tell me that the comparison is wild, just remember someone in here compared this band to Kanye West so the floodgates have been opened already.
    Joe4th likes this.
  3. nomemorial

    you're in a cult, call your dad

    This thread is getting so weird.

    I want to hear this stuff in a live setting.
    beachdude42 and The Mysterious like this.
  4. OotyPa Apr 3, 2018
    (Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2018)

    fall away Supporter

    I dont get it... if a band is compared to kanye west, thats a major compliment. Also the sonic shift from maximalist art to minimalist is similar so there is credibility to that comparison. Also every time a diehard metal fan gets upset over the possibility that a black artist influenced the sound of a white artist across genres, my eyes roll so far back into my skull that i see my brain. Its 2018, welcome
    azzy01, beachdude42 and culprit like this.
  5. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    is your brain bleeding as well? cause mine is.
    beachdude42, culprit and OotyPa like this.
  6. Is there really anyone that would disagree with this statement?
    beachdude42 and teebs41 like this.
  7. oldboot


    My pre-order should show up tonight. I can't wait to hear so I can join in on the fun. I like the poppy elements of Underoath so I'm thinking I'm going to like this one a lot.
  8. Deathco_019


    I would revert back to Catholicism and pray not
    CoffeeEyes17 and Joe4th like this.
  9. Davjs


    This made me lol so much. LITSOS and Daredevil are my favs of each, so I cannot disagree.

    Me either! Until they come to St Louis, I will be checking youtube after their first show to see how On My Teeth sounds live! I think it'd make a great opening song with that cool, long build in the beginning (I haven't heard the album yet, so I don't know if there are better opening songs on the album)
    beachdude42 and culprit like this.
  10. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    I unfortunately think so
  11. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    I actually don't get the hype around her, I think she's pretty overrated personally. Just my opinion though.

    Not comparing this to what she does, though. But then again I also don't hear anything about this album that could be considered "mainstream" when a lot of other people do. It's an ok record but I wanted it to be great so I'm a bit disappointed.
  12. SEANoftheDEAD


    I thought the album came out this Friday. So I came in here to check in on the hype or lack of hype, but instead just read through pages of mindless debating.
  13. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    I don’t know what’s happening in here.

    Bloodlust is a bit of an ear worm.

    I deleted wake me off my phone. Couldn’t get over that one. Lol
    teebs41 likes this.
  14. culprit


    Do you even fucking read, or just paint the way you want to see my comments to you? FFS, you're insufferable.
  15. Deathco_019


    Excuse me, I do read, thank you for the rude, dismissive comment. However, I do not paint.
  16. :ok:
    teebs41 likes this.
  17. Those are people I'll never take seriously.
  18. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious


    Also yeah I don't see any similarities in the Kanye, UØ comparison and that has nothing to do with not wanting a black artist to influence a white one or whatever. I just see no artistic merit in the comparison.
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  19. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    While this website is pretty diverse these days, I don't think it's hard to get why and how, someone that listens to underoath doesn't like Kanye. Not everyone has an eclectic range that goes from rap to metal. I for one despise Kanye and had to stretch my mind a little bit to understand what the point was and why it was deemed to be an apt comparison but I guess I got there when you look at it as shifts in sound (I still don't think it's valid but I suppose I get the point).

    And please, no one is getting butthurt about the fact that Kanye is black and Underoath is white and how date you cross racial boundaries as well as genres!. You could have said Eminem and got the same reaction.
  20. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    Time to unfollow this thread lol
  21. culprit


    I'll write up a detailed response about why I chose Kanye. You can't say Eminem though, Kanye is the only one that makes sense (IMO******).
  22. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    If it was a serious question, then yes, of course. There are always going to be people who get nothing out of popular albums/genres etc. Not every style of music, no matter how well executed it is, is for everyone. I disagree with the sentiments that pop up that a disliked genre = no talent as all, because all well executed styles take talent, but to simply say that you don't enjoy listening to something, where is the harm in that? And to clarify, if I don't enjoy listening to something, I wouldn't go around calling it a banger or album of the year.
  23. primavera

    big baller brand Supporter

    after watching the latest "making of" video, were james and grant even invited to the studio? are homies gonna cash checks or nah?
  24. primavera

    big baller brand Supporter

    i did not expect this thread to take a CRJ turn but *very kevin garnett voice* anything is possssibleeeeeeee
  25. SEANoftheDEAD


    Yeah, worst thread ever award goes to......this thread!