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Underoath - Erase Me (April 6, 2018) Album • Page 102

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by beachdude, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    I know he didn't say it. Not mixing up anything.
  2. Deathco_019


    I have made several posts about why I don't like this album in this thread and have actually warmed up to a couple songs, but sure make a blanket statement that proves you have no idea what you've talking about.

    What irks me is all the hoops fans are jumping through to make people understand they aren't listening to this album the right way or their negative opinions aren't alright when those fans need to just grasp the simple reality that maybe not everyone likes things others like.
    Joe4th and CoffeeEyes17 like this.
  3. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    people are allowed to post that they dislike the album in here so idk why people are trying to to push some users out.
  4. Deathco_019


    There are several shifts and sounds you can choose from and you're going to compare a drastic change in sound like Kanye West to something like this? Lol "but OK"
  5. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    And now you're throwing a blanket statement on something I never said. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, but you can actually be productive and not fly off the handles on a forum. I do enjoy the album, but I 100% know this will be a divisive album and people will really not like it. Doesn't bother me any.
  6. Deathco_019


    No Kenneth. I'm not allowed to be in the thread of a band who made one of my favorite albums of all time and two others I quite enjoy because I don't like this album. What don't you understand?
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  7. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    for fucking real. I can't believe those posts still happen. usually just brushed off as "it's just a joke maaaaaan" too.
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  8. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Album is hitting me hard the past couple days. The drumming, synth work, and Spencer’s vocals make this album for me. Almost makes up for the lack of riffage. I’m liking the direction they went. Wake Me is still the worst on the album, imo.
  9. Deathco_019


    Like I said, I've made my comments and arguments as to why I don't like this album. Maybe read the thread
  10. CheapPop


    Holy shit, Hold your breath is a BANGER
  11. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    you seem like a supremely exhausting person. you're trying so hard to prove your point that you're not even reading what I am saying lol. to each their own.
  12. If you're gonna sit in a thread and keep saying the same "I don't like this and people need to accept that I don't like this" ... it's ... weird. Like, cool, you don't like an album. If you're gonna expand on that and are having a conversation ... that makes sense. But sitting in that album thread to say the same thing over and over again doesn't make any sense to me.
  13. Deathco_019


    I have expanded on it. Sorry you must not have read it I guess
    fenway89, Nick and CoffeeEyes17 like this.
  14. The Mysterious

    Yes...but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts

    15 plays later thoughts: if you listen exclusively to the instrumentation, try to siphon out all vocals, and crank up mid-range...Erase Me is musically not far off from other Underøath records. It's as if they smacked the industrial production side of Disambiguation with TOCS's pop structures and added more synth. This is a heavy record - Spencer's clean vocals are the poppiest element, but unfortunately, also drive the songs forward and I think that's what is turning people off. Every listen I hear more buried riffs and elements of past albums at play.
  15. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    I don't know how to get the leak (nor am I really inclined to pirate early) so my full judgement will wait till end of day Friday, but Rapture is by far, the worst song they're released and if it's indicative at all of the albums sound, I am going to hate it with a passion. If it's like Disambiguation, I'll be lukewarm on it and in a few weeks it'll never get another play again. I am excited as everything they put out before Aaron left was fantastic, and they all stand on their own strength's making them hard to compare, but the songs released so far just have me so nervous.

    While I can't pick an album, my favorite song is easily Emergency Broadcast. If there's a jam like that on this new album, I'll at least add one song to the rotation of greatest hits.
  16. And then kept posting the same things over and over only to call attention to that you don't like an album? What’s the point of that? Adding nothing new and saying “I already said why I don’t like this” just to argue with people? That’s not needed. It’s not a discussion. People know you don't like it.
  17. CheapPop


    Spencer's screams on In Motion!!! Sweet Jesus.
    AlwaysEvolving21 and beachdude42 like this.
  18. culprit


    I don't think you're comprehending the point I'm attempting to make. I'm not saying these two artists sound alike, I'm specifically stating that in how each artist has advanced their sound from album to album, is similar, within their respective genres. As well as how each album is viewed by their respective fanbase & critics.
  19. oldjersey

    Pro STREAMER ON TWITCH Supporter

    Yeah, I mean i'm not too hot on this album, some songs look like they can grow on me but I respect the people who connect with it and are passionate about it. I know me and when I really like something I get really passionate and if someone is interrupting the good positive conversation flow with negativity, it's just inevitable there is going to be conflict. I'm not saying what is right or wrong but I do think there is a way to say "Hey, this album just isn't for me" in a constructive way.
  20. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    Underoath must be defended at all costs
    Nick, Joe4th and Deathco_019 like this.
  21. y2jayjk

    Trusted Prestigious


    Disambiguation (Jessica Jones)
    LITSOS (Daredevil)
    DGTL (Luke Cage)
    TOCS (Iron Fist)

    Erase Me (The Punisher)
    Rowan5215, bodkins, morken and 6 others like this.
  22. What are you even trying to do with this? Hell, if someone even looks at The Wonder Years wrong it becomes an issue. People aren't even defending Underoath, they're simply saying that someone posting "I don't like this/people are allowed to not like this" over and over again isn't really anything. Everyone knows people don't like it and no one is saying no one is "allowed" to not like it. But there's not a discussion about why, it's just someone popping up to remind people they don't like it multiple times. I don't get the point in that. Not liking something is fine, hating it is fine, but "I already said why now I'm just going to say I don't like it ten times" isn't really anything.
  23. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    Imgur Image
    beachdude42 and CoffeeEyes17 like this.
  24. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    it's becoming very, very weird that you keep using this against me when I thought we'd dealt with this in private but maybe youre having an off day.

    I was simply making a joke, i like this band and recognize why some people have connected with this album even if it isnt for me. others are explaining, or trying to explain, their reasons for disliking it and some arent. im not really sure why youre trying to make this personal but i'll ask you again to stop and im sorry if my harmless joke came across wrong
    Joe4th likes this.
  25. It's not weird. You're literally making a "Underoath must be defended at all costs" comment to stir the pot here for no good reason.
    fenway89 and teebs41 like this.