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UK and Europe World • Page 5

Discussion in 'Politics Forum' started by aranea, May 19, 2017.

  1. ugman_2000 May 25, 2017
    (Last edited: May 25, 2017)

    Trusted Prestigious

    Disgraceful. Still it's a Murdoch paper, so not that much of a surprise for it to do a hit piece (even though it is the better of the Murdoch papers).
    Jamie Dagg likes this.
  2. Jamie Dagg

    Master of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.

    You have a point. I'd just assume that a broadsheet paper wouldn't stoop to tabloid levels. Can't imagine the readers would buy into that kind of narrative.
    ugman_2000 likes this.
  3. Whatjuliansaid

    News on once the clouds are gone. Prestigious

  4. Letterbomb31 May 25, 2017
    (Last edited: May 25, 2017)

    Trusted Prestigious

    ugman_2000 and Whatjuliansaid like this.
  5. Jamie Dagg

    Master of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.

    What was the second tweet supposed to be? It's not showing up and it looks like the account has been deleted
  6. Letterbomb31

    Trusted Prestigious

    It was this one:
    ugman_2000 likes this.
  7. Jamie Dagg

    Master of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.

    That's really re-assuring! It sounds like the only thing May really has going for her at this point is strong leadership which has definitely increased after Manchester but will most likely work away from them if they go back to sloganeering rather than actions. I really hope we win this. Things working towards us is getting me so optimistic now!
    Letterbomb31 likes this.
  8. Jamie Dagg

    Master of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.

    Cabot Circus in Bristol has been evacuated on a bomb scare. It's so scary knowing it's a place you can picture and this is just awful to hear about.
  9. Jamie Dagg

    Master of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.

    Worth noting that this poll is from after the Manchester attack, not before. Labour could have this.
    Letterbomb31 likes this.
  10. Letterbomb31

    Trusted Prestigious

    Corbyn might just win this. It would be so amazing.
  11. Letterbomb31

    Trusted Prestigious

  12. Letterbomb31

    Trusted Prestigious


  13. Jamie Dagg

    Master of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.

    Oh man, that'd be so great. Do you think May would resign?
  14. Letterbomb31

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah definitely, her credibility would be in tatters. Although now that I think about it I sure hope we don't end up with Prime Minister Boris Johnson haha
  15. Jamie Dagg

    Master of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.

    Oh god, I completely glossed over him as a potential replacement, haha. Part of me would expect the leader to be someone from the left of the party to assuage the mass of Labour support. Right now though, I think for the first time I can say a Corbyn leadership seems more likely than that.
  16. Letterbomb31

    Trusted Prestigious

    That will be amazing if Corbyn is prime minister on June 9th. I'm not sure how to vote tho. Obviously I'm a Labour supporter, but my constituency is basically a battle between the Tories and the Lib Dems. I was gonna vote Lib Dem to try to get rid of the Tory MP, but if we're heading for a hung parliament a vote for the Lib Dems is basically just a vote for the Tories, so I think I'm going to vote Labour and just hope for the best. Idk.
  17. Letterbomb31

    Trusted Prestigious

    Jamie Dagg likes this.
  18. Jamie Dagg

    Master of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.

    I believe it was you that's actually in the same constituency as me back home, right? If I was at home I'd have voted tactically for Lib Dems but as someone that voted Green in one of the smallest marginal seats in 2015 I can totally understand voting with your heart too. The way I see it, any vote not for the tories is a vote away from the tories there. If you were in Bath or Chippenham I'd perhaps say otherwise, but still.
  19. Whatjuliansaid

    News on once the clouds are gone. Prestigious

  20. Letterbomb31

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah, I'm based in North Wiltshire at the moment. I recently got a job in Bath tho, so moving there in the next couple of months (I know that's a Tory/Lib Dem battle zone too haha). I especially hate my MP atm, he seems like a really nasty guy based on some of the stuff I've read online. I'd love it if he lost his seat.
  21. Jamie Dagg

    Master of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.

    Getting rid of James Gray would be fantastic. However, back home I've not once seen any campaigning in my village from anyone other than Conservatives. Really we'd need a viable candidate willing to put in the effort and I just don't see that possible at this time.
    Letterbomb31 likes this.
  22. Letterbomb31

    Trusted Prestigious

  23. Jamie Dagg

    Master of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.

    It should've been over after Zack Goldsmith's disgusting mayoral campaign but ho hum.
    Letterbomb31 likes this.
  24. ugman_2000

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'm in the same boat as you guys, last election Cons got 30,802 votes, Lib Dems 8,354 and Labour 6,534. Both were way off the Cons so I think I'm just going to vote Labour anyway (plus I like the guy running). Looking at the local GetSurrey websites poll though is quite interesting (although it doesn't say how many voted and I'd guess most con voting people in the area wouldn't vote on something like this anyway).

    Jamie Dagg and Letterbomb31 like this.
  25. ugman_2000

    Trusted Prestigious

    Also fun fact the Labour candidate for Guildford this year is a really nice guy who used to run one of our local record shops and was the drummer in The Vapours in 80's

    Jamie Dagg and Jake W like this.