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Two Tongues 'First Tour Ever' Tour • Page 2

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by GEM37, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    What?! That's really disappointing. I was really looking forward to seeing the new songs live - I feel like they'll really come to life when they finally do get played. Hopefully everything is all good in both the Bemis and Conley camps. Would love if Max still does some kind of Say Anything tour or acoustic shows or something.
  2. SavesTheNight

    Newbie Prestigious

    I have a sneaking suspicion that there was a lack of ticket sales that drove this into cancellation.
    Thursdaysox and MegT585 like this.
  3. MegT585


    I was thinking the same thing.
    SavesTheNight likes this.