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Twin Peaks (ABC) TV Show • Page 66

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Dog with a Blog


    The multi-layered payoff of the shovels is both hilarious and brilliant. We get the initial reveal that Jacoby was painting those shovels simply to sell them on his Alex Jonesian public access show, which is hilarious, and then we get the ultimate payoff of it leading to Nadine being able to separate herself from Ed, allowing him and Norma to finally be together.
    Anthony_D'Elia and OotyPa like this.
  2. Dog with a Blog


    As for the finale, it has definitely grown on me and I really appreciate just how horrific it is. The thought of Coop being lost in time and space and all alone perturbs me.

    Edit: though I have zero clue as to what the fuck was up with Laura/Carrie and the fact that she heard Sarah calling her name
    Anthony_D'Elia likes this.
  3. CellarGhosts

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah I'm of the same kind on that one. "It's all a dream" is an easy conclusion to arrive at, especially with Lynch and his use of dream logic but I feel like that only covers a fraction of the larger picture here. I'm convinced that everything we saw, with the exception of Audrey's scenes this season of course, happened. Everything up until the "crossing over" part anyway. Everything from the sex scene on I feel like there's enough ambiguity that it could very well be a dream of some sort.

    I really like this analysis. It's close to my own interpretation of things, just more focused and much more intelligently articulated than I could be lol.

    I also subscribe to the interpretation of the bug creature being a manifestation of Judy that attached itself to Sarah Palmer as part of the ongoing warfare between the Lodges. Laura was spiritually conceived in the White Lodge as a counterforce to BOB's arrival, so the Black Lodge unleashed another entity to harvest the inevitable garmonbozia (pain and sorrow) from the Palmer family saga.

    Its festering inside her over the years fed the entity on a steady diet of pretty visceral pain and sorrow (Sarah clearly suffers a lot of both those things throughout the original series, FWWM, and The Return) which looped back into the Black Lodge through the connection established between it and Sarah. (Represented by her face appearing alongside the Jumping Man, who was present at the meeting between the Arm and Bob).
    OotyPa likes this.
  4. Morrissey


    I really don't like the joke about Lucy not being able to comprehend cell phones. The town is supposed to be simpler and folksy, but it comes off as overly mean and possibly sexist.
  5. Dog with a Blog


    I could be wrong, but I didn't read it in that she was not actually able to comprehend cell phones, and more that she was stubbornly choosing not to adapt with the evolution of technology, as she didn't feel there was really a need. She wasn't stupid, just unwilling to get with the times.
    Ryan Garner likes this.
  6. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    That's how I viewed it as well
  7. CellarGhosts

    Trusted Prestigious

    This is exactly what it was.
  8. Morrissey


    She literally screams and falls over because she is shocked that Sheriff Truman can be in front of her when she was just talking to him on the phone. The intention seems pretty clear.
  9. Dog with a Blog


    Ah, yeah, I suppose so. I genuinely don't remember that. I just remember thinking, based on a few other statements and episode 17, that she just didn't want to adapt.
    Ryan Garner likes this.
  10. Morrissey


    Rewatching this new season, there is so much I missed or wrote off as unimportant. People really need to go through this one again.
  11. Dog with a Blog


    I know I've forgotten basically everything that happened in the first half. I'm still on my rewatch of season two, which is taking longer than I planned, then I'll rewatch The Return
  12. Morrissey


    I watched those first four when they first released and I did not absorb enough of it.
  13. Dog with a Blog


    I told myself I wouldn't, but I did the same.
  14. OotyPa

    fall away Supporter

    StormAndTheSun likes this.
  15. StormAndTheSun

    insects come to life Supporter

    I like this one. I find it a lot more interesting to try and figure out the ideas that David Lynch is trying to communicate to us rather than trying to figure out what actually happened.
    OotyPa likes this.
  16. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    It's probably the best hair on the planet tbh
    SpyKi and Bloodsucker II like this.
  17. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I still have only seen 1 episode of the new season so far. And I was floored by it.

    But I've committed a cardinal sin and have read a bit of all of your analysis. Gotta say an alternate timeline to save Laura from murder sounds super lame on paper.
  18. Dog with a Blog



    Ma dude...
  19. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I would have watched all of it already but I ain't got access showtime anytime or cable or torrents atm.

    I would never stream TP in low quality

    I'm working on a showtime sub rn.

    I just hope that theory isn't what the new season is about lol
  21. Dog with a Blog


  22. Dog with a Blog


  23. OotyPa Sep 7, 2017
    (Last edited: Sep 7, 2017)

    fall away Supporter

    Bloodsucker II likes this.
  24. Dog with a Blog


    Yeah, I was gonna mention The Shining haha. Kubrick is really great at making the abnormal seem normal. Like when Dick takes them into the freezer and they walk out and it's a totally different room but most people, myself included, don't notice upon first viewing.
    OotyPa likes this.
  25. Dog with a Blog


    Also, holy shit