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Twenty One Pilots - Clancy (May 24, 2024) • Page 7

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by ncarrab, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. slimfenix182


    Feel like this will kinda easily surpass Trench for me, the opener and closer on Trench slightly beat Clancy's but I feel like this is more cohesive. Trench has a few I don't love like Nico And The Niners and Bandito, this is a no skip album for me I think
  2. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Bandito is a career highlight for me.
    macbethfan likes this.
  3. macbethfan

    Trusted Supporter

    Not getting to hear "Bandito" live is the main reason I regret missing the Bandito tour. I've watched a lot of live videos of the performances. Incredible song.

    I can live without Nico and The Niners though.
  4. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    Nico and the Niners is one of their best songs imo haha
  5. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Yeah, that 2018 tour may have been their best. Played Bandito and Leave the City every night. Plus a Hey Jude cover.
  6. balloon.pilot


    I really expected that Clancy would have at least one (if not more) of the more piano driven emotional type songs similar to Bandito or Neon Gravestones.

    I thought for sure that the piano that starts Overcompensate would re-appear later on the record...I was wrong. Not a complaint, this album still rocks
  7. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Album of the summer tbh
  8. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    There's some speculation from the fanbase that there are more songs coming! Whether that comes in the form of a deluxe, double album, or EP remains to be seen. Biggest hints were a puzzle at an art exhibit for the album release that ended up saying "Clancy Ultimus Capitulus 25" which roughly translates to "Clancy Ultimate Chapter 25". In the music video livestream Tyler was talking about how there's still a forthcoming video for Paladin Strait and said something to the effect of "Listen all the way to the end and tell me if you think it's over". There are also plenty of other hints out there!

    They've been writing for Clancy before they even started work on Scaled and Icy so I definitely see something happening soon, potentially on Josh's birthday which happens to be June 25th.
  9. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band Supporter

    Clancy (3am Edition)
  10. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    The layout for the Cleveland date changed. Not sure about other cities, but there are now two B Stages on the floor - aside from the main stage.

    Also, the upper level is not selling well at all. I noticed they chopped a lot of prices to $80 but at the same time increased lower level from $160 to $190.
    Turkeylegz likes this.
  11. ChampsMusic Jun 13, 2024
    (Last edited: Jun 13, 2024)

    Finally got a chance to listen to this after the massive amounts of new music releases the past couple of weeks. I threw this on and went for a walk. My first thoughts were why they opened so perfectly with Overcompensate and then do a whole genre switch into Next Semester. It seemed odd, but I got over it quickly because the beginning of this album is packed with punches. Then the lull sets in towards the middle of the album, where I “forgot” I was listening at some points and my attention was lost. It’s not that the songs are all slow or all sound the same, it’s more-so they all have the same tempo in that middle/late section of the album. At The Risk of Feeling Dumb absolutely blew that latency out of the water though. I loved it. I even liked the closer and how they rounded out this story.

    I very mildly check the subreddit, but does anyone here believe it will be a double album? That closing piece of “hello Clancy” makes me feel like it’s leading into something. Either that or it just ends which is fine.

    EDIT: Midwest Indigo is my jam.
    macbethfan, Turkeylegz and smowashere like this.
  12. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Because it's fuckin' dope.
    macbethfan likes this.
  13. ChampsMusic

    definitely a great song but kinda odd sequencing-wise.
  14. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Nah, I think more bands need to be less afraid to switch things up on the fly. More interesting that way. Too many bands go for a vibe for a whole album and end up cutting themselves off at the knee when it all ends up sounding the same.
  15. ChampsMusic

    I mean I agree, I just don’t think it works well here. BMTH Next Gen does a good job of switching I up on the fly.
  16. Lucas27


    The more I listen the more this sounds like a penultimate chapter and not a final one.
  17. ncarrab Jun 14, 2024
    (Last edited: Jun 14, 2024)

    Prestigious Supporter

    I think it's funny that you're surprised about TOP switching up styles from song 1 to song 2 yet also being disappointed that the middle songs all have the same tempo (they don't).

    Also, couldn't possibly imagine using the word 'latency' during a run of songs that includes Navigating, which is arguably the best song they've ever written.
  18. ChampsMusic Jun 14, 2024
    (Last edited: Jun 14, 2024)

    Idk man Routines in the Night through Lavish were pretty much lost on me on first listen. EDIT: add Snap Back and Oldies Station to this as well.

    There’s some absolute ear worms on here, though.
  19. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band Supporter

    Routines in the Night is the best song on this album imo
    Turkeylegz likes this.
  20. ChampsMusic

    At The Risk of Feeling Dumb could be massive live. Top 5, in no order: Midwest Indigo, At The Risk of Feeling Dumbm, Overcompensate, Backslide, Navigating
    Turkeylegz likes this.
  21. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I didn't like Oldies Station at first, but it's probably the song that has grown on me the most
  22. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Since no one's going to come out and say it, Next Semester is a great ass song.
    Turkeylegz, Friendjamin and Gianni like this.
  23. Gianni


    Some of yall need to be in our Music League lol I’ve submitted Twenty One Pilots before and finished last place that round
    Friendjamin likes this.
  24. Friendjamin

    Regular Supporter

    I’ll vote for your TOP songs, Gianni
    Gianni likes this.
  25. Gianni


    *Checks notes* you totally voted for my submission in Season 2 - cheers!
    Friendjamin likes this.