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Twenty One Pilots - Clancy (May 24, 2024) • Page 5

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by ncarrab, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    They're pulling out some deep cuts on this mini-run and not playing a lot of their hits
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  2. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Allhailburnzy likes this.
  3. chewbacca110

    He wrenches on it. He thinks it's his.

    This thread lied to me. I thought the album was releasing at midnight.
    Allhailburnzy likes this.
  4. Gianni


    They pushed it back by a week - Tyler said it was because they were making music videos for every track and just needed that extra time.

    But much more likely it was because Billie Eilish, Zayn, among some others released albums today.
    Fox83 likes this.
  5. Fox83


    I was wondering why there weren't any articles/reviews about the album today. I didn't even check spotify yet :crylaugh:
  6. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Absolutely because of Billie, no matter what they're spinning.
    heymattrick likes this.
  7. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Especially since they haven't released any more videos from the album
  8. heymattrick

    Sending my love

    Listened to the HQ you-know-what as soon as it dropped late this morning and immediately went for a drive in my car to listen (same way I listened to Blurry, Trench, and SAI for the first time).

    Had to pause instead of immediately relistening because it was heavy (content wise) and a little overwhelming but damn it, it was so good upon first listen. I’m so proud of them.
    macbethfan and chewbacca110 like this.
  9. chewbacca110

    He wrenches on it. He thinks it's his.

    Now this has me super excited.
  10. heymattrick

    Sending my love

    No spoilers but the ending of the album actually had my jaw drop. The entire last song is amazing but the last 60 seconds… JFC
    dp619, chewbacca110 and balloon.pilot like this.
  11. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Listening through their albums this week, and yea I can now pretty definitively say Trench is my favorite thing they've done.

    Excited for this one since it does seem to follow along those lines so far. Maybe one day I'll figure out what the story is about and who Clancy is lol
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  12. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    Thoughts on the album below, dont read if you want to go in unbiased.

    Is anyone else really not feeling this album? I've given it three listens and it just doesn't click. Some of the songs feel meandering and it generally seems to be pretty forgettable. The singles are really the best the album has to offer imo.
  13. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I would be stunned if this band put something out that I couldn't get into. Unless they released an entire album of songs that sound like Pet Cheetah.
    Onlyadirector likes this.
  14. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

  15. chewbacca110

    He wrenches on it. He thinks it's his.

    Don’t have to work tomorrow, so I’m staying up for this music video livestream on YouTube.
  16. Owlex

    free snewt Prestigious

    Hey this is pretty good
  17. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Just got to Navigating and holy shit!
  18. dp619

    Regular Supporter

    I lovvveeee the synth on this album. Such a variety of tracks on this album. The livestream was fun as hell and as someone who didn't listen to the leak, Paladin Strait caught me way off guard with that ending. Lets go! Really like Navigating, The Craving (both versions), and Midwest Indigo beyond the singles we already have. Can't wait to see these guys in September
  19. chewbacca110 May 24, 2024
    (Last edited: May 24, 2024)

    He wrenches on it. He thinks it's his.

    The livestream last night was genuinely fun. They “hosted” it and spoke about behind the scenes of the video in between and Josh had a bit where after each video, he was eating a different sleepover snack.
    dp619 likes this.
  20. MShaw88

    This is me trying

    I'm genuinely shocked this site isn't way more into this band. Josh and Tyler are such cool dudes that write emo/alternative/pop songs.

    Clancy is so so good. Lyrically this band is super strong and Clancy has some seriously deep tracks. Hard to pick favorites even after sitting with the leak for a week. But the Lavish music video is hilariously perfect.
  21. chewbacca110

    He wrenches on it. He thinks it's his.

    My hometown (Johnstown) was shown in the Lavish video! It’s like 15 minutes from Westerville, where TOP is from.
  22. Lucas27


    Haven't watched the videos yet but first impression after a couple listens is this will be a grower. First two and last two songs hit hard, as well as Midwest Indigo. The rest is solid but I think will need time to sink in more. Some interesting stuff here.
  23. First listen and I love how much Paul Meany I can hear over this so far.
    dp619, Crisp X, macbethfan and 7 others like this.
  24. balloon.pilot


    the end of Routines in the Night is the most Mutemath-y / Paul Meany thing ever
    Crisp X and macbethfan like this.
  25. Mort Michaels

    Father, Son, and House of Gucci

    I haven’t been into these guys for awhile, but loved the first two songs, and damn this whole thing is very strong.