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Turnstile - Glow On (August 27, 2021) Album • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by stvvvn, Jul 12, 2021.

  1. SmashRipsaw

    Outcast Tape Infirmary

  2. oh yes
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  3. SteadyGlen


    sign me up baby
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  4. Contender

    Goodness is Nowhere Supporter

    a great birthday present
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  5. "Holiday" is song of the year and that EP video is music video of the year, hands down
  6. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Perfect way to cap off the summer
    mattylikesfilms and Nate_Johnson like this.
  7. mattylikesfilms


    I’m pretty sure Holiday and Mystery will make it while No Surprise and TLC are exclusive to the EP.
    333 GANG and trevorshmevor like this.
  8. mattylikesfilms


    My credit card is ready to blow stupid money on this preorder. I want ridiculous packages now!
    stvvvn likes this.
  9. coleslawed

    Eat Pizza

    i slept on this band for too long. Holiday slapped me into shape.
    bachna84, Mary V, stvvvn and 3 others like this.
  10. dzyjay


    Let's goooo!
  11. 333 GANG


    I’m hoping TLC makes it. I love that song, particularly the last half. But you’re probably right
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  12. clockwise


    Can’t wait
  13. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    Fingers crossed they announce some more tour dates too. I need experience Holiday live.
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  14. I wanna thank you

    for lettin me

    be myself
  15. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

  16. Need this! Can’t wait!
    333 GANG and Nate_Johnson like this.
  17. StormAndTheSun

    Unmoored Supporter

    Id be alright with the whole EP being on the album. And if it isnt, I hope there is a decent amount of stuff that is similar to No Surprise.
    333 GANG likes this.
  18. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    yeah all of these songs def deserve to be on the record and probably will be
    333 GANG likes this.
  19. 333 GANG


    I repeat this to myself multiple times a day
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  20. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    Here because a friend sent me the EP video. very interested to hear more like it if that's what this album is shaping up to be
  21. azzy01


    awesome and so soon too!
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  22. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    I hope none of the songs are on the album and we get all new ones.
  23. Man between this, Vince, Clairo, and Tyler, we’ve really been spoiled with some relatively short rollouts in the last month. Would love to see it become a trend
    FTank, wisdomfordebris and Aaron Mook like this.
  24. TomG

    Trusted Supporter

    Hoping ETID follows suit though I’ve heard the rumors of October. Here for this
  25. Keen as fuck. August is ridiculous.