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Turnover - Myself In The Way (November 4, 2022) Album • Page 11

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by trevorshmevor, Jul 24, 2022.

  1. trevorshmevor Dec 6, 2024
    (Last edited: Dec 6, 2024)
    I never cared for Turnover until about month after PV came out when my now wife and I took a road trip with one of my best friends up to Lake Arrowhead. He threw it on in the car and I couldn’t believe who it was when I asked him haha. It became the soundtrack to that trip and that cabin. Moving Mountains put out Deathless that weekend too - great time to be an poster lol. Wherever I catch this tour it will have to be the three of us
    Elder Lightning likes this.
  2. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    You threw this album on or PV?
  3. Sorry, PV lol. Forgot this was the thread for a different album
  4. Damn, I miss Milk Teeth. Underrated band.
  5. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    falafelmywaffle, stvvvn and astereo like this.
  6. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Well that's a bummer. But maybe I should plan a trip to Red Rocks to see it? It's a bucket list venue for me, this seems like it could be a cool time to go.
  7. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    ngl that kinda blows its only 6 shows and nothing I could realistically go to
  8. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    Red Rocks would be sick but I've never travelled that far for a band specifically, not sure if the money would be worth it for me as much as I love PV
    Micah511 and digitalsea like this.
  9. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    No Philly show is absolutely gut wrenching. How are they going to disrespect the place they recorded it at? Haha
    Contender likes this.
  10. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    Red Rocks is a dream venue for me, but even this show isn’t worth the cost it would take right now.
  11. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    also killing me that its one of the biggest RFC releases and no Boston show
    digitalsea likes this.
  12. Night Channels


    Red Rocks it is
  13. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    Greek theater? I’m out.
  14. sleon.518

    idk man

    Turnover announced a whopping three shows back in 2022 before announcing an entire tour surrounding those shows a few weeks later. I'm assuming that's the plan here as well. These are more than likely the biggest venues on the tour so they want to get as many people there as they can.
  15. Greek Theater is a lil ambitious for them
  16. Underwhelming but not completely unexpected. Doubt I’ll be able to make any of these but we’ll see
  17. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    I hope you're right sleon
  18. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    On the other hand, Citizen only announced a few shows for Youth 10-Year tour and never did anything additional. Who knows!
  19. sleon.518

    idk man

    Very true, but the difference between Citizen and Turnover is that the Decade of Youth tour was about two weeks long. There's about six weeks in between Red Rocks and Brooklyn Paramount, which is why I believe there will be more dates!
  20. mynamesgeneric

    Regular Supporter

    They should've milked this more, damn shame.
    mattav152 likes this.
  21. There’s the argument that them limiting the shows to a few venues they would otherwise probably never be able to justify headlining because they know people will travel is them milking it. Honestly nothing about their attitude toward PV in the last decade has suggested they are interested in using it to make an easy buck
  22. Literal


    I'd travel if it was guaranteed they'd play Sasha
    mynamesgeneric likes this.
  23. Drewski

    Maybe so, maybe not.

    I also assumed Red Rocks would be ambitious but I'm pretty shocked by the streaming numbers on this album.
  24. SPine


    Grabbed 2 GA tickets for Red Rocks. Reserved were $120 including fees. GA was $61. Not sure how many rows they will reserve. A lot of Red Rocks shows sell out due to scalpers. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make the trip, but at least I have face value tickets.
  25. JBoch

    Trusted Supporter

    Red Rocks!