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Transit - I'm Getting Good At Saying Goodbye Tour Tour • Page 4

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by kidinthebushes, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    It's FYS acoustic
    BelieF likes this.
  2. I've never been much of a transit fan but they won me over at both Philly shows. My favorite part was probably when the singer climbed up to the ceiling at the foundry and said "trust fall" as he fell into the crowd. Always good to see Ace Enders too!
  3. thisisnotbrianm


    Four Year Strong acoustic setlist (Worcester):
    Tonight we feel alive
    Find my way back
    Stuck in the middle
    Go Down In History
    One Step at a Time
    Wasting time

    A majority of the crowd was talking during their set last night which was incredibly annoying and frustrating.

    Transit played well over 2 hours last night, they basically had fans write songs on pieces of paper and put them into a bucket and just kept drawing songs from the bucket for a majority of the night.
  4. congruence

    Got a light?

    Gave them the benefit of the doubt and went to the Worcester show, a few songs in they gave JJR a shoutout, they brought Harry out to play drums on "For the World", and JJR for the sax solo again. I was vocal about my displeasure each time and I am fairly sure the band heard what I was saying but they just pretended not to hear it. Ruined the show for me but I should of expected it.
    cybele likes this.
  5. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    jesus, fuck this band. thanks for souring a special record for me, hope their legacy is nothing
    congruence likes this.
  6. congruence

    Got a light?

    It was pretty messed up, I was aware of the situation with them but I was hoping to at least be able to enjoy the nostalgic factor of these songs, having grown up in the New England scene. Any chance of that flew out the window when they started pulling that shit and I just stood there trapped in the corner filled with rage until I waited for a chance to escape the crowd and get out of there. From what I could see, the majority of the crowd was more into their newer, poppier stuff so I expect them to be forgotten for the most part, at least let's hope.
  7. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    like seriously, at this point, they're pretty much just flaunting that they know and want to show people they don't care, right?
    jmitch0906 likes this.
  8. congruence

    Got a light?

    That's what it appeared like to me, they said "John James Ryan everybody" before he even did anything, as well as after the solo and again later on the bassist told a brief story of how he was such a nice harmless guy or something. The unfortunate thing is the attempts to bury the story seemed to work pretty well, when I yelled at Harry/JJR a couple people laughed but everyone else kind of just ignored it and probably thought I was just being a jerk.
    jmitch0906 likes this.
  9. Shrek

    can't be made fun of Prestigious

    Not to beat the dead horse, but man, this is a bummer. I am actually disgusted. I agree with Casey that this has to be intentional, some kind of shithead statement to make before hanging it up, and I just don't even know what they could be trying to accomplish with it.

    The setlists are outrageous, this would be a wonderful way for any other band to go out, but it means nothing to me now. I haven't given a damn about this band's material since Something Left Behind, but prior to that point, they were integral to my young adulthood. They have stomped out any remains of that nostalgia with all of this nonsense.

    Good riddance.
    troyplaysbass, congruence and cwhit like this.
  10. kidinthebushes


    I am not as concerned as some are about the whole NGN/JJR thing but it seems silly to me that Transit would allow them at these shows knowing very well that them being there might overshadow their final shows.
  11. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    the fact is, most people don't know. a bunch of people who do, don't care. it's a minority who think it's a big deal, and because of that, the band doesn't care to not "hang with buds"
  12. Stephen Young

    Regular Prestigious

    The 4 year run Transit's been on since Young New England has been absolutely tragic to say the least, and in a weird way, bringing out JJR and Harry Corrigan at their last show(s) is strangely fitting.
    cwhit likes this.
  13. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    Fuck Transit
  14. Penguin

    your favorite asexual icon Prestigious

    Somebody told me it was Giants At Large who opened for them the other day, not No Good News (they share a singer). Still doesn't cancel all the rest of that shit out at all, but that's at least slightly less terrible...
  15. thisisnotbrianm


    A Loss For Words is playing a surprise acoustic set in Boston right now.

    Also, to add my two cents, less than pleased with everything mentioned above that happened in Worcester last night. Being at the show, they really seemed to go out of their way to bring it up and make a point. Their appearances were definitely not nonchalant. It left a bad taste in my mouth. Saying goodbye to a band I used to love and who got me involved into the local scene should have been a special moment, but it was ruined and I left the show almost relieved that it was their final run because of these antics.
    Ryan Garner likes this.
  16. fyebes

    Regular Prestigious

    Only really got into Listen & Forgive from this band, but as many have said, it's disappointing that they're being so obnoxious about the JJR thing. It's truly disgusting.
  17. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    yeah, two of the same members of the band, actually just heard of them for the first time today
  18. mikeb1124


    It was most definitely No Good News
  19. NL

    Newbie Supporter

    Transit was the first band in the scene that really clicked for me, back in late 2010, sophomore year of high school. I remember meeting Joe B at Bamboozle 2011 and telling him how stoked I was to catch their set, then picking up the Something Left Behind EP at random. It quickly became one of my favorite albums and really defines a great period of time in my life, as music tends to do. For whatever reason, I ended up missing their set at Bamboozle, though I've seen them quite a few times over the years.

    Listen & Forgive was released, and I was blown away, like many others. Enough words have been said about that album. Young New England and the resulting #GFYTN left a bad taste in my mouth, but I still had that connection to their older stuff. I loved Joyride and was excited to catch them on that Have Mercy tour.

    Their impending breakup was announced. This one hit me harder than any other (though many more are to come in the following years - RIP MCS) and I was determined to go to their last show. I've said I'd travel to the East Coast multiple times before (I live in Milwaukee), like for TWY album shows, but I never acted on it. I bought tickets for their last couple Massachusetts shows, finally booking a flight and room. As the days passed, the news that JJR was still involved came up - I first noticed when he was listed as the contact for their Revere VFW show. I believe he booked the whole tour or something along those lines, based on some tweets I saw. That bad taste from #GFYTN returned, along with a nagging I couldn't get rid of. Ended up cancelling my trip and getting rid of my tickets.

    I've ignored, or at least not dwelled on, past examples of their poor character. After reading the last few posts about JJR and Corrigan, not making the trip out east was obviously the right decision. For them to not only condone but apparently support the behavior of these guys is fucking disgusting. If you're not "as concerned as some" about the situation, then you really need to get your priorities straight. This is the first one of my "top" bands (I'm lucky, I guess) that has proven to be shitty people, and it sucks that their music will always have that cloud hanging over it. Listening to Something Left Behind will always make me feel nostalgic - but I won't ever be able to listen to it without being ignorant of the content of their character. Nothing lasts forever.
    congruence, Ryan Garner and Penguin like this.
  20. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    good bye transit, and good riddance
  21. BelieF


    I won't defend them but I can't discard the way their albums made me feel since 08'. Will I support any future projects after this probably not.
  22. kidinthebushes


    And just like that, no more Man Overboard or Transit. :(
    BelieF likes this.
  23. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    the world is a better place for it
  24. devenstonow


    Stop acting like it's a shitty thing for people to have a connection to their music, and to still feel that connection and care deeply about it, overlooking the fact that they're friends with shitty people.
  25. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    i don't care about people having a connection to their music. but troubling bands being on the road where they can influence people to do more troubling things, that's the important part