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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread Tour • Page 9

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    I knew AJR would add another night, hilarious people thought they couldn't fill these rooms.
    theasteriskera, Brent and fbrrocks like this.
  2. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    I wonder if the Brooklyn Paramount will do some sort of kick off launch with big names playing it since it is, essentially, Live Nation's only mid-size room in the city.
  3. RogrStahlback

    Trusted Supporter

  4. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    Paulms85 and thatwasamoment like this.
  5. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Helloelloallo likes this.
  6. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    Couple more Fiddlehead dates added for the beginning of next year, Pawtucket & NJ shows:

  7. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

  8. Tifoil


  9. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Always perplexed why Indonesia gets so many more shows than India.
  10. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Rocket Summer "Calendar Days" 20-year tour dates are ... somewhere
    Brent likes this.
  11. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  12. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    Really though why does he wear this fucking hat
  13. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    They're cool and the games look fun, but I dunno man, something about loving them so much you'll go on a themed cruise is just odd, but hey, whatever floats your cruise ship.
    333 GANG and Brent like this.
  14. m32137


    Immediately reminded me of Spinal Tap's show in Springfield.

  15. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    I know nothing about Atreyu but did Alex do the cleans or screams or both?
  16. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    He did screams. Cleans are Brandon.
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  17. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    What is an AJR
    wildXonesX182 likes this.
  18. DarkestDayOfMan


    This is the most Staind tour poster that ever Staind. Like if someone asked me for a photo representation of what Staind was like in 2023-2024 this would be it.
  19. For some reason 2024 on the back of that ancient pickup is so funny to me. You know they all drive super crews that have never gone off road or hauled more than groceries.
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  20. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

  21. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  22. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    The time between when shows are announced and when they happen these days is wild.
  23. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

  24. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Long or short?
  25. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Long, tours are announced like a year in advance in some cases.
    Helloelloallo likes this.