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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread Tour • Page 793

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Concert Week all-stars from the jump
  2. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    LA date of that Offspring tour isn’t doing well so far either. Kind of surprised considering the lineup and the fact that it’s a “hometown” show for them.

    This probably would’ve sold out if it was at the Honda Center
    alkalinexandy and brosen87 like this.
  3. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    WBCN was a Stern station off/on throughout the 90s and into the early 2000s. But that didn't really influence the formatting. Boston was in an interesting spot, though, because we had three different rock stations at the time. All three played the Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Alice in Chains, Metallica, etc. But there was one that skewed way more metal/hard rock and another that leaned into smaller acts for whatever was hot (e.g., lots of Ill Nino and Dope in the nu-metal era; shifted into the indie and pop-punk/emo stuff in the mid-2000s).

    WBCN was somewhere between the two. And the festivals they put together represented it pretty well. The side-stage at their fest in 2003 was a great example of that: Finch, the Ataris, Interpol, Hot Hot Heat, (hed)p.e., and Dresden Dolls.

    From what I understand of the way those festivals were booked is it was usually a reduced rate with a side of "but you have to play singles X, Y, and Z for these bands; we'll let you put two of them on your festival and we'll be the ones that pay them." Anthony from Bayside has mentioned this in a few interviews about their time on a major, Chris from LTJ has referenced it on his podcast, and it gets brought up once or twice in Sellout. So it's mostly coming from bands who were probably on the "put band X on and you get Y and Z too."

    But yeah, I find that entire era fascinating. Looking at the math of it all it's pretty easy to see how it's mostly died out.
  4. marceting


    The Offspring tour at PNC has about 20% vacancy left of the 100 sections which sits about 2,500 people. Selling about as fast as I thought in the up front. Over 50% of these sales happen in the weeks leading up to the show.
  5. SomewhereCity Mar 11, 2025 at 3:42 PM
    (Last edited: Mar 11, 2025 at 4:12 PM)

    Regular Supporter

    Live Nation forced the Offspring/JEW/NFG and Halsey tours into the wrong places because of their “20% full, sell beers” approach instead of giving them chances to pack rooms and put on a great show

    I can’t tell if concerts at that scale have tilted more towards the hardcore fans (Sabrina, Olivia, etc) or harder towards casuals (fests to hang out, seeing Blink to hear All the Small Things, etc)

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    The Offspring tour in 2023 sold the hell out of our amphitheater in Michigan, but admittedly part of that is because Simple Plan and Sum 41 both opened and Canada is right next door.
  7. gravity523

    Newbie Supporter

    JEW is one of my favorite bands.. but I don't have it in me to sit in the parking lot for hours trying to get home. Worst venue.
    ncarrab and alkalinexandy like this.
  8. Xpertguy5


    That tour sold out in Irvine I believe. Helped that it was a hometown show for The Offspring and Sum 41's expiration date helped too.
  9. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    Minneapolis was more affordable than what you guys are seeing. Unsure how many tickets sold though
  10. Cmoney86


    The Chicago house of blues poppy show next Friday is being live streamed on veeps
    manoverboard365 likes this.
  11. manoverboard365


    As much as I love JEW, their draw has really dwindled over the years. Sum 41 and Simple Plan are bigger touring acts now, and their pairing specifically was a hot ticket.

    My local show for this Offspring tour is selling terribly right now. But as someone already mentioned, the majority of sales for these amphitheater shows happen in the weeks leading up to them. This’ll sell fine.
  12. fbrrocks


    You mean sum 41 was they are no longer a band
  13. Mtlman1331


    What an annoying post, everyone knows
  14. 2Sweet34


    its the price and people the age of interest for this show knows you can get them cheaper later
    SomewhereCity likes this.
  15. Mtlman1331


    Ya know what I find crazy, Max and Igor are touring right now playing two Sepultura albums and playing like 1k clubs and not really moving tickets. But they could announce a Sepultura reunion tomorrow with Max and Igor and it would probably attempt to fill arenas.
    Tifoil likes this.
  16. bigstupidjellyfish


    Perfect opportunity for Jimmy Eat World to go up in the rankings now that Sum 41 is Sum Forty Done
    fbrrocks likes this.
  17. Xpertguy5


    Weird how name value alone carries a lot in this industry
    Azz likes this.
  18. Azz


    Booked a ticket earlier today to see Volbeat in November with Bush and Gel supporting in Birmingham as part of their UK arena tour.. it took a long time for the UK to finally catch up on Volbeat because in Europe they have been selling out stadiums and headlining main stages at festivals for years!! Excited to finally see Bush live and surreal to be seeing Gel performing in a arena because last time I saw them live was at a small venue with no barrier and seeing people stage diving non stop during their set!!
  19. abear182


  20. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Sidenote but was always funny to me that Bush, being an English band, never really took off in their own country. In the 90’s they were way bigger in the U.S. than in the U.K.
    Paulms85 and Azz like this.
  21. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    I think Bush is the only example I can think of in which the circumstance happened. You hear all the time about UK bands that didn’t make a big dent in the States, but not a UK band that blew up in the U.S. and not in the UK
    Azz likes this.
  22. Tifoil


    Huh, I always thought they were from the US
    Azz likes this.
  23. Azz


    When I first got into Bush I thought they were an American band then later on I found out they were British and then I saw the chart positions and I was like fucking hell they r way bigger over in the states than they r in the UK!! Hopefully this upcoming Volbeat tour they win over a lot of new fans and hopefully come back for a UK headline tour *fingers crossed*
    RogrStahlback likes this.
  24. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    It didn't hurt that they sounded like a grunge band and essentially were tailored to an audience who wanted a poppier follow-up to Nevermind and/or a less weird Pearl Jam since Vitalogy was competing with Sixteen Stone at the same time on the charts.

    (I say that NOT as any form of an insult as I am and have always been a fan of Bush).
    Paulms85 and Azz like this.
  25. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    If I had the talent and connections, I'd put together something like an Oral History of Modern Rock Radio 1991-2004 to capture the glory years. Be somse wild stories in there.