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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread Tour • Page 765

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    I think all the spotify numbers need to be taken into account and it's just more of 'would I see them live?'. "Small" number of listener bands often have hardcore fans who 100% will go see them every time they roll through and then there's bands that people listen to but wouldn't really give a crap about going to see perform.
  2. shawnesty23


    im a fan of both bands. plenty of people like different types of bands lol
  3. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Yeah but given the demo of their fanbase, it's probably more passive/casual listening. I'd actually like to submit a new metric for measuring an acts draw. How active is their subreddit? People bothering to go to a subreddit to post, argue, make memes, etc are probably more likely to buy a ticket than someone streaming the act off a playlist.
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  4. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Jimmy Eat World is what I was told in terms of the band replacing AAR.

    And there's no way the fucking Offspring is playing stadiums lol
    Blainer93 and riotspray like this.
  5. 2Sweet34


    the point is its seen as a barometer in booking shows and venues. I think the idea of 3 bands which each have different followings like these 3 and merging together doesnt make it impossible. Especially if Offspring tags it as “greatest hits tour” or whatever trick.
    Im not saying its going to happen. But im simply saying ive seen crazier shit happen
  6. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    FWIW: I think JEW’s streams are mostly casual/non-fans that listen to the singles. In a weird way, I think JEW has bigger hits whereas NFG has a stronger, more devoted fanbase

    LMAO. This is the best explanation
    manoverboard365 likes this.
  7. fourstarters

    John // OC now, OH forever.

    Absolutely, they just give off totally different vibes if that makes any sense.
  8. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Absolutely. Pairing a Epitaph punk band with a more “bro” fanbase with of the leading bands of 2nd wave emo is a weird mix
  9. Mike Dust 81


    JEW is playing the Wimmer circuit now so it's not all that weird
  10. daydreaming


    In Philly it’s hitting our big LN shed
  11. marceting


    NFG can do 3-4.5k by themselves, the AAR/NFG tour in ‘23 did 14k in Jersey on a Wednesday night lol
  12. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    That tour played PNC? Surprising.
    marceting likes this.
  13. 2Sweet34


    yeah NFG is HUGE in Boston in particular. And our shed is outside Boston proper and kind of a shit hole. So with proper prices LN may be willing to take a swing at a bigger venue. All in the dates and whats available
    kman22 and marceting like this.
  14. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    I seem to recall reading somewhere that NFG is huge in NJ to the point where they call it their second home. But I think that’s also the case for a lot of pop punk, emo and punk bands
    manoverboard365 likes this.
  15. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    New Found Glory concerts are probably date night for aging emo parents.
  16. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    You only need to listen to 1 song 1 time that month to be a monthly listener and The Middle is on way more nostalgia playlists
  17. marceting


    any ‘scene’ show in Jersey typically does well. NFG def has a very dedicated fan base in Jersey and throughout the Northeast from constantly touring here in the early years
  18. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Yeah for that genre, Jersey/LI shows are always more nuts than shows in the actual city.
    marceting likes this.
  19. marceting


    Idk if this brings any context but this past summer in Jersey:

    - NFG show: 4.5k
    - A Day To Remember with big support from The Story So Far, Four Year Strong: 7k
  20. Mtlman1331


    daydreaming likes this.
  21. shawnesty23


    have they gotten that much bigger in a year or so? i saw them in a 1k venue in 2022
  22. marceting


    almost every band from the early 2000-2010s has gotten bigger in the last 4-5 years due to a) nostalgia b) fans going from teenagers to ones that have spending power
  23. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    we are just our parents. They would probably go out to go see like Pearl Jam or even older 70-80’s bands like Journey or something when we were kids. Now instead of the arena to see the 80’s nostalgia band, we go to a 1000 cap room to see new found glory lol
    marceting likes this.
  24. shawnesty23


    sure. this was fall of 2022 though. just surprised gotten that much bigger since then
    marceting likes this.
  25. manoverboard365


    LOL this is pretty spot on