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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread Tour • Page 754

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Azz


  2. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    andysoto523, somethingwitty and Azz like this.
  3. shea

    RIP Supporter

  4. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    Sunami doing contempt of cop here will be hilarious
  5. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

    shea likes this.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    Simple Plan has always been an elite live band, very psyched for them to headline an amphitheater
    Azz likes this.
  7. 333 GANG


  8. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    KNOXVILLE?! Open Chord?! This venue is legit for like... maybe 300 people.
  9. TDenverFan


    I haven't heard of Sad Park before, and had their name not been written in the body of the post, I'm not sure I would've been able to figure it out from their logo/font.
  10. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    yeah same for Nashville. 250 max
  11. manoverboard365


    Crazy to me that Simple Plan is the biggest they've ever been as a live act now, all resting on 2 albums that came out 20+ years ago.

    No shade to those other albums, I like some of them (especially the most recent album). But they havent had a successful song in the US since like 2005, right?
    Azz and ChampsMusic like this.
  12. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

  13. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    You know how I know we're living in wild times? No 311 summer tour in 3 years.
  14. manoverboard365


    .....And I know the obvious answer is that it is nostalgia that is driving tickets, but what's funny is that Simple Plan was barely considered part of that emo/pop punk scene back in the day. You see them tour with The Offspring & Sum 41 recently but 20 years ago neither of those bands or their fans would've crossed over well.
    koryoreo likes this.
  15. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    peoplearepoison and Rmourz like this.
  16. manoverboard365


  17. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    It came from Inforoo via a post on Facebook so we’ll know if it’s real in 18 minutes but it seems real.
  18. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    That Shaky Knees lineup fucks. Minus Lenny Kravitz that's totally all killer no filler on the top 3 lines of each day.
  19. manoverboard365


    Shaky Knees is the same weekend as Riot. Possible for any crossover with those lineups, or are these too far away from each other?
  20. ChampsMusic

    Hoping this means more blink festival dates begin popping up for later this year.
  21. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    It’s possible. Artists have flown to/from riot for shows before. One big example was NIN playing Primavera in LA and then headlining Riot the next night in 2022
  22. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    I've pointed that out several times as well. They would have LOVED to tour with the likes of Sum 41 and NFG back in the early 00s but they had the stink of Radio Disney on them so the likes of NFG wouldn't touch them.
  23. shea

    RIP Supporter

    first time i've been genuinely impressed with a shaky knees lineup, damn.
    digitalbath and Rmourz like this.
  24. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yeah I’d 100% go to that if it were in California
  25. Rmourz


    Really need MCR (and honesty most of this lineup) to be on LTL. Atlanta is just too far