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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread Tour • Page 709

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

  2. scottm1023


    I've been enjoying the individual band announcement posts with their own announcement video that warped is doing. Really gives a chance to put the spotlight on every single artist and it looks like some of them had a lot of fun making these videos despite how corny some of them are.
  3. bradsonemanband Jan 29, 2025
    (Last edited: Jan 29, 2025)
    NIN peeps. I logged onto Ticketmaster just to check the Utah date, and I didn't have to wait even a second. Just logged right on and there are $49 tickets still available. In case anyone's starving.

    EDIT: I refreshed and now I'm 12,000 in line sooo maybe I was the first person in there when I first tried haha

    EDIT #2: Ticketmaster is a fucking joke. One of my buddies has been waiting in the queue for a few minutes, and I just refreshed my page to see what I'd be, and I am ahead of him... No rhyme or reason to these numbers of people in the queue.
  4. riotspray

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Ft Worth NIN show looks (nearly) sold out. TM only showed me like 5 seats and they were all $385+
  5. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    Yeah, I had to bite the bullet on one of those. When I got in most seats were sold out
    riotspray likes this.
  6. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    really?! Damn
  7. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Ticketmaster tried to buttram me, but I buttrammed back. Scored a NIN ticket but jfc that was stressful
    xctcx and Localman like this.
  8. Xpertguy5


    No luck with pit. Butt ramming served. I can move on with my day now
  9. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    I’m done trying to buy tickets for arena shows, I’ll just play the resale game and hope they end up cheaper closer to the show
    theasteriskera and riotspray like this.
  10. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Most tours are typically booked/priced at demand so unless it's a significant underplay/promo show or someone blows up in between booking a tour, that'll usually work out. The front sections of arena shows will always be premium priced as well.
  11. m32137


    My wife was looking at the Katy Perry Citi presale last night and didn't buy any since they were so expensive. And just now she texted me saying she won a pair from one of the Orlando stations.
    ALT/MSC/FAN and Helloelloallo like this.
  12. midnightxtaylor


    I know it's not convenient/possible for most people, but if you can, go to the box office if they have daytime hours! Literally had a single person in line and since there's no online queue, he got to pick whatever he wanted (and chose pit for $154).
  13. Blink182Bouncer


  14. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    A lot of box offices don't offer tickets the first day they're on sale, for the sole reason they don't want hordes of people lining up.
  15. Looks like Belmont replaced that other band on the Dance Gavin Dance tour
  16. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Are SYSC basically done now?
  17. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

  18. Blink182Bouncer


    I can't imagine any other outcome. They publicly antagonized their frontwoman into a quitting, all over a tour they ended up leaving. Can't imagine them successfully staging a comeback without her (at least not without pivoting hard into anti-"woke cancel-culture" rhetoric) and I doubt Connie will want to reconcile at this point, considering the trauma she's suffered over the past few weeks.
  19. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Those NIN tickets should go quickly for the 2nd nights but it won't be instant, even in Brooklyn you had a good two hours yo could have bought back of house seats.
  20. Rmourz


    For those interested, Pure Noise is doing a crazy sale rn where all SYSC vinyl is only $10.

    I sincerely hope Connie takes however much time off as she needs and leans on her support system. But once she’s ready I hope we see her form another band. She’s maybe the most charismatic front person I’ve ever seen in heavy music.
    digitalbath and Blink182Bouncer like this.
  21. digitalbath


    100% agree on this. Caught SYSC when they opened for Counterparts in Greensboro a few years ago, and she was awesome. I also appreciate her stopping the show when a stage diver got injured and a few of us helped tend to injured guy before staff came over.
  22. Azz


  23. ChampsMusic

    Anyone have that old leaked Warped lineup? I feel like Fishbone was on there and it’s kind of aligning with what they had posted.

    Tired of waiting 30 days to know if I’m selling my ticket or not.
  24. joe.boy.fresh.


    I remember Josh from STYG clowning on Belmont too cause they performed with a drummer/full backtrack for like half the tour
    troyplaysbass likes this.
  25. Tifoil

