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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread Tour • Page 402

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Big John D energy
  2. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

  3. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    Damn. I missed the part that said Allister is opening on a few dates!? Id be into that
    alkalinexandy and 333 GANG like this.
  4. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    The Menzingers, Catbite, bad cop bad cop. AC BEER FEST weekend cancelled due to poor sales. Thats unfortunate
  5. Tifoil Jun 30, 2024 at 12:32 PM
    (Last edited: Jun 30, 2024 at 12:46 PM)


    Capulet Fest facebook page is gone lol
    They said the promoter also deleted their personal profile
    ALT/MSC/FAN and Sutton Sabinash like this.
  6. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    That reminds me of something…
    Rmourz and alkalinexandy like this.
  7. Azz


  8. Azz


    Not sure which thread to put this tweet below but I watched Avril Lavigne's Glastonbury set on the live stream and she should of got moved up to the Pyramid Stage because the stage she was performing at was packed out... over 70,000 people while a few hours later, SZA's Sunday Pyramid Stage set... this post below says it all

  9. Mtlman1331


    Tifoil likes this.
  10. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

  11. TMS2787


    That was a wild reading the detereation of Capult Fest and getting caught up on this thread.
    Sutton Sabinash likes this.
  12. Mtlman1331


    I read a story recently that the same promoter recently approached Lions Lions about a reunion show and co headlining with Emery and a few other NE mainstays, he promises them X dollars, they practice get things going, they get the contract for the show, it’s a show at a different venue smaller capacity, Emery isn’t mentioned, it’s a bunch of smaller local bands the money is less than half what they were originally promised, so obviously it was a fuck off from them. Dude has def been fucking people over with money and promises on a small scale, but realizing he couldn’t get away with it on a larger scale, although one could argue he is gonna get away with it to an extent.
  13. fbrrocks


    I saw about those stories on fb so wild
  14. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    I’ll forever be upset at how many people were talking over The Cure when I saw them last year
  15. Mtlman1331


    I went to adjacent last year with my wife, my friend and two of her friends and during midtown my wife’s friend was talking so loud about her job and adjacent the sound wasn’t that loud to begin with. So the guy in front turns around and is like “hey can you talk quieter or move further back” tone of her voice doesn’t change and the dude goes “will you shut the fuck up” my wife is upset, the girls boyfriend is upset. I turn to my buddy and is like “I mean he isn’t wrong”
    riotspray and 333 GANG like this.
  16. Mtlman1331


    If you aren’t interested in a band take it to the lobby, back of the venue or bar. Don’t ruin it for anyone else because you don’t want to see a band. All of our money is the same color of green.
  17. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Worst is when the person you are with is trying to talk to YOU during a set you’re attempting to enjoy. Brutal.
  18. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    i know it's different by market, but has anyone seen The Spill Canvas on this run and did they pull a decent crowd? Debating the show in my town but due to a lack of sets filled in on recently, I am sensing that it's perhaps not pulling in many sales.
  19. TMS2787


    This is my one buddy I go to most shows with. I have to say: “Tom, shut up. People are trying to watch the show.” And he’s also naturally loud. lol. But when I bring it up. He does stfu.
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  20. Mtlman1331


    Axs tickets is having a red white and 2 for 1 sale this week but I haven’t seen where to actually find a list anywhere yet
    theasteriskera likes this.
  21. Haha that's why I prefer going to shows alone.
  22. manoverboard365


    I have a buddy who will always be the first one to say he wants to join me at a show, and every time we go he spends 75% of the show talking or doom scrolling instagram.

    I ended up going to Something Corporate alone last week and there were still groups around me that just would not shut the fuck up. I'm like helloooo this band hasnt toured in 15 years and probably wont ever again, why did you spend money and travel all the way here to chitchat???
  23. HalfHearted


    I didn't go to it, but I know they sold out the Buffalo date last week, looks like the venue holds 350.
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  24. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    I am firmly in the anti-talking / enjoy the music camp, but I think the answer to why people behave that way is that the show is probably just an excuse to get together and drink and less about the music itself and more about an activity to build a social gathering around. I think as festivals get more and more popular, and attending live music becomes less niche, you're going to get groups of people who treat it as an experience, and a hang out and they're really not there specifically for the music.
    riotspray and alkalinexandy like this.
  25. Rmourz


    riotspray and alkalinexandy like this.