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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread [ARCHIVED] Tour • Page 333

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. marsvoltamcr


    Sounds like when I saw this tour. By the time DDG and FFTL played, most of the crowd was gone. Woe Is Me and Abandon All Ships got the best reaction that day.

  2. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Not going to lie a little part of me wants to go to Alesana. I've never seen them but I used to like them and there's a couple songs I'd love to see. I think it's hilarious they won't take opening slots though. Try to be a little realistic about yourself.
    marsvoltamcr likes this.
  3. TDenverFan


    Wow, an 8 band bill? That seems crazy big
  4. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    i was super hyped about seeing a skylit drive at warped 2009 or so

    that's about all i have to say about this topic
    Joe4th, TJ Wells and joe.boy.fresh. like this.
  5. marsvoltamcr


    ASD was great at Warped 09. I missed their set both times they did the tour after that.
  6. marsvoltamcr


    I think a couple of them may have been select dates only, but I think my date had most of them. Doors opened pretty early if I remember right. Like 4 or so. The sets were short too. I don't think DDG played anything besides In Vogue and that album is only about 30 minutes long.
    joe.boy.fresh. likes this.
  7. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

    At 30, an eight band bill sounds like my nightmare.

    And yes, all future posts I make in this thread will reference the fact that I am 30.
  8. Morgan


    GC sold it before I could get tickets
  9. Cgarnsay


    Which band were you in? Also, have to ask did you enjoy playing the loft?
  10. Behind the Barricade

    Ah ok. Get tickets to DK or Alesana and move around. That's what I'm doing. I'm sure you'll be fine lol
    Morgan likes this.
  11. parkerxcore

    Somebody's gonna miss us Supporter

    You can always convince someone from the GC show to let you borrow a spare ticket to get you passed security and then give it back to them! Works like a charm between balcony and general admission
  12. jjnunn118

    Signal Vs. Noise Prestigious

    No lie, when Alesana does The Emptiness tour we all know is coming I will drop everything to be there. But until then, meh
    Contender, Morgan and joe.boy.fresh. like this.
  13. Minusblue54


    Saw Alesana twice in 2015. 90% of the crowd, including me were either there for the supporting acts or friends of local opener. Both times by the time Alesana played there was maybe 40 people.
  14. Morgan


    I hope they read this and realize that if they got over their ego they would actually have fans again
  15. Frenzyofdeceit


    Honestly, I always figured it was bc Alesana didnt want to go on big tours so they wouldn't be gone as long, for families sake. I've seen them the past few yrs several times & they are great dudes. It's kind of a bummer they don't want to expand their fanbase as it dwindles though, they've always been one of my faves. Hell, one of my best friends in HS was Pat (Guitar) younger brother.
  16. joe.boy.fresh.


    They mentioned that when they were on LSS. That they have families and other endeavors. Full tours would take up too much of their time. Dennis even stated he prefers performing at "this shitty dive bars"
  17. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I played in The Broken Scene. We were based out of Kalamazoo.

    The Loft was wonderful! Good staff, great sound, big stage. Load in can be tough because you either have to use the elevator every other band is trying to use simultaneously or take the stairs, but we always liked playing there. We had about 6-7 shows there over the past few years and never had a truly bad experience.
  18. xthisislove


    They know

    I can 100% tell you that its not because of the guys label or them having family that they don't tour its because they aren't allowed to take the offers where they aren't headlining by a certain member. The actual band has even told me this! The only reason they're not touring all year round is because they don't want to actually play in front of no one instead of the 40 that go or depending on support, stay for them
  19. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    I hate four band bills now, let alone eight. Oof.
  20. TMS2787


    I went to that tour last night… I got there late because of work but Galactic Empire was a lot fun and funny. If you're on the fence you should check out the first 15-20 minutes. They only had a 47 minute set. Lol.
  21. DarkestDayOfMan


    Don't know if this really fits in this thread, but I just realized the Post Malone show in Portland went on sale today (technically yesterday) and it already sold out. Didn't realize he was that big to sell out the show in less than 24 hours.
  22. ADayToFall Aug 5, 2017
    (Last edited: Aug 5, 2017)


    So starting this coming week, we will be getting a fuck ton of tour announcements due to the ending of Warped. As far as I know, the following are rumored/will be announced. Feel free to share what I missed.

    • I Prevail/The Word Alive (TWA rumored)
    • Fit For A King/Like Moths To Flames/In Hearts Wake/Phinehas
    • Oceans Ate Alaska/Invent Animate/Dayseeker/Afterlife (none of these bands were on Warped but still worth mentioning)
    • Hundredth U.S. Rare headliner
    • The Acacia Strain U.S. Gravebloom headliner (was rumored as a TAS/Carnifex co-headliner for some time)
    • Whitechapel/Carnifex/Rings of Saturn/one more band I forgot (ROS are still playing Summer Slaughter so this may not be announced until that is over unless the markets have been played already. This also brings down the TAS/Carnifex co-headliner rumor)
    • Emmure U.S. Look At Yourself headliner
    • Neck Deep U.S. Peace and the Panic headliner in 2018
    • Stick To Your Guns/Counterparts (said to be 2018 but STYG has free time in October and the first half of November, so does Counterparts)
    rbarlyo likes this.
  23. TMS2787


    Same here in Cleveland. I don't know how fast it sold out but when I looked it had been on sale for only a little over 12 hours.
  24. Cmoney86


    I know this is unrelated to this post but the foo fighters are crazy live. They played metro Chicago last night for a Lolla after show and play a 32 song 3 and a half hour set
    Cgarnsay, emlantzy and pauljgreco like this.
  25. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

    It took them 3 1/2 hours to play 32 songs?
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