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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread [ARCHIVED] Tour • Page 2603

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. DarkestDayOfMan


    For me it's not so much a touring band going out and doing a cover set, it's specifically OLN going out and doing a cover set when they're pretty much just known as "the bandwagon cover band". I didn't go and see it personally, but I was all on board when Primus went out just doing a Rush set. If bands want to go out and pay tribute every so often to a band that means a lot to them then sure by all means. But if generic metalcore/post-hardcore band #3349 wants to go out and play the hottest Top 40 songs from the last 10 years but with breakdowns, it just screams cheese.
  2. Oh it’s definitely corny, no doubt about that, but at least it’s actual live music.
  3. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Also, the thing about Primus too is that they played way more than the Rush album. They also did a regular set of their own stuff too. OLN is just cashing in on covers, which is such a bizarre look
    alkalinexandy likes this.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    I, too, would take a stubbed toe over a broken ankle.

    Just goofin' around, I get your point
    joe.boy.fresh. and troyplaysbass like this.
  5. michael_gatto


    Gridiron are one of the best current hardcore bands IMO
    riotspray and Meghin like this.
  6. 333 GANG


  7. manoverboard365


    Ooo maybe I’ll make the drive out to LI for this
    333 GANG likes this.
  8. SeeTheLights

    Trusted Supporter

    It’s too bad about OLN, that first record The Ghost Among Us is actually really good lol

    I remember seeing them back in 2010? At a local event dubbed “Skate Against Drugs” that had them, Vanna, and A Loss For Words playing. Basically all “local” bands being from New England and Maine not having a big scene
    Chcurry182 and joe.boy.fresh. like this.
  9. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Tifoil likes this.
  10. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    That Long Beach one is super tempting. Fingerprints is a rad store
    333 GANG likes this.
  11. Heron182


    Yea singer was like 15 or so haha
  12. bwh0005


    I didn’t find out until semi-recently that he was featured on Danger: Wildman by TDWP.
  13. Tifoil


    Yeah! My and my friends are excited, really looking forward to see who is playing!
    ItsAndrew likes this.
  14. xiamhollywoodx


    Haven’t seen this brought up but Gym Class Heroes left or was kicked off the All Time Low tour
    Brent likes this.
  15. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    I saw some rumors on social media that Travis said something derogatory about Avril Lavigne at a recent show and then left the tour (presumably kicked off) but I have no official confirmation of this at all.
  16. Tifoil


  17. I thought it’d be the other way around
  18. Rmourz


    Gym Class Heroes is an enigma. They either need to officially break up or hire new management.

    They were one of my favorite bands in high school/middle school. Then were inactive for a few years. Then returned with a successful album cycle. then were inactive for a few years. Then did interviews saying they’re writing new music & travie has been practicing at being a better singer so they can do more interesting stuff. then never released anything and were inactive for a few years. Then played their first shows in almost a decade opening for FOB on an expensive arena tour. Then were inactive. Then got announced for Warped 25. Then that inexplicably turned into a solo Travis set. Then came back for this tour with ATL & WWWY.

    if someone just wanted to see them headline a show, you’d need a time machine to 2012. If you bought tickets to the ATL tour or Warped 25 specifically to see them, you got nothing. It’s like even on the rare instances when they play shows they make them as inaccessible to their fans as possible or drop/get dropped from them.
  19. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    according to the emo oral history book released, I believe Travis had a fairly major opiate addiction which probably contributed to the sporadic periods
  20. Rmourz


    Yeah that’s also well documented in their early material. I guess I was under the assumption that he’s been relatively clean the last 10 years or so when all this weirdness started. I feel like I heard him or someone else say that at some point. But I could be totally wrong about that.
  21. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    They were kicked off.
  22. wow the members of All Time Low are so wonderful and holy!
    Cgarnsay, Brent, David- and 2 others like this.
  23. ccsc918


  24. David-


    Obligatory fuck All Time Low
    Contender, Cgarnsay, Zorlak and 5 others like this.
  25. xiamhollywoodx


    Bowling For Soup mentioned at their show last night that because their band turns 30 next year and A Hangover You Don’t Deserve turns 20, they’re doing a worldwide tour where they’ll do a full album play through
    JRGComedy, scottm1023 and 333 GANG like this.
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