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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread [ARCHIVED] Tour • Page 259

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. ADayToFall


    Wondering if Hundredth's change in sound will affect their choice of tours in the future.

    By the way, the new song is great
  2. TMS2787


  3. Cgarnsay


  4. DarkestDayOfMan


    I can't be sure since I joined the Warped livestream late, but there may be a The Devil Wears Prada/Silent Planet tour this year. Garrett was mid-way through reading a question and said he couldn't actually comment on that since it was most likely happening. Reading the comment someone said "wait, are you guys touring with The Devil Wears Prada?!" It's also worth noting that when I saw TDWP on the Killthrax tour that they said they'll probably be back soon. Did anyone watch the whole livestream and can verify?
  5. ADayToFall


    I never did, but holy shit what a possible tour. Add a band like Invent, Animate or Make Them Suffer (or even both) and you got a great touring bill!
    Frenzyofdeceit likes this.
  6. DarkestDayOfMan


    I went back and found the time/read through comments. May not be Prada, but actually ABR. Or Norma Jean. Those were the only 3 bands mentioned by people to tour with. From the start of him reading the comment it looked like it would be ABR. Would make sense, as they're currently working/done (not sure on progress) with a new album. So maybe album end of summer, tour in the fall?
  7. ADayToFall


    I think I saw someone say they want the new album to be released by September, so an early Fall tour would make sense.

    If Norma Jean, that wouldn't be a surprise either.

    Hell, ABR/TDWP/Norma Jean/Silent Planet. Make it happen
    Frenzyofdeceit likes this.
  8. himynameisdakota


    That would be such a sick tour. ABR and Norma Jean is definitely a dream tour of mine.
    Frenzyofdeceit likes this.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    It's cool. My parents live about 10 minutes away from there, so I've been there for a bunch of stuff. The only outdoor show I've been to there was Fall Out Boy / New Politics, which was awesome.

    I'm also going to Matchbox 20 there too this summer.
  10. Cgarnsay


    Isn't it outside as well?

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    It is! All their summer stuff is outdoors. They have an indoor entertainment hall too that's year round.
  12. DarkestDayOfMan


    I've been thinking about Thy Art Is Murder saying they have a tour lined up for the U.S. and I think it may be Summer Slaughter. I have no real proof, just general speculation.
  13. ADayToFall


    That would make plenty of sense
  14. marsvoltamcr Apr 29, 2017
    (Last edited: Apr 29, 2017)


    Has there been any solid rumors about Summer Slaughter's lineup? I can see most of these bands playing this year

    The Black Dahlia Murder
    The Faceless
    Dying Fetus
    Born Of Osiris
    Thy Art Is Murder
    Darkest Hour
    Rivers Of Nihil
  15. DarkestDayOfMan


    Nothing yet. I think by this time last year, Nile had leaked that it was Cannival Corpse and them. May 13 was when the lineup was made official last year.
  16. tyler2tall

    Trusted Supporter


    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    PVRIS record is likely to be announced tomorrow. Maybe a tour too?
  18. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    They have that 30 Seconds to Mars tour that has a bunch of random dates from May to September, so maybe a filler tour?
  19. kidinthebushes


    Anyone know what this is about? Is he going solo?

  20. Behind the Barricade

    Wow, Jesse DeFlorio is still around? I used to buy tickets from him to see his old band. Glad to see he's still doing the photography.
  21. tumbleweedterror

    music is all we got

    He's been playing solo shows in LA for like, a year plus now, so yeah it's probably a solo record.
  22. AnataFan4Life


    Summer Slaughter have finally started posting hints

    Black Dahlia Murder and Dying Fetus so far
    Minusblue54 likes this.
  23. DarkestDayOfMan


    TBDM headlining would be enough to get me to go. Hoping for Thy Art and Lorna Shore as well though.
  24. marsvoltamcr


    Aside from Lorna Shore, that would line up with my prediction so far.
  25. ADayToFall


    Are Decapitated possible too? I don't know if they already have dates around that time period but their new album releases this July.
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