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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread [ARCHIVED] Tour • Page 2473

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. Tifoil


    Not sure if true, but I found this comment
  2. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

  3. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    That’s terrible. Ugh
  4. Cmoney86


    Tour made bank

  5. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

  6. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    Yeah I can attest to the fact that Nashville was SOLD THE F OUT. It was crazy to see that many people in one place specially after Covid
  7. Mtlman1331


    Went to the scaled down Underoath/Ghost Inside show, place was packed. As you would imagine a show originally scheduled to take place in an arena would be. Everyone was awesome. Better Lovers and Underoath being the best of the bunch.

    Spencer did a speech before the last song telling everyone to stay for Ghost Inside, he said you already bought your tickets, they are great guys, even if you aren’t familiar with them check them out. My buddy goes “I guess a lot of people have been leaving after Underoath” then literally as soon as Underoath is done, maybe 400-500 people of the 1300 leave.
  8. himynameisdakota


    That tour really needs another band to bridge the gap between fan bases. I don’t think wcar was a great option. I think someone like styg or even counterparts would’ve worked well.
    joe.boy.fresh. and digitalbath like this.
  9. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    I think TGI’s pull has been overestimated. I’m sure when they first came back and only played a few shows I’m sure they were drawing big crowds. Now that they’ve been back for a bit and seem to be touring more they are probably going to return to playing the same 800-1000 cap rooms they were before the accident.
  10. buttsfamtbh


    it doesn't help that the comeback albums haven't been great either
  11. Mtlman1331


    I love Ghost Inside, but it seems going back to even 2011-2012 people always were pushing them like “these guys are gonna be in arenas” they always had amazing PR, amazing tours, but yea they to me were always gonna be a sold out tour club band.
  12. teel


    a different 2 out of 4 wouldn't have saved that tour

    TGI's importance was greatly exaggerated by the accident and the subsequent giant return show. look at the places they were playing on the tour of said accident, 500-1000 caps.
    buttsfamtbh likes this.
  13. Mtlman1331


    while you aren’t wrong, If I recall that your was just a little different. I think they booked that run at the last minute because of a delay in going into the studio. They played smaller places then they had been playing and didn’t even book any openers cause it was so last minute.
  14. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Are TGI closing out every show? Or are them and UO switching? If people are leaving before TGI, maybe it makes sense for Underoath to close out the tour then?…
  15. Mtlman1331


    The tour is only three days old, but TGI has closed every night so far.
  16. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    Switching I believe. My date Saturday has Underoath first on listings and art
  17. sleon.518

    idk man

    Grabbed a ticket for the New York show on Stubhub for $25. This is definitely the price I would pay at this current stage in my life to see the UO/TGI lineup.
    FFABR and buttsfamtbh like this.
  18. teel


    it was a "locals only" tour (which often is code for "we don't want to lose money to support"). even if relatively last minute (announced a month before the first date) and dictated by the studio and lack of availability of support, it really wasn't an underplay and even included repeats from their previous 2 tours. their tour earlier that year (Acacia/Gideon/IHW) was comparable venues and their co-headliner with ETID (Architects/Hundredth/Backtrack) before that was more 1000+.
  19. Cmoney86


    Outside of his 2 Chicago shows lil durk cancelled his tour
  20. Tifoil


  21. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    I just don’t know the appeal of watching people blatantly half rap along to tracks. Like people want to see a SHOW. I feel like this is why the lil baby tour got cancelled too
    ABRfan3295 likes this.
  22. ccsc918


    Looking at how the joji tour has been selling is crazy

    would love to get my money back on the atlanta date so i can book me a trip to disneyland LOL
    buttsfamtbh and Brent like this.
  23. Cmoney86


  24. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    ghostxvapor and riotspray like this.
  25. Tifoil


    Does she has solo material? Or will she play Chvrches without the rest of the band?

    Edit: I just read she will release her first solo album soon
    bradsonemanband likes this.
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