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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread [ARCHIVED] Tour • Page 1910

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. buttsfamtbh


    damn are people finally turning on ronnie radke?
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  2. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    They all play for an hour, but BFS talks for 30 mins lol
    Tifoil and ALT/MSC/FAN like this.
  3. Cmoney86


    for anyone who missed out on Chicago tickets for the mars volta they are playing the rave in Milwaukee the night after Chicago. tickets go on sale at noon today
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  4. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    I'll end up with about 24 shows this year but half of them are at a place that is 30 seconds walking distance from my door. (Which is actually somewhat annoying as they do rooftop shows - I can literally watch from my balcony or I can hear it in my apartment - the indoor shows I don't hear anything but some slight bass, but the rooftop shows there's nothing I can do but hear and I'm not even the closest unit).

    My main point though, is that not a single one will be an amphitheater type of event. As others said, the location of those venues, the traffic, the costs, and the vibe, just don't match up to a $35 ticket at 800-1500 cap venue in the middle of the city.

    I have also been pleasantly surprised with the turnout at all the shows I've been to, even for small bands (like 200k a month spotify listeners) at midweek shows.
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  5. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah the Amphitheater’s here are in tough to get to locations. The fact that Portland’s largest outdoor area is in Vancouver is crazy. It’s a crap venue, that takes forever to get to battling traffic and the parking lot can take an hour or two to get out of after the show unless you leave early. It would take an insane show to get me out there. Edgefield is an amazing venue, but it’s far out on the east side and can take awhile to get in/out too. The time/money that these shows cost is too much for a lot of people especially if it’s a week night. Weeknight shows are rough for the 30-40 crowd. I probably would have went to TEB/TBS, but it was on a Wednesday. I’m getting off work early and starting late the next day just to be able to do Coheed.
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  6. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    I'll probably go to 50 shows this year. I live in NYC so everything is 20% higher than everywhere else (though salaries are more so it kinda helps). For us city dwellers the area amphitheater dates are really a bitch without a car (subway -> train -> bus) so it has to be a show I'm really invested in to make the trek as I'm used to like 30 min max travel times to shows.
    TSLROCKS likes this.
  7. meggers


    For anyone going to Dallas sad summer on Tuesday, the show is being moved inside due to the excessive heat warning. Food trucks and activations will still be outside.
    riotspray and Helloelloallo like this.
  8. 333 GANG


    No lol people just don’t have any money
  9. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    I can’t imagine this fucking heat helps these shed shows. Like i like third eye blind but do I want to stand outside in 90+ degree heat to hear Jumper?
    OneWing, koryoreo and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  10. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    I've seen Third Eye Blind since 1997, I don't need to go see Stephan Jenkins pushing 60 and not even able to remotely hit the notes.
    Jackbo487 and koryoreo like this.
  11. Jon


    I think I'm lucky that with the exception of one festival (Fire in the Mountains), Orville Peck (which tickets were 30 something each), and a Wardruna show which I bought tickets for in pre-pandemic 2020 when tickets did not scalp you, All the shows I am going to/have gone to this year, are in smaller clubs (sub 1000) that don't cost an arm and a leg (usually in the 20-30 range before fees).
  12. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    I go to like 4-5 shows per year lol. Only ones I have confirmed right now are MCS, NFG, and JEW.
  13. Ryanjayreviews


    I go to about 30 to 40 shows a year. But this is the first year I'm probably gonna finish out the year of only going to 10-12. A lot of it has do with price. An example is why would i pay 60 bucks to see TBS when I've seen them like 8 or 9 times in my life for much less. Another factor is age. I'm now approaching 30 and finding less and less people to go to shows with as a lot of them are moving on from concerts.
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  14. buttsfamtbh


    can't it be both?
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    I guess it's time to break out the graph.
    Screen Shot 2022-07-08 at 1.48.54 PM.png
    monrovian and theasteriskera like this.
  16. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    Here is mine!

    Attached Files:

    theasteriskera likes this.
  17. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

    Did something happen in 2020-2021
  18. Meghin

    Uhhhhhhhhhh... Supporter

    Here's my graph. Me being laid off in the midst of the panini in 2020 definitely had an impact on the amount of shows I saw in 2021, and this year a lot of the shows I was excited about have been cancelled because of COVID, aren't within a solid geographic distance of where I'm at, have really high ticket prices for venues that don't make sense, etc.

    Attached Files:

    ALT/MSC/FAN likes this.
  19. theasteriskera

    Trusted Supporter

    Are these from Concert Archives? I've really gotta migrate shit from Songkick to there
    alkalinexandy and alexmacwilliam like this.
  20. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I go to 20-30 concerts a year and 2-4 festivals. It’s been tough this year with how expensive everything is but I wanted to go to shows the entire pandemic so I’m still going
    ItsAndrew likes this.
  21. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    Brent likes this.
  22. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Yeah my concert attendance has dramatically slowed down. Before the pandemic I would typically be able to fit in 12-20 a year. So far I’ve only gone to 2 this year. It feels so weird
  23. Blink182Bouncer


    IMG_20220708_134547.jpg IMG_20220708_134519.jpg
  24. joe.boy.fresh.


    i won tickets for the Sacramento show today! I’ll report back this weekend
  25. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    Loma Prieta announced west coast & Canadian dates this Summer with The New Trust.

    07/29 - Santa Rosa, CA at Arlene Francis Center
    07/31 - Toronto, ON at New Friends Fest (w/o The New Trust)
    08/02 - Los Angeles, CA at Genghis Cohen
    08/03 - San Francisco, CA at Bottom of the Hill (18+)
    08/05 - Portland, OR at Mano Oculta
    08/06 - Vancouver, BC at Red Gate
    08/07 - Seattle, WA at Bar House (21+)
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